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As they looked out of the window in one big compartment,they saw their family. Teddy ,and his hair that was changing to the colour of Lily's hair , with Lily on his shoulder smiling and waving but with tears rolling from her eyes. Hugo with his dad and mum waving, Hermione with a slight tear rolling down her cheek. Ginny and Harry smiling and waving, Percy (who made a sigh of relief that they arrived in time) waved as well along with his wife, and Goerge and Angelina, Angelina hugging Roxanne who was in tears, then they couldn't see them as they left the station. "Ok lil bro we are off to find Eliot, we have tactics to figure out so well have a good ride, and stuff" said James leaping up to his feet with Fred "oh and don be afrad when your crossing the lake the giant squids .. er friendly" he sniggered and the walked out of the compartment and down the aisle. Victoire had to leave as well to inform the prefects or there duties because she was the new Gryffindor Head Girl (Bill had been boasting about it since he found out, needless to say he was proud). Dom and Louis and Molly went to meet their friends after wishing good luck to their cousins leaving Albus and Rose all alone. But after 5 minutes there was a knock on the compartment door. There stood a blonde haired boy who looked quiet familiar. "Erm can I sit in here everywhere else is full" said the boy. "Course yeh " Albus moved Bruiser the ferrets cage and the boy sat down. "I'm Albus, Albus Potter and this is my cousin Rose , Rose Weasley". The boy smiled. "Nice to meet you I'm .." to Rose and Albus it seemed like he didn't want to tell them his name "I'm Scorpius" he sighed. "No last name?" asked Rose. He laughed changing the subject "So what house do you guys want to be in?" "Gryffindor just like my parents" said Rose "but I guess Ravenclaw wouldn't be to bad". "Yeh Gryffindor as well" added Albus "what about you?". "Well as long as I'm not in Slytherin" he said. They spent the next couple of hours talking about quidditch and eating food they bought from the old trolley lady until Molly walked past "hey we'll be there in like 15 minutes so you should probably change into your robes and .. good luck ok". They changed and the spent the next fifteen minutes looking out of the window "Does anyone else have butterflies in their stomach?" asked Rose. When they reached Hogsmeade Station they heard a loud and rather familiar voice. "Firs' years, this way come on now, firs' years ... oh 'ello James, Fred how was the journey" Fred and James stood before the half-giant "Oh yes erm amazing" James sniggered


James Potter and Fred Weasley sat in a compartment with their friends. Fred pulled his rucksack from under his seat and put it on his lap, then pulled out a long tube "Whats that?" asked Adi Patil, who looked exactly like her mother. "This Adi is a smell-o-tron" Fred said shaking it rather quickly. "And what does that do exactly" came the voice of Ali who stood at the door. "Oh hello there Alice take a seat and you'll find out" Ali gave him a mucky look (she hated being called Alice it sounded so old fashioned) but sat next to James who gave a slight smile when her hair brushed past his face and he got the familiar smell of coconut. "Now ready three.. two...one!" Fred took off the cap off the tube, nothing happened "Is that it?" Ali smirked. "It was meant to send out noises and disgusting smells, its only in the testing faze I couldn't wait to test it, dad told me to do it at school encase ..." before he could finish his sentence smelly, green chunks erupted from the top , covering everyone in the compartment and the windows, "encase it malfunctioned" sighed Fred wiping green chunks from his eyes. "Woah what went on here" laughed Louis who had just come back from the toilet.


