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"Come on Vic, we have to go" said Teddy, "no, I'm tired I wanna sleep" moaned Victoire, she had her head on the table with tissues in her hand, "come on 'Toire we get the whole morning off from lessons" said Chantelle, "I don't feel very well, leave me alone" said Victoire, "here have some coffee" Chantelle handed her a mug, "that wont help you know" Teddy whispered to his girlfriends best friend "I put a little potion in it, it'll only work for twelve hours, but we can take her to the hospital wing then" Chantelle answered. Victoire took a sip, she didn't look any different, but she seemed to have more energy, "come on then" she jumped up, grabbed her bag and marched out of the hall, Chantelle and Teddy looked at each other, they followed her out of the hall laughing. "Where is it we're going again?" Chantelle asked as they climbed the stairs, "don't worry we'll show you" said Victoire who was now holding Teddy's hand, when they reached the room of requirement and Teddy pushed open the door. "'Bout time Ted" joked Harry, "sorry Harry" he said, "its not his fault, i'm stubborn when I want to be" said Victoire, she was jumping up and down, "Victoire are you ok?" asked Harry, "me.. yeh .. fine .. epic .. awesome .. fantabulous!" she said skipping over to the seats. "Well okay then? Anyways lets start, so this should be a really fun lesson, I'm looking forward to this one" said Harry to the class, "who's heard of a Patronus?", "yep" he said pointing to a boy with long hair "its a thing that repels dementors, and the form it takes is a representation of your soul, to perform it you have to think of happy, positive memories or feelings, and if your using it against a dementor, the dementor will feed off the patronus instead of you", the boy said, "well done, so I guess you may have figured out what we're doing then?". "I don't expect you to do it first time, but we have all morning to practise, so its possible a few of you may be able to do it" said Harry, the students went and spread across the room, Victoire stood close to Chantelle "so the incantation is: Expecto Patronum, yeh got that?" "Expecto Patronum" everyone repeated, "good, so when you say the spell you have to think of the happiest memories you can think of and then you should be able to produce a patronus after many tries" said Harry. "Can we see yours sir?" asked Chantelle, "erm ok" said Harry, he pointed his wand at an empty space, he thought of Ron and Hermione, of his wedding day to Ginny, the time he held James, Al then Lily for the first time, when one of Teddy's first words was Harry (he said grandma, mama and dada first though) and said "Expecto Patronum" from the tip of his wand burst out a white stag. There was gasps from all around, Harry turned back to the class "now its your turn, Teddy and I will be coming around to check how you're getting along , and if you need any help ok", from around the room, everyone was shouting out the spell, they practised for a couple of hours so far only a few people had managed to conjure up mist that came out the tip of their wands. "Have you studied this yet?" asked Teddy, "yeh we've been practising, no ones done a full patronus yet though" said Chantelle taking a break, "oh stop moaning, you managed to make a bit of mist, I cant even get a spark!" huffed Victoire, "just concentrate, Vic, think of the happiest memory you can think of, say the incantation, but still think of that memory of that happy feeling" said Teddy quietly in Victoire's ear. Victoire closed her eyes, held out her wand and thought of the first time she kissed Teddy, she thought of their first date, she thought back to their date in the Christmas holidays when they went horse riding, "Expecto Patronum" she said, holding onto them memories and that feeling of happiness, from the tip of her wand burst out a beautiful horse, it walked around a bit before it faded away. "Merlin Vic!" gasped Teddy, Victoire looked around everyone was gawping at her "what?" she asked shyly, "that was AMAZING 'Toire!" squealed Chantelle, jumping up and down "that was fantastic Victoire, you're the first person to do that, well done!" cheered Harry, the whole room began clapping, "er cheers!" she said shyly. With that the bell rang, "aww that's enough for today guys, keep practising though because some of you are very close, well done", everyone gathered up their stuff and left the room, they all began talking excitedly to Victoire or about Victoire, "come on you two, lets get out of here, we'll grab some food from the kitchens and go down to the lake" said Teddy pulling the two girls down a different stair case. "Hey Vicki, I heard about your patronus, well done" said Molly as they passed her, "wait, how do you know about that already, it happened literally five minutes ago" said Victoire, "please, something like that spreads as quick as Dragon Pox, where you going?" she said, "down to the lake, wanna come?" asked Teddy, "I'll come" came Fred's voice, he walked upto them followed by James and Louis, "sure, lets make it a family affer" and Teddy led them all down the stairs. They popped into the hall to get the rest of the Weasleys and Al to see if they wanted to go with them, then they went to the kitchens picked up some food and went down to a tree near the lake, were Victoire performed her patronus again to her cousins, brother and sister, they all gasped then applauded, and they ate until the bell rang.

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