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"Where you going?" asked Scorpius groggily, it was one o'clock in the morning, Scorpius raise himself up a little and rested on his elbow and was looking confused at the fact that Albus was getting out of bed and putting on his cloak, "I cant sleep, I'm gonna explore the castle" said Albus. "Explore the castle? It's one in the morning , we have classes in the morning!" said Scorpius, "well you don't have to come, you can go back to sleep" said Al as he reached the door, "yeh I am going to, I'm not mental like some people, who would rather roam the cold corridors with teachers and prefects and Peeves walking, or floating, around the place, then stay in a nice warm bed and sleep" Scorpius, rolled over while Al walked out the dormitory into the common room and out through the portrait hole. Now was the time for the decision of all decisions ... left or right? It was a hard choice but he decided to go right, "Lumos" he whispered, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" he whispered again tapping his wand on a piece of parchment, a minute later, the spirals revealed a map of Hogwarts, with little dots pondering around here and there that had names underneath. Albus located his dot and examined the area around him on the map, nobody was near him, so he carried on down the hallway glancing down at the map every now and then, "oh great!" he said, when he saw that Filch was making his way towards him. Albus looked around and ducked into a bathroom, he didn't realise it was a girls bathroom till he got inside. "Ooo I haven't seen you before, yet you look so familiar" came a whiny girls voice, Albus turned around and saw a transparent teenage girl floating in the air, "erm hi" said Al awkwardly, "I know who you are now, you are a Potter", "yeh I'm Al" , Al looked down at the map, "look I better get going now" he said once Filtch had passed, "what, you cant leave now" the girl began to sob. Al looked around, he was uncomfortable, "I have classes in the morning an... wait who are you?", "me?, I'm Myrtle," said the ghost, "well its er .. nice to meet you Myrtle . but like I said I have to ... I have to go" Albus started edging towards the door, "nooo" Myrtle began to sob "you cant leave now!" "I'm sorry Myrtle I really am but I'm not even supposed to be out of bed, and before she could say anything else, Albus swung open the door and ran a bit down the hallway, he could hear a loud "splash" from behind.

When he felt he was far enough away he began walking at a normal speed again, until he came to a long portrait of a beach, there was a man stood on the sand rubbing what looked like sunscreen all over himself. "Oh hello there" the man said turning around, he had a long beard and was wearing an old wizarding hat, spectacles, baggy shorts that went down to his knobbly knee's and next to him laid a pile of robes, "I'm Albus Dumbledore, I shan't bore you with all of my name, its exceptionally long" chuckled Dumbledore. Albus looked shocked, "you're Albus Dumbledore, the Dumbledore!", "yes I believe I am, and you are?", "I .. I'm Albus Severus Potter, but you probably guessed that, I look a lot like my dad" said Albus, "yes I had a faint idea, you do look a lot like him, and your middle name..." Albus interrupted him, "yeh, I have a very strange name, most people call me Al but mum and dad call me by my middle name, it gets quite scary sometimes" Dumbledore chucked, "yes I presume it would be especially with your mother and that Weasley temper of hers", "yeh, I was hoping to meet Snape one day, but I never seem to see him around anywhere" Albus said a little disappointed, "just you wait here" said Dumbledore putting on his cloak and walking out of the portrait. "Er ok..." said Albus Severus, after 5 minutes he started getting bored so began pacing up and down, "I have already met the other one, he's a show off like his father and grandfather, what makes you think this one will be any different..." came a voice, Albus Potter stopped in his tracks, "so where is the boy then...", "Hi, I'm Albus Severus Potter, sorry about my brother, he is a bit of a prat, especially when he's with Fred", Severus Snape looked into Albus' eyes, "you have her eyes" he whispered, "sorry, I didn't hear that?", "nothing, so I guess you're just like all the other Potters eh, pranks and quidditch", "no not really, I'm not that good at quidditch, and I do play pranks every now and then but not as much as Fred, and James or Lily and Roxy, but I am good at potions". Severus Snape looked surprised, he liked this one, wow that shocked him, Severus Snape was fond of a Potter, they talked for about half an hour until Al decided he better go back to bed, because if he had to copy Scorpius' notes, Scorpius would probably kill him, but after that encounter the painting of Severus Snape could be seen wondering around the classrooms, normally were the youngest Potter son had lessons.

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