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"Lily, are you bored?" Hugo asked Lily, they were both laying on Lily's bed, their heads hanging off, "mmhm" she agreed. They both sighed, "shall we go for a walk?" Hugo asked sitting up, Lily sat up to, "good idea, better then sitting round here all day", Lily agreed and they jumped off the bed and headed down stairs. "Where are you to going?" asked Ginny eyeing them, "we just came down to see if we were aloud to go out for a walk" said Hugo, "yeh, Albus is ate Scorpius' and James is... well James is still upstairs snoring even though it is twelve o'clock in the morning" added Lily, "go on then but don't be gone two long, grab a muffin if you want" Ginny whispered. Lily and Hugo grabbed a chocolate-chip muffin, and headed out through the front door. "Come on we're on an adventure" Lily said running through the snow, "Lily hold up" Hugo moaned running after his younger (bye 24 hours) cousin. "Lily Potter, Hugo Weasley, please get off my garden" came a voice, Lily and Hugo had been running around Godric's Hallow and had started throwing snowballs at each other opposite a small cottage, they both turned around, "oops sorry Mini" said Lily, "Lily how many times please don't call me Mini. You to look cold, would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" asked Minerva McGonagall. "Oh yes please" said Hugo, they entered the small cottage and took a seat in two arm chairs, "help your self to biscuits" said Minerva making tea. "We haven't seen you in a while Mini.. I mean Minerva" said Hugo, taking a custard cream and dipping it in his tea, "no, I went to Scotland for Christmas with an old family friend, she's getting old you see" she said sitting in her arm chair. "So how are your brothers and sister doing?", "yeh their ok, when we left James was asleep as normal and Al had left early to go to Scorpius Malfoys house with Rose, they're all friends at school" said Lily, they chatted some more about the rest of the family and then about Christmas until Hugo asked for the time. "Merlin, Lily we have to go, aunt Ginny will be really mad if we're not home soon", "ok, come on, bye Mini, see you soon" Lily said jumping up from her seat, putting the tea cup on the little table, "ok bye Lily, Hugo" she said walking them to the door, the cousins left the cottage, the cottage Minerva McGonagall had moved into 2 years after retiring from Headmistress of Hogwarts due to the fact she was getting a bit old and decided to live out the rest her years in Godrics Halllow. Lily and Hugo walked back to the house, "whats that?" asked Lily stopping where she stood and turning her head, she had heard a noise like a whimper, "I don't..", "shhh" hushed Lily, then she heard it again and ran off into that direction. "Lily what are you doing?", "oh stop moaning Hugo, I canm hear something", then she saw it a small bundle of fur, shivering, "Hugo look, I .. I think its a puppy". Hugo looked closer, it was a tiny black puppy with small white patches, "we should take it back, it might die out here by itself" and so they did Lily carried the small, shivering dog home , Hugo opened the door for her. As they walked in through the door Ginny was stood there looking angry, "where have you two..." before she could finish her sentence Lily interrupted her, "look mum we found it in the middle of the street, its shivering", "aww, come on lets get it some water, and try and warm it up some more the poor thing". They took the small bundle into the kitchen and placed it on the table and wrapped it in blankets. "Whats going on down here" said a blurry eyed James, "have you just woke up?" asked Hugo, "no I was looking at a quidditch magazine for a bit, whats that?" he asked pointing to the dog, "wow can we keep it mum", "I don't know James we'll have to wait for your father to get home".

"Hey guys I'm home!" came Harrys voice from the front door, "DADD!" his three children screamed, "can we keep him, dad please", "please dad, its so cute," "please dad!" they all said at the same time. "Merlin guys what are you on about", Albus dragged him into the kitchen were the little black dog was snuggled into some old clothes and soft blankets, "merlin, is that a dog?" Harry said, Ginny came walking into the room. "Where did you get it?" asked Harry, "Lily and Hugo found it when they were out earlier, and found it on the street", "pretty please daddy can we keep him" Lily batted her eyelids and made a face Harry could never resist, "don't do that face Lily, you know I cant resist that look ... Lily ... fine" Harry smiled. The three kids screamed with excitement, "now one thing!" said Ginny, the three looked at her worried, she smiled, "what shall we call it?", they started immediately, shouting out random names, when randomly when they thought all hope was lost Lily shouted out, "Snuffles", Harry and Ginny who had just took a sip of their drinks, choked, "what did you say", Lily looked innocently "Snuffles" she repeated. "I like that one" laughed Harry, with a slight tear from laughing in his eye, and that was the name that they stuck with. Snuffles the Potter family black and white husky puppy.

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