17TH OF MAY: Grand Finale

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"This will work Al", "what if it doesn't, we wont win, we NEED to win!" , Albus was panicking, there prank would be going down straight after lunch and he was a nervous wreck. Victoire was sat next to him trying to study, her N.E.W.T's were coming up , "Freddie and Dommies team have already done theres and it was awesome". Fred, Dom, Rose and James had done there Grand Finale the other day, they more or less set up an obstacle course on the third floor, blueberry bombs would randomly explode on innocent people at fist, then it escalated to goo and glitter making them look like green glittery baubles, then soap bubbles would erupt from cracks in the walls that would pop near someone and the person they popped near would speak in a random different language for a couple of hours, all in all they raged havoc . Today it was Victoire, Albus, Louis and Molly's turn, Molly and Louis saw that Albus was getting jittery so they ushered Al and Victoire to go and sit with them at the Ravenclaw table.

"Hey guys, please try and calm Al down before I strangle him" Victoire said, trying to sound sweet at first but the last part she said through gritted teeth, "Al come here bud" Louis gestured Al to sit next to him, "let the girls study, and drink this" he handed Albus a mug. Molly looked at the mug then at Albus who was still bouncing up and down, "uh, uh no, no way", "what!" exclaimed Louis, "you're giving him coffee, in his state!", "it's de-café (A/N : mightnot have spelt that correctly but its the coffee that does the oppositeofnormalcoffee) it'll calm him down" he whispered, Molly nodded and began reading her book again. Albus took a big gulp, after a while he finally calmed down a bit and began eating before they all separated and headed to class.

"Take out your books and open them to page 240, read up to the end of the chapter which is page 260" Professor Binns said in his usual boring voice, that makes anyone want to fall asleep as soon as they hear it. Victoire opened her book and began to read, her best friend Chantelle on the other hand pulled her bag towards her and set her book and bag in a position were she could pretend to read while actually sleeping. "You know, exams are coming up soon, you should probably pay attention or at least read a couple of pages" Victoire said looking at Chantelle who already had her head on her bag, "I only took this NEWT History of Magic class because it was this or Arithmacy and I'm crap at that and I wanted to be with my bestie" Chantelle had a small smile on her face. "You mean it would be easier to copy off my notes" Victoire whispered. "Why would you even say that! Anyways you like History so much, magic and muggle I'm technically making you happy", Victoire chuckled at her friend, she wasn't wrong Victoire was obsessed with Muggle History it was just so fascinating, she had very long discussion with her grandpa Arthur and they loved going to the muggle museums, "ok go on then get comfy class will be starting in a sec". And with that Professor Binns began his lecture about illegal unicorn smuggling in the 1800's.

About half way through the class a loud clanking came from down the hallway, everyone who was still awake looked around at the door, "now, now back to your books" Binns said lazily. They all rested their heads back on their bags and went back to their original positions until about two minutes when the music started. This time it was louder, the sleeping students eirher woke up by their selves or nudged awake by their friends. The music got louder and the banged open. In came 3 nights in shinning armour, the music was extmeley loud now. A lot of people were lolimg for the sauce of the music, everyone knew muggle things didn't work here due to the mahic flying around everywhere. "Wait, it the knighy they're singing it" cried a Gryffindor. Although that wasn't exactly tru it was prettu close, tye knights changed songs, they started humming the introduxtion of an extremelh cheesey sung, that burst out sing "ITS FUN TI SAY IT AT, Y-M-C-A" they were even doing tge correct moves, each one in time with the others. It was so funny how they just stood there dancing, as they moved you could here the odd squeak from the rusty parts of their armour. As soon as the dance had ended the knights marxhed out of the classroom, down back alng the halls and resumed their regular positions.

That day at dinner, the dancing knights had been the topic of conversations, even the Slytherins seemed impressed. All the Weasley and the two Potter boys were sat together at Gryffindor table, it was time for Ali to announce the winner of the Weasley/Potter  prank week. Everyone was hyper, even Molly was pretty excited, she didn't like losing very much, just like the rest of her family. Ali looked at her list, she started counting and writing stuff down.

