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"Remember we have tea with Hagrid tonight, he had to reschedule don't be late" Molly reminded Fred, James, Albus and Rose, then she walked off back to the Ravenclaw table. The bell rang and everyone went off to their morning classes. Fred sat in History Of Magic at the back of the class, Domonique was sat a couple rows in front with her best friend Nova Daniels (a fellow Slytherin). As the ghost professor droned on and on about the giant wars Fred started feeling so bored he was sure he was about to drift into a coma. Domonique turned around "Fred" she whispered trying to get his attention, "Fred, oi Freddie". Fred looked up, startled, then before he could react a paper ball came hurtling at his face. He un-scrunched it and read: PULL SOME FAMOUSE WEASLEY PRANK AND LIVEN THIS EXCRUTIATENLY BORING CLASS UP! Fred smiled, he had the perfect plan. He opened up his bag and pulled out what looked like an ordinary muggle whoopee cushion, he stood up quickly and put it underneath his bum. As he sat down random noises came out of it: MOO, OINK, BLAGHH ,GARBLE GOOP, COW, MEOW , DOOBY DOO DAH. The whole class burst out laughing, it took Professor Binns a second to realise what happened. Meanwhile the whoopee cushion carried on chanting: MOO, OINK, BLAGHH ,GARBLE GOOP, COW, MEOW, DOOBY DOO DAH. "Very funny, now Mr and Miss Weasley will be having detention tomorrow evening. "What did I do?" demanded Domonique, standing up. The ghost turned around "I'm dead Miss Weasley not blind" he stated mater-of-factly, before resuming to the topic of giant wars with the rest of the class smirking.

At quarter past four Victoire rushed down the steps leading to the grassy grounds. She knocked on the door of the wooden hut. "Down Fang, down, it'll on'y be Victoire" the door opened and their stood the tall Hagrid, smiling. "Hello Hagrid sorry, I'm late some fifth years were picking on a second year muggle-born boy." she entered the hut to find all know one there "where is everyone?". "Oh there all outside it was a bit crammed in here, theres so many of you now and your all getting so big. Hagrid lead her out the back door, there was one long table full of food and drink with her sister, brother and cousins around it and Buckbeak the hippogriff walking around. Victoire sat down next to Molly and Albus, while Hagrid sat at the end of the table. "I got the 'ouse elves to make us some food, I di'nt have much time to cook anythin' what with teachin and the gamekeeper duties." he said handing around the potato salad. "So James how are yeh likin' all yer new classes, yer takin' Muggle studies aswell as my class aint yeh?." James looked up, he had chocolate icing on his nose from one of the cup-cakes. "Ahh yeh there well good, muggle studies is quite interesting... but care of magical creatures is by far the best." he added, Hagrid beamed, "How's your firs' week be'n then you two, made any frien's?". "yeh it's been amazing, surprising how much homework we get though" said Rose before taking a swig of her lemonade. "Yeh, and we hang around with Scorpius Malfoy and a muggle-born girl called Tara Bradshore" Albus smiled (they had met Tara properly on their second day when they entered the dungeons for potions class, she was a small girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes.) "Agghhh I still cant believe he's a Gryffindor, must be the first in generations, seems he's the new Sirius Black, I mean from a family of Slytherins and Death eaters and in Gryffindor and friends with a Potter." said Hagrid, "Anyways hows the head girl doin', bet yeh dad was proud" Victoire blushed. "Proud he hasn't stoped talking about it since she got that damn badge." scoffed Louis, everyone laughed. The party carried on until the sun began to set. They all had a good night, after helping tidy up, they said bye they stuffed rock-cakes into their pockets, so not to be rude. "Look at 'em all Fang, they've grown up so fast" he said as the cousins walked back to the castle laughing and joking.

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