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"HUGO, YOU HERE?" shouted Lily, crawling out of the fireplace, "HUGO?", "Lily is that you?" asked Hermione from the kitchen, "hey auntie 'mione," said Lily walking into the kitchen, "you all ready for your sleepover?", said Hermione, "yeh it should be fun". "Was that Lilykins?" came Ron's voice from the hallway, "hi uncle Ron" smiled Lily when he entered the kitchen, "yeh know you have a very big mouth, people from down the street could probably here you" he joked flicking on the kettle, "mum is Lily here, I thout I heard ... never mind.. hey Lils" said Hugo walking into the kitchen with his rucksack in one hand and a single trainer in the other. "Hey Hugh whats with the shoe?" asked Lily putting her rucksack on the floor and sitting on one of the stools, "oh yeh I put one shoe on then I realised I didn't know where the other one was, turns out it was in the bathroom" said Hugo sitting down and putting on the shoe. "How did your shoe get in the bathroom?" asked Hermione, "I have no clue!", "do you want some lunch before we go kids?" said Ron, he opened the cabinet and pulled out bread, butter, ham, a bag of lettuce, left over tuna and sweetcorn pasta, and a big bag of crisps, "yes please" Lily and Hugo said in unison. "Ron you cant just leave it all there you know" called Hermione pointing to the stack of dishes in the sink, "don't get your wand in a tangle love, I'll charm them in a sec, by the time we get home they'll be done and put away" Ron explained, "fine, come on then kids, who's going with who?" Hermione ushered them all over to the fireplace, "mum our ... mum the ... mum!" called Hugo as he was been pushed towards the fireplace by his mum, "what's up Hugo we need to get going", "mum, our bags!" Hugo reminded her. "What about them?", "you're getting ready to go but our bags are still in the kitchen" chuckled Hugo, "oh yes", Hermione took out her wand "Accio Rucksacks" and with that the two rucksacks zoomed through the door and stopped at Hermione's feet. "Come on then, in we go" said Ron once his son and niece had picked up their bags, "hold onto your bags kids" said Hermione, Ron took a handful of Floo Powder, "SCAMANDER MANOR" he yelled and the four of them disappeared into the flames.

"There here" said Lorcan & Lysander together, they turned each other face to face, pointing at the other and said together "jinx, double jinx, you cant speak, you're on jinx", "Rolf what did you give them this morning, they're bouncing off the walls!" cried Luna to her husband as they walked over to their twin sons to greet there visitors. "Hey Luna" said Ron climbing out the Scamander's fire place after his wife, and Lily & Hugo, "hello Luna, Rolf, how are you both" said Hermione, but before anyone could say anything, Hugo and Lily, dropped there bags and along with Lorcan and Lysander ran up the marble stairs of Scamander Manor, "bye then" could be heard as they ran. The four kids ran down a corridor until they reached a door covered in posters, and two giant L's in red (Lorcan's favourite colour) and green (Lysander's favourite colour), they pushed open the door and walked into the room. It had two beds on either side of the wall to their left near the window, there was an arch way that led into a big wardrobe and a white door that led to a bathroom, the four of them walked over to the rite side of the room were there was a small bookshelf and shelves full of photos, and a rug with a table on top of it covered in paper, pens, toy robots and books. "So what should we do?" asked Lorcan, "why don't we go into the tree house out back, we can pretend to be animal rescuers or architects and that's the hut" suggested Lysander, (he was the explorer out of the twins, and like Lily he always wanted to pretend to explore), Hugo went over to look out the window and looked out, "no way, its about to rain, and its freezing" he said sticking out his hand and pulling it back in, "the tree house has a charmed fire in it and its water proof" said Lysander arguing his case, "'Sander no it's to cold, we could play chess" said Lorcan. Lily shook her head, "no, I cant play as good as Hugo, so it wont be fair", "yeh good point, we could play hide and seek, its a big house?". While they carried on deciding what they wanted to do there was a knock on the door "boys, its me Hermione can I come in?", Lorcan walked over and opened the door, "hello Hermione, come in we're just thinking what we should do" "well I have a good idea, that's why I'm here actually, its a muggle activity but you might like it" said Hermione, she opened up the big bag and took out 4 black, heavy vests with lights on the front, and 4 black guns. "Whats that?" asked Lily, standing up and going over, she took one of the vests of her aunt to examine it more closely, "you each wear a vest, split up and shoot lasers at each other and well the last person remaining wins, oh and have 3 lives to make the games last longer", "awesome thanks mum" said Hugo, they each took a vest and a gun each.