"Ok so for team D & F" ("hey why does Domonique's  initial come first?") "your first prank of Covering Filtch in goo was awesome, for the prank you get 570 points, an extra 5 points for hiding the evidence extremely well, another 5 points for not getting caught , and I am going to give you an extra 10 points for the fact that it took you several hours to sort out and Filtch's expression. Altogether your first prank receives 590 points" Domonique, Fred, James and Rose started clapping. "For the prank in the bathroom, were you attempted to make the toilets speak and malfunction, you earn 100 points. The reason you get 100 points is the fact that you blew up a toilet, and you sent the toilet seat, home to your family, so basically your points were from having the nerve to do that." Everyone laughed, Fred frowned, the whole toilet incident wasn't his best work and he didn't like mentioning it. "For your last prank before the grand finale you get 420 points, for setting off 30 fanged Frisbee's  in the teachers lounge, and extra 10 points for the fact that they came out screaming" everyone laughed, remembering seeing Filtwick running down the hallways chased by a green Frisbee that had fangs around the edges.

"Moving on to team V, for your first prank of letting a bunch of Flobberworms free in the dungeons you receive 600 points, due to the fact that potions was cancelled for a day until Hagrid could remove them safely, and also making the Slytherins stay in their common room for a couple of hours" Victoire, Louis, Molly and Rose cheered and clapped. "Your next prank, were you covered ole' Sluggy in rats earned you 700 points , an extra 35 points for the fact that the Professor turned up to class in a pyjama robe, and bunny slippers." Al high-fived Louis, they both had big grins on their faces, "your last prank earned you 300 points, because you made Peeves speak in German for 24 hours,". Now that was a funny day, Peeves had tried to annoy a couple of first years, he tried saying something mean and sarcastic like usual but instead all that came out was German and it made him sound funny.  

"So that puts the points at 1120, and 1635 remember I not tell you who's who until the end, according to Teddy it gives it more affect , now the grand finale points are" she waited a moment to give it more emphasise,  James kept drumming his fingers on the table. The hall wasn't noisy but it wasn't silent at the same time, a lot of people were trying to listen in to the conversation, but the only people that could hear was, Chantelle, Scorpius, and Tyler, everyone else couldn't hear anything because Molly had performed the charm. "HURRY UP!" they all nearly yelled, "ok ,ok" Ali chuckled, "for Team D&F, you received ... 886 points for  the whole obstacle course in the hallway, an extra 20 points because several Slytherins got a blue facial, and Rebecca Fixgerald got hit with a sparkle bomb". "I'm going out on a limb here, but i'm guessing you don't like this Rebecca Fixgereld" Fred said sarcastically, "sorry for another time Freddie, moving on, Team V have received ..." once again she waited several seconds, although it felt like minutes to the others. "ALI!", "sorry, so Team V received, 900 points, due to the fact that YOU CHARMED THE  KNIGHTS TO SING AND DANCE TO MUGGLE MUSIC, or as the muggles call it a flash mob" she added. "So who wins then!?" Rose asked. "With 2535 points Team V win!" Victoire, Louis ,Al and Molly all stood up, screaming and clapping and  cheering, "WE WIN, YOU LOOSE! WE WIN, YOU LOOSE!". The rest of the hall started clapping, and the teachers were smiling, "Chantelle, you have the t-shirts?" Louis asked, Chantelle handed Victoire, 4 green t-shirts that read: TEAM V WON! TEAM D&F LOOSE and had Victoire, Molly, Louis and Albus' face on them, they either had big cheesy grins on their faces or they had  their tounges sticking out. They were all to big so they can fit over their clothes. Victoire handed one to, each of Team D&V, they sulked and snatched the tops, they put them over their clothes in shame, with Louis still chanting "WE WIN, YOU LOOSE!" and everyone else laughing at Domonique, Fred, Rose and James' sour faces.

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