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At the Slytherin table, Domonique was chatting with her friends, Kendra Applebee and best friend Hugh Estrade, when a boy came strutting up to them. As the boy with spiky black hair and long nose approached, they fell silent. "Applebee, Estrade . Weasley .. I mean Dom, I was wondering if we could talk, in private" said the boy confidently, Kendra and Hugh left the table and walked over to the other end. The boy sat down, "Hendrix, how can I help you" Domonique said, smiling then taking some toast and spreading jam over it, "well there's a Hogsmeade visit tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd want to go with me." he said fiddling with his fingers. Domonique took a bite then said after a minute or two, "sure, why not? I would of answered you a minute ago, but I haven't seen you that nervous and fidgety since your first day here" she laughed, Hendrix Oswald scowled, then laughed "I always wondered why you were placed in Slytherin I mean your not against muggles or all about blood purity and your not in a term evil, but now I understand now, you sly and cunning" Dom smiled, " I will meet you in the Entrance Hall tomorrow at ten o'clock?" he added. "Lets make it half past, I like my sleep." she said. Hendrix strutted off back to his friends, as he did he passed Kendra and Hugh. They sat down opposite Dom, "What was that all about?" asked Hugh looking back, "he asked to go to Hogsmeade with me" she answered picking up her bag and heading to the door. Hugh and Kendra followed, "oooo!" called Kendra as the made their way to ancient ruins class.

The next day Domonique Weasley woke at quarter to ten, dressed in her favourite black skirt, stripy black and white top with a denim waistcoat, dark brown boots and cream coloured socks. She brushed her hair, then went down for breakfast. When she entered the Slytherin common room there were only a couple of first years who were finishing homework, she then headed up to the Great Hall. On her way, she turned a corner and heard the sound of James and Fred and Louis, "we heard your taking our Dommie out on a date today, to Hogsmeade." said James poking him, Fred crossed his arms, "yes I am ,I asked her yesterday she said well ... yes obviously, so?" said Hendrix, it was the first time Domonique had seen him look intimidated, she sniggered. "Well here's the thing, she's my sister and I love my sisters, so if you hurt her I will beat you into a concussion then ,when your finally recovering I will hex you into the next century, yeh got it?" Louis said, for a twelve year old he was quiet feisty, probably the mix of vela blood and the Weasley gene. "And we will make sure that all our pranks for the next 6 months will make you look extremely stupid and humiliate you till you have to move to Australia and live as a muggle." interrogated Fred. At that moment the transfiguration professor, Professor Macantage came around the corner, "whats going on here boys? come on go do something" he said looking from the James, Fred and Louis to Hendrix. Hendrix went off into the Great Hall and the others walked off outside. Domonique lingered a couple of minutes before entering the Great Hall, she didn't want Hendrix to know she had, heard and seen everything. She entered the hall and walked past Hendrix towards Kendra, "You look nice" she said as Domonique was walking up to her , Dom spun around and her skirt puffed out as she twirled, the two of them laughed. "Where's Hugh?" Domonique asked Kendra, sitting down and taking a bowl of muesli, "Oh he had Saturday detention, he set fire to Mrs Norris at the exact same moment Filch himself walked around" she chuckled, "Ugg I hate Filch I mean surely he should be retiring soon he's been workin' here for ... at least 99 years." sulked Domonique. For the next ten minutes Dom and Kendra ate breakfast laughing and joking, "time to go" said Kendra looking at her metal watch with the words friends carved into it, that Domonique and Hugh got her for her 13th birthday. They walked together to the Entrance Hall, but while Kendra walked on up to the front gates that would soon be opening, Domonique stayed behind. Two minutes later, Hendrix came walking up to her. "Hey Dom", he greeted, "Hey Hendrix". He fidgeted then said "do you mind calling me Henry or Oswald if you want, I mean Hendrix is possibly the stupidest name ever invented" Henry looked down at his feet, slightly surprised Domonique said sweetly "sure I know what you mean, my family call me Dom, it sounds like a middle-aged mans name" she laughed. As the two of them walked across the grounds to the village they carried on talking about their stupid names, laughing and joking so far having a nice time.

After ten minutes of a slow walk they reached The Three Broomsticks "Do you want to get a butterbeer before we go looking around?" asked Henry. Domonique agreed, he held the door open for her as they went inside. They sat at a table near the back, after receiving their drinks they began I big conversation on their classes and professor and student they didn't like. "Yes she is quiet annoying, in our first year she got rather pissed off that I didn't want to sit next to her in Potions, when I explained that it was due to the fact she smelt like horse dung, she, after changing her soap, would hex me whenever we were in the same ruddy room" laughed Henry before taking a sip o butterbeer, Domonique snorted, "what?" Henry asked innocently looking at her, she pointed to the top of her lip, indicating that he had a butterbeer mustache, he wiped it away and they laughed together. Domonique was having a good time, she was enjoying herself quiet a bit, until she noticed to familiar whispers coming from behind her, the whispers belonged to James Potter and Fred Weasley, her annoying cousins. "Well I think I need the loo" said Domonique standing up from her chair, instead of walking straight to the lavatories on the other side of the bar she followed the whispers. "What are you nitwits doing, I know your routine Fred, you spend your time in Honeydukes, Zonkos, or Weasleys Wizard Wheezus not hiding out in here for half an hour and you James , well it's your fist time at Hogsmeade I highly doubt you want to be spending it stuck in a crowded bar. If I was you I would spend the rest of your trip far, far away from me or you'll be spending a rather long time in the hospital wing" Domonique smiled sweetly then walked off back to her table. Taking her threat seriously, they slumped out of the bar into the wind.

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