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"Psst, Howards, Howards" whispered Victoire from inside a broom cupboard, Danny Howards looked around looking for the person calling his name, "merlin" she sighed, Victoire grabbed Danny from behind and pulled him into the cupboard. "Woah, Merlin Weasley, whats going on, I have to get to class, is this important?" he asked, getting used to his surroundings, "oh no I just dragged you into a cupboard for a little chat" Victoire said sarcastically, "so as you know it was Mollys birthday last week, and its Rosie's birthday on the 21st, so we're, meaning me and the rest of my cousins, are going to do a little party I guess you could say". "But Molly isn't exactly a party person" Danny thought out loud, "noo, she doesn't like HUGE fiascos with all of Fred and James' friends so we're just inviting Molly's close friends and Rose's friends along with her family", "ahh ok that sounds alright, but still not understanding the whole broom cupboard thing here though?" he said, "getting to that, we need you to take Molly to the room of requirement, tomorrow, but keep everything a secrete" said, Victoire. Danny Howard nodded, "and why couldn't you tell me this in the hallway?", "i thought this would be cooler, its my last year I have a few things left to cross off my Hogwarts Bucket List" and with that Victoire left the cupboard.

"A little higher, a little left, yep, James up!" cried Albus, "yes I heard you the first time, I have cramp" growled James, who had been pointing his wand at the banner on the wall for about 10 minutes straight now, "yeh what are you doing anyways?" asked Fred who was blowing up the balloons. Albus was in the room of requirement along with Fred, James, Louis, Ali, Charlie Macintyre and Caroline and Andrew Davis (Molly's close twin friends), "I am telling you lot what to do, and taste testing" he said making his way through another cookie, "Albus, get doing something you lazy old toad" shouted Louis, who was hanging streamers with Charlie. "Merlin, look at this place well done guys" called Victoire entering the room with cups and plates, "Ali, you wanna help me?", Ali put down the other banner and pocketed her wand, "Vic, tell Al he has to do something, anything except scoffing his face!" said Fred finally walking away from the banner they had spent 15 minutes sorting out, "Al stop been a bossy git, and get a move on", scolded Victoire giving him the Weasley glare she had inherited off her grandmother. Ten minutes later the room was nearly decorated and Domonique came rushing into the room, "I'm late I know, you'd think old Slughorn 'd favourite his own students a bit wouldn't you" huffed Domonique pushing open the door, and chucking her bag in a nearby chair, "don't worry Dommie, you're not that late" said Louis. Everything was more or less done now, "Scorp should be getting ready, to get Rose here soon" said Al, sitting down, "yeh Danny should be bringing Molly as well" said Victoire, "what should we do now?" asked Fred awkwardly, "Relax" sighed James flexing his arm trying to make the cramp go away and then laying sprawled out on the cold floor.

"Come on Scorp, no more studying I'm bored I wanna go watch the Gryffindor quidditch practice" moaned Rose, she hated spending hours on end in the library studying, everyone thought she would be just like her mother and always have her head in a book but, to be honest she was more like her father and Hugo was a lot more like his mother and loved reading, (but both Rose and Hugo had their fathers apatite), "come on Rose we have a quiz in Astronomy tomorrow and we have star things to do along with a potions essay for old Sluggy" said Scorpius not even looking up from the book, Rose sighed loudly, "Rose, come on all you have to do on the essay is copy off the book but fraise it a bit differently or change a couple of words". Rose pulled forward her book, quill and the piece of parchment with the introduction of her essay on the 12 uses of dragon blood, after ten minutes of writing only two sentences, Scorpius got fed up and started clearing away his things, at the sight of this Rose lifted her head and a smile spread across her face and she did the same. "Come on lets explore the castle" said Scorpius leaving the library and slyly making his way towards the seventh floor corridor where the room was located, "yeh ok sounds good" agreed Rose following her blonde haired friend. "Come on Molly, lets go this way" Rose and Scorpius heard someone say from around the corner, "but Dan, I need to study, so do you to be honest, you're doing O.W.L's this year as well you know" said a girl, "Molly you were studying all last night, come on just have one day off or you'll land yourself in St Mungos because of a ruddy melt down", at that moment Rose and Scorpius turned the corner and saw Molly and Danny debating, it was hard to say who was winning. "But..." started Molly, "no, come on we are going for a walk, oh look there's Rose and Scorpius we'll go with them", Molly tried arguing but Rose walked upto her and started dragging her down the corridor, following closely behind, "them Weasley girls are stubborn!" murmured Danny to Scorpius, "tell me about it, luckily Rose HATES studying, she dragged me out of the library". "Hey look at this wall cool isn't it" said Danny casually, "merlin yeh best wall I've ever seen" said Molly sarcastically, at that moment the door opened (Scorpius had used the distraction to knock on the door slyly and start thinking of 'a room perfect for a party, a room perfect for a part" over and over'), and Molly and Roses mouth fell open when they were pushed inside and saw the crowd of smiling cheering people.

"Did I miss something?" asked Rose, Albus walked over to his cousins, "no, its a joint party, Mollys was on the 10th and yours is on the 2st so instead of doing separate things we thought we'd bang em both together" he chuckled, "yeh its hard having so many cousins" called James from the crowd, everyone laughed at this as they gave the birthday girls cuddles and the party started up, with music and dancing.

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