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"Roxanne! Fred! STOP IT WITH THE FLOUR!!!" Mrs Weasley shrieked, Fred and his sister Roxanne were having a huge war with the flour from the kitchen. Mrs Weasley was loosing the plot wit both of them, in her old age it was hard to concentrate on baking a big birthday cake for her two grandchildren whose birthdays where a little under 12 hours apart, make the cupcakes for said grandkids and look after two of her most troublesome grandchildren, who were worse then George and ... Fred. The two troublemakers stopped what they were doing immediately, "NOW GO WASH UP, THE OTHERS WILL BE HERE SOON!" she barked, still adding the finishing touches to the cake. Tonight at 12 o'clock (midnight) she would light the candles and present it to Hugo and Lily. The fact that Hugo was born on the 11th and that Lily was born on the 12th it made parties and cakes a lot easier, them being thick as thieves meant they shared more or less everything."Fred started it!" Roxanne yelled the same time Fred yelled "Roxy started it!", "I DONT CARE WHO STARTED IT, ITS HALF PAST 7 AND EVERYONE IS COMING AT 8, NOW GO WASH UP AND GET CHANGED!" Mrs Weasley screamed again. The two siblings smiles disappeared in an instant and they rushed up the stairs as fast as they possibly could. "I'm getting to old for this" Molly muttered as she pulled out her wand to clean up the mess, wash the dishes and frost the cupcakes.

"Hugo, come on we're leaving" Hermione said, knocking on Hugo's bedroom door, when she opened it she saw Hugo sitting on the floor playing with the toy robot his Grandma and Grandpa Granger gave him that morning when they came to see him. "Hey mum, are we going?" Hugo asked standing up, he was wearing a white t-shirt with a flannel shirt on top, with jeans on and black high tops, his hair scruffy as always. "Yes we are hunny" Hermione smiled looking at her handsome son, "ok, but can I take the robot and my autographed scarf to show Lily please!" Hugo begged, Hermione chuckled to herself slightly, "cause, come on then". The birthday boy picked up his robot, and put his Chelsea scarf around his neck so it was easier to hold, he was hoping to collect a lot of scarfs and if they were autographed .. even better. Hermione and Hugo went down stairs to find Rose and Ron eating ice cream, "You two, we had dinner less then an hour ago, and we'll be eating at the Burrow!" Hermione scolded, Rose and Ron huffed, but they put down the spoons and put the ice cream back into the freezer. "You two are like two peas in a pod" Hermione muttered. The family lined up ready to step into the fireplace, Rose and Hugo went together first, then their parents followed.

Back at the Burrow, Lily Potter was getting a little over excited, she kept jumping up and down, and was way to hyper. "Lily calm down, he'll be here soon" people kept saying. Lily was wearing a white t-shirt with a cat on it, with a denim jacket except the sleeves and hood were the same fabric as a grey hoodie, she was also wearing black leggings and floral black Doc Martens, her hair in a fishtail braid at her side. She was so excited, today was her best friends birthday and at 1am she would tern 10 as well. "THEY'RE HERE" Lily heard someone, James, maybe Fred, shout, Lily, who had been sitting in the WOTTER tree house, trying to pass the time, jumped up at lightning speed and slid down the fireman pole and raced to the house. "Lily" Hugo said, running up and engulfing her in a rib-breaking hug. "Happy Birthday cuz" Lily said hugging him back, all the adults cooed over them so they separated, blushing slightly and ran off to play.

After eating a delicious meal, made bye Harry, George and Bill on the barbeque, Ron used his di-luminater (Spelling?) to make all the lights go out. "Whats happening?" Hugo whispered to Lily. Suddenly there was a loud 'SNAP', Hugo and Lily had forgotten that they'd been playing Exploding Snap. Out came Hermione and Ginny holding a big cake, it was layered in buttercream frosting and covered in hundreds and thousands sprinkles.

"Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday To Hugo and Lily

Happy Birthday To You"

Hermione and Ginny placed the cake in front of the birthday cousins, and they both blew out all of the 10 candles. As soon as the flames on the candles had extinguished the lights came back on. While everyone was cheering for the birthday boy and girl, Louis noticed something, "Er Hugo" he said, trying to hold in his snickers, "yeah?", "you .. er .. well.." he tried to say, he didn't know how to say 'by the way bud, you have no eyebrows ... but Happy Birthday". Domonique sighed, "spit it out Lou.", 'yeah, just spit it out Louis," he thought, 'one, two, three,' "Hugo you have no eyebrows" Louis said really, really fast. However Hugo understood, he pulled a spoon close to him, looked at his reflexion, staring back at him was his face, everything looked normal, except he now had no eyebrows. "ARGGGGHHH!" he screamed, making everyone laugh, "don't worry honey, we can get that sorted no problem. Now who's for cake?" Hermione said, holding up the knife. Everyone's hand at the table shot up. Lily and Hugo held the knife together as they cut the first slice, "wow" they both gasped. The inside of the cake was multi-coloured, it was red, blue, yellow, orange, green, it looked exactly like a rainbow. The rest of the night was amazing, the only thing the two of them could think of though was, 'one more birthday until we go to Hogwarts'.

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