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"Ali will you go get me some more butterbeer from out back" said Hannah, Ali got up from doing her Christmas homework, and went out into the storage cupboard. "Do you think it'll be busy tonight mum?", Ali asked, "yeh, the Weasleys are meant to be coming around so just with all of them we should be busy" Hannah chuckled. "Hey, girls", Neville had just come in through the front door followed by Lorcan, Lysander, Luna and Rolf Scamander, "oh hi, dad" said Ali. "Luna, Rolf, nice to see you, what are you guys doing here?" Hannah walked out from behind the bar and hugged Luna and Rolf, "well the boys were driving us crazy and Neville mentioned you guys were having a little party tonight so we thought we'd help set up" Rolf said taking off his coat. "Ali hunny, heres some money, why don't you take the boys into Diagon Alley and get an ice cream" Neville said handing his daughter some coins, the twin brothers followed her through the back, she tapped her wand on the right brick above the rubbish ben and entered the arch to Diagon Alley.

At 8 o'clock the Leaky Cauldron started getting busy, with witches and wizards all going for a good night, Ron and Hermione were already there with Rose and Hugo, a little after them Angelina and George showed up with Roxy and Fred, they were in a mood because their mum had taken away all their prank stuff for a whole week due to an experimental prank that had caused her mothers favourite jumper to explode. "Hugo, Lorcan, Sander, Roxy!" cried Lily Luna Potter as she saw her favourite cousins and friends, and ran over to them, Albus saw Rose and went over to her, and James saw Ali talking to Fred so he went over to the bar were they were sat, "bye then" said Harry chuckling. Ginny saw her two brothers with their wives at a long table with long benches instead of chairs, took Harry's hand and walked over and sat down next to Hermione, Ron and George were talking new business ideas (Ron had worked as an auror for a couple of years helping settle down the crime after the battle of Hogwarts, but soon quit to help his older brother with the shop, and 6 months after Ron became Georges new partner they opened a new Weasleys Wizard Wheezus in Hogsmeade, it made a large profit when the school students went on visits). "Hey Hermione, hey Angelina" she greeted them, "hey you two" Hermione said at the same time as Angelina, they looked at each other and laughed, "pretty big crowd tonight", said Angelina, "yeh, aha look at the kids, its like they've got their own gang or club or something, its going to be hard for Hugo and Lily, when Roxy, Lorcan and Sander go to Hogwarts next year" said Harry looking over at Lily, Hugo, Roxy and the Scamander twins (*Sander was Lysanders nickname it was easier to say), "yeh I know it will just be Hugo and Lily, then again they will probably be easier to handle" laughed Hermione. Over at the table were the younger children were stationed, they were all laughing and joking, "how was Christmas at Scamander estate?" Lily asked Lorcan and Lysander, the boys looked at each other and began laughing, "what?" asked Roxanne looking puzzled, "aha grandpa Xenophilius came around and started freaking out because he thought he'd seen some sought of creature that was extremely rare and endangered.." Lysander was laughing so hard he couldn't continue, "the "magical creature" turned out to be a big bee.." added Lorcan but before he could finish his sentence Lysander stopped laughing and said still trying to hold back his giggles "then dad started freaking out cause he's allergic to bee's and ..." once again he burst out laughing so Lorcan finished the sentence for him, "then he slipped and fell on the Christmas pudding!", he also had a huge grin on his face now.

