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"Molly, Molly Santa's been, he was here there's presents downstairs come on get out of bed you lazy old toad!" Lucy was jumping on her big sister, Molly groaned, "Lucy? Ugh what time is it?", Lucy passed her the clock it was 4:03, "come on its not time to sleep yet, come on come and lay next to me for a couple of hours at least till the sun goes out". Lucy climbed in grudgingly but soon was snoring next to her sister. "Really you wake me up at the crack of dawn and fall right back to sleep, now I cant sleep, merlin your annoying little sis" whispered Molly, at about half past five she finally dozed back into a uneasy slumber. "Look at them both, cuddling, so cute" cooed Audrey kissing her husband on the cheek. Lucy opened one eye and saw her parents standing in the door way, all of a sudden a burst of energy shot through her, "can we open the presents please, please" begged Lucy she turned back to her snoring sister and shook her awake "come on the suns out now its time to get up". Molly moaned but got out of bed and put on her socks and oversized Weasley jumper. They all ran down the stairs, opened the living room door and saw two piles of presents under two stocking with each of he girls names on it.

At Shell Cottage a giant stag came hurdling into the kitchen, "Kreacher's on his way he should be there in about ten minutes or so, we'll come round a bit earlier to help as well" the stag said in Harry's voice. At that moment Kreacher the house elf apparated into the kitchen with a loud BANG that mad Fluer and Victoire jump. "Kreacher I am glad you're here, I was wondering if you could make some of your famous soup everyone likes and according to James and Louis only you can make proper stuffing" she said putting stuff on a table for him "Victoire and I are going to be preparing the vegetables and making a liver pate the recipe has been passed down in my family for generations". "Of course ma'am, Kreacher loves cooking, in fact I was cooking something for ...", "for who Kreacher?" asked Victoire as she started cutting up a load of carrots, before he could answer there was a knock on the door, Louis ran down the stairs and opened the door, "Louis, Merry Christmas," "Merry Christmas Aunt Ginny, come in mum's over in the kitchen with Victoire and I think Kreacher's there to I heard someone apparate". Louis, James and Albus all headed upstairs to Louis bedroom and Lily went to find Domonique, "hey, Fluer, Kreacher, Vic, what can we do?" asked Ginny, Victoire got them buttering two turkeys (they had to cook two because of the amount of people would be there). At about one o'clock the rest of the family started arriving all wearing the famous Weasley jumpers. The last to arrive was Teddy who had brought his gran along with him, he was also wearing a jumper, it was blue and the giant T was the colour white, he tripped over a coat rack on his way in.

"Come on everyone, time to open the Secrete Santa gifts" called Angelina. They all came running into the canopy that the men had put up outside, there was a fire burning and a couple of sofas, hammocks. and big cushions. They all sat around, while Mr Weasley brought the gifts in, (when they arrived they had put the gifts on a shelf and used a self writing quill to write the names so they wouldn't be able to guess who it was from. Mr Weasley handed Lily hers first, she tore off the paper and was now looking at a box, she lifted up the lid and took out a small guitar with a note attached to it:

This is a self playing guitar, just say "play..." then the name of the song you want it to play and it will play its self while you are doing something else.

"Merlin" she said in awe, "thanks who ever got me it, I love it", out of the side of her eye she saw James give a little smile. It took half an hour to get through them all, Teddy had been given a helmet with black and white patterns on it that changed colours, (he was pretty good at muggle skateboarding but it scared Andromeda half to death so he had promised her that he's wear a helmet at all times), Victoire had gotten a book about muggle history (she was really into history), Domonique loved the pair of black converse live boots that had Domonique written down the side of them in elegant writing, Louis had a robot that did karate moves (it showed you how to execute karate moves accurately), Fred had received a lime green school bag with a invisible secrete compartment only he could see (it was perfect for hiding prank supplies in), Roxanne had gotten a grey and light blue baseball jacket with a R on it, Molly had a new study guide and a special colour change quill and a new cardigan, Lucy loved the ballerina tutu and had insisted her dad put one of her new bows in her hair, Rose had received a funky new camera strap (she loved muggle photography) and the Alice in Wonderland book, Hugo liked his new wizards chess board, James had freaked out at his signed Haleigh Reynolds poster and Albus who had opened his last had gotten a Teddy bear with Gryffindor scarf and a book about potions. "Wow look at all of them, you guys did well this year" said Andromeda walking into the tent, Teddy leapt up to help her, and he guided her to the long table, "Come on everyone sit down dinners, done" shouted Hermione, the kids all ran over to the long table and sat waiting anxiously. Fluer, Bill, Ginny, Angelina, George, and Percy all came walking in with food, that they set on the table, for starters they ate Kreacher's homemade soup, a French pate with bread (although most of the kids just ate bread), after about 5 minutes they ate the main dinner, they went through 2 turkeys, a litre of gravy, and kilograms of vegetables. "Wow I am full!" sighed Roxy, "that was AMAZING Kreacher!" said Lily rubbing her belly, "oh and you aunt Fluer and Victoire", and a half an hour later they sat down again for, cheesecake, ice-cream and chocolate sponge. "Come on Teddy bear time to go, it's merlin, its 9:45" Andromeda said, everyone had left half an hour ago after helping tidying up and staying an extra hour or so, so the adults could relax and the cousins could play with their new presents, "Ok grams" Teddy got up kissed Victoire on the cheek and picked up the helmet he had gotten and walked over to the door, "oh and Victoire honey, make sure you write to Teddy when you're away, he seems to get moody and flustered and really giddy sometimes when you haven't spoke in a while" said Andromeda turning around to Victoire who was still sat cross-legged on the rug. Teddy's hair went the bright red, "Grandma!" , everyone laughed, "have a good trip Vic" he said before rushing out of the house his hair still red, "bye Teddy, bye Andromeda" called Victoire and Dominique. Andromeda held onto her grandson as they apparated home.

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