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"Owl post" people cried, as a ton of owls swooped into The Great Hall. James looked up and saw his beautiful chocolate brown owl, Gemeni, swoop down and land near his toast. "Hey Gem." he stroked her, looking down he saw a letter addressed to Albus and himself. He untied the string, Gemeni gave hi a nudge and flew off back to the owlery. "Oi Al!" shouted James, Albus Severus looked around along with many curios heads. "What does he want?" asked Rose, Albus shrugged, yawned and trudges over to the end of the Gryffindor table were his brother sat, "Merlin, he's so... moody in a morning" whispered Scorpius to Rose, who nodded in agreement. "what?" sulked Albus, his eyes were still bearly open, "merlin Albus morning to you to, yeh know your really going to have to work on that before we go home for Christmas, Lily's starting to be like you she will literally punch or kick you if your not careful" stated James, "anyways we've got a letter". He chucked it into his brothers lap, who opened it up and read aloud:

Hey Albus & James or James & Albus (however you want to put it

Tonight was AMAZING, it was so fun. Me and Roxanne are in her room now, eating all our chocolate and sweets. Teddy came with us and he had ORANGE hair, and he made his face looked like a zombie. Me and Roxy are trading Chocolate frog cards, and I got dad FOUR times and merlin its getting on my nerves. Before everyone went home we went to see Grandma & Grandpa Potters statue and laid flowers at their graves and Aunt Hermione brought some muggle Japanese lantern things and we set them off into the sky, it was beautiful. I hope you two had a good time at school. Oh merlin Uncle George is coming and MERLINS CHEESEY UNDERPANTS its 3 o'clock in the morning. Well goodnight/morning and James I'll owl you your birthday present soon.

Love you big brothers. Roxy, I mean Roxanne says hello. Lily xxx

"Oh yeh I forgot it was your birthday soon the big one, three" chuckled Al. Rose and Scorpius came over to them, "come on Al, we better get going", "Oh yeh ok Scorp, see yeh James, I'll write Lily back later." Albus, Rose and Scorpius walked out of the Great Hall and made their way to the Charms classroom, "hold on guys, I'll meet you their, I need the loo". As Scorpius walked away, Rose turned to Albus, "I'm worried about him Al, he got a letter but didn't open it. He looked down at the writing then went white, and I mean Scorpius is always white so its saying something, and when I asked him who its off he just stuffed it in his bag, he looked well.. kind of scared" she whispered in a rushed voice. "Look don't worry it's probably just something ... erm stupid. How about I go talk to him Rosie, make sure he's ok?" Albus reassured Rose, even though he knew she was rite. Scorpius often went like this when he got a certain letter. Rose nodded and Albus walked in the direction his best friend had. As Scorpius walked away he ducked into an empty corridor when he knew the others couldn't see him and took out the crumpled up letter:


I'm sorry your grandfather has been giving you a hard time sweetheart, just ignore him okay. I hope you had a good Halloween Scorpius.

Love you, Grandma 'Cissy. xxx

Scorpius smiled and looked down at the parchment, but before he could put it back in his bag he heard shouts. "Oii Malfoy" "No you cant call him a Malfoy, he's a disgrace to that family". Scorpius looked up just in time to see a fist fly towards his face and he was knocked backwards. Scrambling up off the floor, he looked down at his hand ,that had just been near his nose , it was covered in blood, he pulled out his wand. "Aww look Zabini , the 'ickle first year thinks he can take on us". Then the boy who was rather (extremely) fat hit him with a sardine hex, which caused sardines to fly out of his nose. Then before they could do anything else Hagrid came bounding around the corner. "Wha'cha think yeh doin', leave 'im alone. Tha's it 50 poin's off Slytherin each and meet me at me hut on Friday at eigh' o'clock fo' detention" he barked. The two Slytherins smirked and turged off. "Scorpius are yeh ok son, come on lets ge' you to the 'ospital wing" Hagrid picked him up in his arms as Albus came walking around the corner. When he saw Scorpius bloody and bruised in Hagrids arm he ran down the corridor to where they stood "Hagrid w' .. Scorpius what ... what .. what happened" he stuttered, "look I'm gonna take 'im to the hospi'al wing, you go get Rose you can miss fir's hour ok now go on" Albus ran up to the charms classroom as fast as he could and entered the room without knocking. The new charms teacher Professor Swinchester , "Mr Potter you're late, and where is Mr Malfoy", "Erm, Scorpius is with Hagrid, I mean Professor Hagrid now and he would like Rose and I to meet him to" the teacher thought for a moment then sighed, "I will ask Professor Hagrid if this is true later now go on before you disturb the whole class" she said a little agitated. As Rose and Albus hurried off to see their friend Albus explained everything. When they got there Scorpius was lying in a chair, when Madam Pomfry came walking into view, "He'll have to stay here for an hour till the hex , wears off, you can speak to him for ten minutes the go off to classes ok there's other students who need rest" she explained when they asked. The two of them walked over to where he was and sat talking to him for half an hour before the matron shooed them off.

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