"So you've got a dog now?" asked Ali, "yeh, its so cu- ... I mean its .. its cool" James said coolly, Fred gave a slight snigger but didn't say anything, "so what's it called?" he asked sill smirking, James ears went red, "Snuffles" he murmured, "what's that?", "Snuffles" he said a bit louder. Ali and Fred burst out laughing, "Lily chose it and dad nd' mum nearly choked on their tea when she came out with it", he quickly changed the subject, "oh look its Molly and Lucy" Ali interrupted James, and looking over to the door. "Perc' you're a bit late its 10:15 you was meant to be hear 45 minutes" called George, Roxy, Lily, Hugo, Lorcan and Lysander were all sat at the big table now with their parents, "yeh I know sorry, we got a little lost for time, don't ask me how!" he said running his hand through his thinning hair, then pulling Lucy onto his lap. "Lily can I tell you something?" Hugo whispered into his cousins ear, she turned her head, "course whats wrong Hugh?" (she called him that sometimes) they budged up the bench a bit away from the other, "so whats up?" Lilly said, "mum wants me to got to muggle school!" he whispered. Lily looked at him, "whats so bad about that, muggles are cool, I mean they invented the television", "no, no I like muggles to but, I've never been to a muggle school before and I'm sort of well scared", Lily thought for a couple of minutes, "what if I come with you?", "what!", "yeh, I could ask my mum and dad to get me in to, were the same age" Hugo raised his eyebrow, Lily carried on, "yeh I know you're one day older, but we'd be in the same class!". Hugo looked stunned, "would you do that!", "yeh muggles are cool, it'd only be for a year and a half then we go to Hogwarts" she got all giddy at the mention of Hogwarts. "I'll go ask my dad now" she said standing up and walking over to where her parents were sat, Ginny was talking to Luna and Harry was speaking to Ron and Hermione, "hey Lily bean", greeted Harry when they approached, "daddy, don't call me that!" she moaned, smiling, "sorry Lily, are you ok? If you want another drink just go and ask Hannah or Neville, or someone at the bar", "dad can I go to muggle school with Hugo?" she asked, Lily had a tendency to jump straight to the point. "Muggle school?" said Harry a little shocked, "yeh its a place where muggles ... erm well go to school" she said sarcastically, Harry chuckled, "yes I just wondered why?", "well grandma's home-schooling is great and all but, well Hugo said aunt Hermione would like him to go to muggle school, and well you were raised as a muggle so I thought I would .. try it to". Harry had agreed to speak to Ginny about it so Lily and Hugo went back to their spot with the others laughing and joking.

"Come on everyone 10 ..." shouted Hannah who had her arm around Neville's waist, everyone in the pup joined in "10 .. 9 .. 8 .. 7 .. 6 .. 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. HAPPY NEW YEAR!", the couples all kicked "eww!" cried Roxanne, Hugo, Lucy, Lorcan and Lysander. "Hey guys, we're going to go, Lucy is way to excited and she wont get to sleep if she's around this atmosphere any longer" said Percy gathering up coats, "is Molly going to, she looks like she's having fun?" asked Hermione, she nodded in the direction of Molly who was sitting at a table with her boyfriend Danny and some other friends. "Yeh well, that's the problem with having two children with quite a large age gap,", "if you want she can stay at ours tonight, we wont be going for another hour at least so she can stay with us, I can sort out the clothes situation, I can grow some of Roses stuff or she can wear something of mine", "are you sure?" Percy asked, "of course I am!" chuckled Hermione, "I'll go ask her then, thanks Hermione, I really appreciate it, its nice to see her having some fun especially with her studying so hard for the O.W.L's " he said walking towards her table. "Hey dad!" said Molly laughing, Danny looked up, he was a tall boy with dark hair and eyes and quite a lot of girls at Hogwarts liked him , he got flustered when he was around Molly's dad, or uncles, he immediately took his arm away from around Molly's shoulder, "oh, erm, hello ... hi .. Mr erm Mr Weasley" Danny stuttered, Percy laughed, "hello Danny, Molly we're leaving... but no, no, your aunt Hermione offered for you to stay at their house tonight, they'll be staying for about another hour", "can I dad?" she asked, "yeh course, just don't come home before nine o'clock at least, your mother and I need a sleep". Molly chuckled, "what about Lucy she wakes up at like seven at the latest" , "yeh, I think I might slip a smidge of sleeping potion into her water before she goes to bed" he joked, "I have been saying that since she was one year old". Percy kissed his daughter, said goodbye to a nervous Danny and managed to pick up a wriggling and giggling Lucy, "bye everyone, Lucy say bye", "bye, bye" she giggled and the two of them along with Audrey walked off back out side and apparated home.

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