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"George, wake up, wake up" Angelina insisted, poking her husband in the back. "Mmmm" he groaned putting the pillow over his face and getting comfy again, "George Weasley wake up before I hex you into oblivion" Angelina yanked the pillow away from his face and started waking him with it. George jumped up "MERLIN Angelina, what the hell are you doing", "well I tried to play nice, its half past nine, and everyone's coming at twelve, you should be thankful I didn't get my wand, or send your daughter in here with some of your merchandise, now get up you big buffoon" before she could walk out George rugby tackled her and she fell backwards on the bed, "Aggg" she screamed, chuckling, George kissed her full on the lips, "now I'll get up" he joked jumping up, out of bed. They entered the kitchen together and saw Roxanne sat at the table, wearing a black top with the words "THIS IS MY COSTUME" written on the front in white letters and a picture of a muggle ghost, George walked over to where she sat eating her QUIDDITCH LOOPS (a rather popular wizard cereal) "There's my lil girl!" he said kissing her on the head. "When is everyone coming mum?" she asked, walking over to the sink and putting her bowl in. "Around twelve o'clock, Luna and Rolf are coming with the twins as well so you can all play quidditch together" she smiled. Then came a knock on the door, as Angelina walked towards she heard a voice coming from outside "behave wont you boys, just for one night, I'm looking at you Lysander...". She opened the door, "Hey Angelina" said two identical twin boys in unison, they had white/blonde scruffy hair and blue eyes and mischievous grins, "Lorcan , Lysander, Roxy's outside helping set the table," she smiled "why don't you boys go see if there's anything to do, it might keep you out of trouble for a couple of minutes" came a dreamy voice, it was Luna Lovegood. The family entered, "drinks?". Fifteen minutes later came a calling out of the fireplace, "Arthur, there is no need for you to cling on to me, I have been using the Floo Network since I was a child, I know I'm getting old, but still!", Roxanne ran into the living room, "Grandma, Grandpops!" she yelled hugging Mrs Weasley, "hello Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley" said the twins together, then thy turned to face each other, "stop it.. I'm not doing anything... yes you are... stop it!" they said at the exact same time. Mr Weasley laughed "hello boys". An hour later, Ron, Hermione and Hugo, Harry, Ginny and Lily arrived together and ten minutes after them Percy Arrived with Lucy.

By one o'clock they had all seated outside on, once again, long tables. As Angelina sat down and put the watermelon on the table then took out her wand, muttered something, then in a blink of an eye the giant fruit had been cute into cubes and levitated into the bowl. "Where's Audrey, Percy?" Mrs Weasley didn't like Audrey one bit, she quiet frankly liked Fluer more when they first met (granted she was now one of her favourite daughter in-laws, not that she had favourite). Percy looked up from his potato salad "Oh well her fathers sick and Lucy was looking forward for today so Audrey went to her fathers house and I brought Lucy here. Talking about people who aren't here where's Bill and Fluer and I thought Teddy was coming" Lily looked up at the mention of Teddy's name and turned to her uncle "Teddy's coming later with Granny Andromeda there coming Trick or Treating with u" she smiled before continuing her conversation with Lorcan about how much sweets and chocolate they were going to get. "Bill and Fleur couldn't make it, they're in Paris visiting Fluers family." piped up Angelina who ,along with Ginny, Hermione and Harry and Rolf, was cleaning the table. Ginny, Roxanne, Hugo, Lorcan ad Lysander tried to creep of to the quidditch shed until, "Oi you lot ,you can go off and play , AFTER you help clear up" shouted Ron. The children grudged back towards the house and took the plates and empty cups back into the house. 15 minutes later they all ran out to the back garden to the broom shed, while the adults looked out from the window laughing as little Lucy followed the and fell, she didn't cry she just got back up and wiped her hands on her pink flowery dress (which had taken over an hour to get her to wear, she had ran around the house screaming and hiding and yelling at the top of her lungs and screeching "I don't like pink , daddy nooooo"). "TEDDY" yelled Lily from the top of her broom. She flew down and ran towards him, he grabbed her and give her a huge bear hug. It was half past five now and the sun began to set, "so are you lot coming in and getting into your costumes I want some chocolate." The rest of them flew down and went on into the house. Roxanne and Lily went in Roxy's room to change, Roxanne's room wasn't the biggest room it had a bunk bed near the wall (which were painted aqua blue). with posters of quidditch teams, and a butterfly painting James "got" her for her birthday last year. The room was very messy, with clothes hanging everywhere and parchment laid out on the floor. Ginny and Angelina entered the room with two costumes, a fairy for Lily and a purple witch costume for Roxanne, "real witches don't dress like this and we don't wear hats with cobwebs on them!" Roxanne complained, " I like it though, its ... its.." "creepy and awesome" finished Lily laughing. 10 minutes later they went downstairs and saw the boys already dressed, Hugo was a footballer, Lysander was a pirate and Lorcan was a mad scientist and little Lucy was wearing a bumblebee outfit. "Can we go no, can we go now!" asked Teddy walking into the room he had changed his hair to the colour orange and was wearing a black cape like a bat, "Your like a big kid yeh know" said Harry scruffing his hair. "We are going to go now hunnie's we're getting tired have fun in the muggle world" said Mr Weasley as they all left and apparated to the main muggle part of the city.

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