"Come on then kids time for bed!" called Rolf, it was half past nine and the children had been playing laser tag for hours only taking a break for bathroom breaks and having dinner (pizza), "aww dad, five more minutes" Lysander complained, "no sorry, 'Sander, you've been playing since nearly lunchtime, come on go get in your pyjamas" "okay" he huffed, and the blonde haired boy put down his laser gun and vest, the others copied him, Hugo and Lily grabbed theirs from their bags while Lorcan & Lysander went to their room. Ten minutes later the four kids went down to the kitchen to say good night to Luna & Rolf, "are we sleeping in the den again?" asked Lily, "yes, if you'd like, I can conjure up four sleeping bags for you" said Luna in her airy voice, she stood up and left the kitchen followed by two blonde haired kids and two red haired kids. Luna took out her wand and with just a simple movement, four comfy looking, purple sleeping bags appeared on the floor, "come on then, in you get" said Luna, Hugo and Lorcan walked over to the sleeping bags on the rite, as Hugo walked past a small coffee table, that Luna had pushed aside, he noticed a small object he hadn't seen before and he had been in this house thousands of times. "Whats this?" he asked, picking it up, it was a small black, shiny sphere, "oh yes, I bought it when I was in the Amazon Rainforest, I ran into a small group of witches and wizards, they gave me this as a gift, they're very rare, its close to what they use at Hogwarts" "Hogwarts?" asked Lily, who was already in her sleeping bag between Lysander and Hugo's, "yes, the enchantment for the ceiling, but of course neither of you understand because you haven't been to Hogwarts yet, but come on then in you get", said Luna. "Can you put it on mum, please?" asked Lorcan, "I love looking at the stars, and there's meant to be a storm tonight", Lily looked up, "a storm? like with lightning?" she looked worried, "erm yes I think so, hunny" Luna answered in her usual sweet voice, "oh, cool, please can you put it on", "ok then darling". Luna took the shiny black ball from Hugo and placed it on a high shelf, tapping it with her wand and whispering something, with that a beam came from the top of the ball, it shone above the children in their sleeping bags. Hugo looked up, "wow!" he gasped, there above them was the solar system, stars, planets , "that's amazing, Loony" said Lily, Luna chuckled at the nick-name her god-daughter gave her when she was just a baby, "Lorcan loves it" said Lysander. Luna walked around the circle the four kids had created, their toes were touching each others, she kissed them on their heads, "good night" said Luna and she flicked off the light, "Night, Hugh, night, 'Sander, night Lorcan" said Lily, "night Lils" the three boys said, and they all fell more or less straight to sleep.

Lily woke up with a fright, it was half past three in the morning, and there was a huge storm outside, with thunder and lightning and rain bouncing off the windows. Lily sat up, she wasn't scared of much, except lightning, she could see the flashes of light outside, trembling she laid back down trying to concentrate on the stars instead of the thunder. She laid there for a couple of minutes, flinching every now, "Lily?" mumbled Lysander, Lily looked over at him, he was rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair, "h-hey 'Sander" she stuttered, he looked at her concerned "are you ok, why are you awake?" he asked. "I- I couldn't sleep", "the storm?", Lily nodded, "I don't like storms, and this ones different, usually I'm with my brothers, or one of them at least or my dad or mum". "Its ok Lils, it cant hurt you", Lysander moved a bit closer to Lily and put an arm around her, "thanks 'Sander, I'm gonna miss you and Lorcan next year, it'll just be me and Hugo", "yeh I know, it'll be weird, especially when me and Lorcan have fights its you and Hugo who .. sort us out" he joked, "aha well, Roxanne will have to try and meet our standards". Another jolt of lightning stroke, Lily tensed up "shh, its ok Lils" said Lysander, he racked his brain for something to make Lily feel better, then he got it, he knew she liked music - no not like music, she loved music- , another jolt of lightning lit up the room and once again Lily tensed then shook, "Lorcan wrote a new poem, I can sing it to you if you want" Lily looked at him, her eyebrow raised "you never sing, like ever, you get all embarrassed", "well its only you here, the others are asleep", "ok then". Lysander sang a beautiful poem that he had managed to turn into a song, "that was beautiful, Lysander, I still don't get why you don't like singing in front of anyone, I mean you're so loud and like to show off", "I know, I just don't like it". The two carried on taking until, Lily fell asleep in Lysander's arms, he smiled as she talked let out tiny snorts, and laid her back down on her sleeping bag.

Harry Potter: The Next Generation 2017Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz