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Hey Lil

I know my last letter wasn't very long and well this one isn't either but there's something else inside the envelope. I miss you Lily

Love you sis, your big bro James.x

Lily opened the envelope and pulled out another piece of parchment, there was writing on the back.

We learned about them in class and I thought you'd like it. James x

She turned the parchment. On it was a drawing of a beautiful unicorn, shaded white. Lily smiled and ran up to her bedroom (it was a fairly big room, with the walls painted a cherry pink, on the walls she had a poster of her mum, and other famous quidditch players along with posters of bands. Near the window were two blue beanbags, next to the wall stood a muggle keyboard and standing next to it an acoustic guitar) , she opened the door and ran over to a wall covered in pieces of parchment. On the parchment were beautiful drawings, drawings of Lilies and of other flowers or trees, of mountains, of her, of horses and other animals and drawings of instruments. Lily got some tape and stuck the picture of the unicorn to her ever growing collection. Just as she stood back to have a look at all of them together, Harry walked in, "Hey Lil.." he broke off looking at the wall and then to the unicorn, "James sent you a new drawing, your lucky you know he only ever shows his art to you" Harry sat on the bed and Lily sat on his lap, both of them gazed at the wall covered in parchment. "I love it when he gives me them, I don't know why he doesn't show anyone else though", "it's because James' wants to be cool, he want to be known as the Gryffindor chaser who scores the most, and who pulls the best pranks, basically he's a bit silly your brother" Harry said, kissing his daughter on the head, "you don't need to tell me that" Lily laughed.

(Ron and Hermione's house) "Hugo, Ron, anyone home?" Hermione called, climbing out of the fireplace, she walked through the house, nobody was home. Hermione decided to start on dinner, she opened the muggle cooking book and began to cook. While the gravy was bubbling and the knives were cutting potatoes and mashing them, she sat down to write a letter to her daughter:

Dear Rose

I still cant believe your at Hogwarts I still remember when your dad was going out of his mind because you were coming, looking back it was quiet funny. We all really miss you, I'm really glad your making friends, Scorpius seems like a nice boy, ignore what your father says. I hope your studying and taking detailed notes, detailed notes are very important when studying for tests. I'm making dinner at the minute and I don't know where your father or brother are at the minute so i'm popping to the burrow.

Love you sweetheart, mum xxx

"Pig" she called, a small bird came flying slowly round the corner squealing, he was getting old now and wasn't so hyper. "take this to Hogwarts to Rosie ok" the owl squeaked at the mention oh Hogwarts and went zooming off out the window. Hermione turned down the oven, then apparated to The Burrow. Hermione walked up to the house, "Hermione dear, how are you?" cried Molly, she kissed her on the cheek, "I'm good thank you, just finished work, Ron's off today and when I got home nobody was there, I thought maybe they were here, just so I know when to re-start dinner". Molly Weasley started boiling some water and preparing two cups of tea, "aww I'm sorry dear, I don't know, they popped around this morning, Ronald wanted food of course, said they were going into the muggle world for a bit, something about something called ball-foot, or football l?, I have no idea". Hermione drank her tea quickly, said bye to her mother-in law, and went home. About an hour and a half later Ron and Hugo walked in through the front door. "Hunny you home?", "MUMM!" yelled Ron and Hugo, Hugo came running into the kitchen , "awww the piece and quiet is over, do you want some dinner?" she joked. Ron and Hugo sat down eating sausage and mash in gravy they talked about their day "dad took me to watch a football match, granddad (Granger) got us tickets, it was amazing better then watching it on the televisoney thingy-ma-bob, I had to keep telling dad the rules." Hermione smiled , Hugo was really into football ever since they had visited grandma and granddad Granger one day an started watching the Chelsea and Manchester United game. "How was work then?" Ron asked scoffing down more mashed potatoes, "it was quiet a nice day to be honest, no major cases just paperwork, so I turned o the music and time flied." Hermione chuckled. After dinner they went out back, Hermione casted a muggle repelling charm, Hugo and Ron started flying around on their brooms and trying to score goals with the quaffle. "Come on then Hugo, its nearly ten o'clock and you have school tomorrow." shouted Hermione from the back door, "AWW five more minutes!" cried Hugo and Ron, Hermione giggled. "fine, five minutes, Ronald I'm going upstairs, five minutes ok." she called back , then went upstairs to take a bath. An hour later they finally came in, meeting an angry looking Hermione on there way up the stairs.

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