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"LILY, WHERE IS MY QUIDDITCH TSHIRT!" shouted James, yesterday everyone had arrived home for the Easter holidays, and at the Potter house, everyone was running around like headless hippogriffs packing there bags for the next week because the Potters along with George, Angelina and their kids and Hermione and Ron with Rose and Hugo and Teddy , were all going to a muggle holiday country park for a week. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!" Lily shouted back, "Lily stop shouting and go get your brown boots" said Ginny sounding a little stressed, "AND JAMES NO QUIDDITCH TOPS EXCEPT YOUR PYJAMAS ITS A MUGGLE PLACE REMEMBER!", Lily came back into her room with two brown boots , "here you go mummy, and don't shout mum". "Albus get your trainers out from underneath the stairs please and put them in your suitcase" said Harry, bringing down his and Ginny's suitcase, Albus went in the cupboard and looked around, "Ugh, DAD, SNUFFLES HAS CHEWED MY SHOE!", Albus examined it more and took a wif, "AND HE'S PEED IN THEM!", he backed out from underneath the stairs, and saw his dad stood there just laughing, "whats so funny?!" he asked annoyed, it took 5 minutes for him to stop, "come here, I'll sort them out", Albus handed the shoes to his dad, Harry pulled out his wand said a quick spell and handed them back. "THATS IT, JAMES, ALBUS LILY!" shouted Harry, "WE'RE LEAVING IN TWO MINUTES, IF YOU'RE NOT DOWN HERE IN TWO MINUTES WE'RE ARE LEAVING WITHOUT, YOU!", "woah, is this a bad time?" came a voice from the door, Harry spun around and there with a duffle bag and rucksack was his hair, turned brown, (it made him look like his father). Before Harry could say anything James was at the top of the stairs, "oh hi Teddy" he said and pushed his bag down, "mine next!" came Lilys voice, and there appeared Lily with a cheeky grin on her face, "James.." warned Harry, but it was pointless, James (with the assistance of his sister) had pushed her purple rucksack and then small black suitcase down the stairs, "need help Al?" he asked, "yeh no what maybe I will just get that" said Ginny sternly, Lily and James moved out of the way to let her down then followed after her. "So how are we getting there?" asked Al, while putting the collar on Snuffles, he would be coming with them, flooing to George and Angelinas then driving there, Hermione hired a muggle mini-van to take us all" said Ginny, wiping chocolate milk off Lilys face and making sure James had all his things, "whats a mini-van?" asked Lily Luna, "its just a big car that can fit a lot of people in, we've put a charm on this one to fit all of us in" said Harry. Once they were all sorted James got his luggage and Lily's luggage then stepped in closely followed by his sister, they held onto their belongings and, James also held onto his sister protectively. "Jamie!", cried Fred when they stepped out of the fireplace, "Freddie!" James shouted back, "Lily!" came Roxy and Hugo's voice from the hallway, "Roxy, Hugo!" beamed Lily, Fred and Roxy helped them with the luggage while they waited for everyone else. "Can we go play?" asked Roxy, "No sorry princess, but we're setting off in ten minutes, we're just getting everything in the car thing, so just stay down here for now ok" said George's struggled voice, he was carrying a lot of bags, "why don't you two help me" George said to Fred and James, "oh stop sulking" could be heard as they left, "whats up with Fred he seems a bit down?" asked Hermione, she, Angelina, Ginny, Rose and Al were making the picnic for the journey, "he's not very happy, the holidays messed up prank week, they're off for the 1st of April, that's when it starts" answered Angelina smirking.

"Come on you lot, in you get, Fred please reframe from setting off any stink pellets while we're in such a confided space!" said Teddy, as he held the door open to a black van, inside was very cosy, t was a lot bigger on the inside then it looked from the outside, it had armchairs, cushions, comfy seats and a small box t.v, "I added the telly in to keep them busy" whispered Hermione, Harry got into the drivers side with Ginny next to him, then behind them was a bench like car seat that could fit five people so Ron, Hermione, Angelina and George sat down, "you not sitting with us Ted?" asked Ron looking back, "nah you're to old I think I will sit with Lilykins and the rest of the kindywinks" said Teddy stretching out in the armchair with Lily sat at his feet playing Chess with Hugo. "No I want to watch that!" moaned Roxy, "tuff its 7 against 1!" said Fred putting in a old style tape in the slot, "come on Roxy you like this aswell, I brought the ELEMENTARY boxset" said Teddy, all of the cousins loved the American TV series (a new take on the Sherlock Holmes series) "fine" huffed Roxy, sitting back into the cushions. After an hour of two, the kid started tucking into the feast like picnic their mums had made, "pass me a piece of that quiche, please" asked Albus, Hugo handed him a tub of bacon quiches. "That's not fair, you cheat!" sulked Lily crossing her arms, she had just lost another game of wizards chess against Hugo, he had won the last 8 games, "pack everything away now we're here" called Ginny, the kids squealed excitedly and started packing their stuff up. When they pulled up Teddy was about to open the door but instead got trampled on by seven people, when he looked up, all the adults were looking at him and his confused face trying to keep their chuckling to a minimum.

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