"So next Sunday for tea and rock cakes?" asked James. "arg yeh sounds good, will be nice to see yeah all an' remember to tell Albus and Rosie, I mean your all growin' up so fast" Hagrid said pulling out a purple poke-a-dot hanky and blew his nose in it. "OI Jamie Freddie come on" cried Louis. The boys grimaced (Jamie and Freddie where the names Grandma Weasley called them and their cousins/siblings had picked up on their hatred for the names so they called them that to annoy them) they said bye to Hagrid, and went off to the carriages. Rose, Albus and Scorpius followed the sound of Hagrid's booming voice. He led all the first years to the edge of a lake "okay 3 to a boat nd' no pushin' each other in" Hagrid climbed into the first one, Scorpius, Albus and Rose climbed into another. As they sailed across the calm lake, Rose saw bubbles coming from the left of them "This must be the black lake" she grinned, "how d'yeah know that?" asked Scorpius looking around in astonishment "I saw the bubbles... from the giant squid" before Scorpius could answer Rose they saw it. Hogwarts Castle. All the first years gasped and whispered , "wow it better then everyone said" Albus whispered. Everyone followed Hagrid up to the castle when they entered the Entrance Hall Professor Longbottom smiling. "Ok so in a few short minutes you will go into the Great Hall to join the other students, but before you take your seats you have to be sorted, don't panic its not scary just be yourself". After 2 minutes the huge doors opened and they walked in. At least over a hundred faces stared at them as they walked down towards the staff table were there stood a wooden stool with a black worn-out hat placed on the top. Rose and Albus looked around at the tables were at the Gryffindor table he saw Victoire, Fred, James, Ali, at the Ravenclaw table Louis and Molly and over at the Slytherin table Domonique. They reached the front and stood in a line, "so when I say your name just come and sit on the chair." said Neville smiling reassuringly. "Wood, Bradwin" a tall boy with short brown hair sat on the stool, "GYFFINDOR" cried the hat. "Kendrik Zoey", "HUFFLEPUFF" after a couple more people sat on the stool and were sorted came the name "Weasley , Rose." Rose looked at Albus, he gave her a nod of encouragement she went and sat the stool.

"Another Weasley, another one, one year without one would be lovely" came a voice as the hat was placed on Rose's head "now lets see, hmm you take after your father more then your mother I see, well then its obvious isn't it" Rose gulped "GRYFFINDOR" the hat cried out loud, Rose sighed a sigh of relief, jumped off the seat and walked over to sit at the table were her cousins were cheering the loudest. "Creevey Camryn" the small girl with light blonde hair sat on the chair "RAVENCLAW." after Camryn it was Derek Watson and Amber Parkinson were sorted into Slytherin then came Albus. "Oooh another Potter now lets see you have the qualities of all four clever like a Slytherin, friendly and loyal like a Hufflepuff , brave like a Gryffindor and ... cunning like a Slytherin" the thought of him being sorted into Slytherin scared 'NOT SLYTHERIN , PLEASE NOT SLYTHERIN' Albus thought, "agghh not Slytherin, just like your father, well then.. GRYFFINDOR" Albus took off the hat and joined Rose. Finally came the name "Malfoy, Scorpius" many people gasped at the name and stared at the blonde haired boy who sat on the stool. "Oi Al isn't that the boy who was sat with you to in your compartment?" asked James. Albus nodded. Professor Longbottom placed the hat on Scorpius' head and then came the voice "Malfoy, seems you are different from the rest of your family, you don't want to be in Slytherin do you, know anything but actually well then I see only one other option for you .. GRYFFINDOR" the hat yelled, the applause he received as he went to sit next to Albus where muffled, the whole hall including the teachers where shocked. "Well then welcome back students, I "wont say much except all ZONKO and WEASLEY products are all banned, nobody goes anywhere near the Forbidden Forest and also James Potter, Fred Weasley, Louis Weasley, Ali Longbottom , Adi Patil, Tyler Coote and Bengamine Mclaggen will be at Hogsmeade Station tomorrow by 8 o'clock to clean the compartment they were in on the ride here" said Headmaster Filtwick satnding at the front and speaking to his many students "now no more speeches, so ... dig in!" "I understand why you didn't tell us your last name, nut you don't have to be ashamed, we'll be your friends" Albus said to Scorpius. Scorpius smiled, nobody had ever said something so nice to him, and this was the beginning of a long time friendship.

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