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It had been a good night at The Burrow last night, but now everyone in the Potter household where rushing about like headless chickens. "Hello anyone here" came a soft voice from the fireplace Hannah and Ali Longbottom steppe out with a cat cage and a huge brown trunk with stickers on. Lily came walking into the room "aww Polo" she said running over to the kitten in the cat cage, "hello to you too Lily". "Oh yes hi Mrs Longbottom, Ali come on lets put you trunk near the door." Harry walked in at that moment with a school robe in one hand and firebolt-Xtreme, in the other witch belonged to James (Its took him 5 months to save up enough to buy it, by playing tea parties with Lily, walking neighbors dogs, going a whole month without getting detention) "Oh Hannah yes sorry I would make you a drink but its a bit hectic around here", "Oh no problem have to get going now anyways, thank you so much for taking Ali" "sure anything for a friend" Harry added. Ali kissed her mother then ran upstairs with Lily to help Albus and James pack "Bye sweetie I love you" Hannah cried before heading back into the fire and saying "St Mungos Hospital" and she disappeared.

At half past nine they set off in the black family mini van and headed away from Godricks Hallow. It took them an hour to get to kings cross station ,the whole way there Lily and Ali were singing with Albus and James just sat there shaking his head until Ali nudged him, he sighed and starting singing the loudest (Ginny and Harry couldn't help laughing) , Teddy Lupin was waiting for them clearly visible by his bright blue hair. When they puled up they put their trunks on the trolleys but kept hold of their animals, James owl Gemeni was squawking loudly (knowing he was going to Hogwarts for the 3rd time), the squawking drew quite a lot of attention from passing muggles. "Here we are platform 9 3/4, James , Ali do you two want to go first Harry you go with Al and me and Lily will go last." said Ginny. Lily leapt down from her big brothers trunk as he ran towards the brick barrier closely followed by Ali. "You ready son?" Harry asked Albus, "Ready dad," "1..2...3!" and off they went. Making sure no-one was looking Ginny held onto her daughters hand as they ran towards the barrier, Lily closed her eyes and they came out the other side on Platform 9 3/4. There in front of them was a huge scarlet steam train with a plack on the front reading THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS. "woah" cried Albus as his mother and sister walked next to him "Mummy , daddy please can I go, I really want to go!" begged Lily, "not yet Lily 2 years and then you can go" said Ginny stroking her daughters amber coloured hair and smiling, she reminded Ginny so much of herself. "Where are they dad, where are they I cant see them!" panicked Albus searching for something, "Don't worry they'll be here just calm down Albus" Harry said trying to calm down his youngest son down. Then he saw James ,who had gone on ahead of them, with Rose, Hugo, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron. "There you are, took your time didn't you" cried Ron. James walked around to the other side of the train when he spotted his friend but bumped into Teddy and Victoire behind a pillar "Hellloooo" joked James, Teddy & Vic turned around "what do you want James?" asked Victoire starting to get annoyed, "just wondered what you to are doing here, hiding behind a pillar, snogging?" he asked slightly amused. "We were talking James now stop been a prat and bogg off or do you want me to tell Uncle Harry who really blew up the broom shed or broke his sneak'a'scope!" "Woah Vicky calm down I'll just be leaving no need to bring up the past" he said worriedly backing away. "Thanks for bringing me Harry, Ginny I'm going to find a compartment" Ali said kissing Ginny on the cheek and hugging Harry as she hugged him he whispered "Make sure James doesn't get into much trouble" Ali laughed and boarded the train. James came running around the corner "Teddy, and Victoire are over there ... snogging" he yelled to his family, they looked at him but then carried on loading their trunks "didn't you here me our Victoire and our Teddy Lupin snogging, they weren't to happy to see me either" he snorted. Ginny turned her head "You interrupted them , your just like Ron" , "whats that?" Ron said. Fluer looked up at the clock on the wall "aw three minutes left you bette' get on di train" she kissed Louis then Domonique then Victoire who had just come from round the corner holding hands with Teddy. Percy and Audrey came through the barrier with Molly II and Lucy , in Audrey's arms, "Not long now , come on have a good time study hard and I want a letter everyweek at least" Percy said kissing his daughter then putting her trunk on the train, Molly kissed her sister who whispered " I love you" into her ear, then she hugged her mum, "Bye everyone" she cried waving to her family. James, Fred, Louis and Dom followed. Teddy kissed Victoire and she followed her siblings and cousins. Albus froze "Dad i'm scared what if i'm scared what if I am in Slytherin." Harry bent down to eye level "Albus Severus Potter you are named after two headmasters of Hogwarts and one of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I've ever know." After the reassurance from his father he kissed his sister , who began to cry and with Rose walked onto the Hogwarts Express as it set off

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