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"LUCY!" Mrs Weasley squealed, hugging and kissing her youngest grandchild, "Happy Birthday darling", today was Lucy Weasleys 5th birthday, she was so excited and had jumped on her mother and father at exactly 3:02 in the morning. "Is that Percy , Audrey and Lucy I hear" asked Arthur Weasley, walking into the kitchen slowly with his walking stick, "heya granddad" she said sweetly giving him a gentle hug, Mr Weasley smiled, "h Percy, Audrey, how are you both?" he asked. They both looked up, they had bags underneath their eyes, "tired" moaned Audrey, taking a sip of her black coffee, "well I guess you want your presents don't you" chuckled Molly, at the mention of presents Lucy's eyes lit up. They all walked into the sitting room were there was a small pile of pink polka-dot wrapped gifts, "are they for me grandma?" she gasped, everyone chuckled as she ran over and started ripping off the paper, "its a book of ballerinas" squealed Lucy when she unwrapped the book with pretty ballerinas on the front, all dancing around. She also loved her new ribbons, (ever since Teddy had given her one for Christmas she had been obsessed and had worn one nearly every day, today she had it tied in her ponytail) and went on and on for ages about the new toy broom her parents had gotten her, (Teddy, James, Fred, Domonique, Rose and Lily were all teaching her). "What are we doing today?" asked Arthur, it wasn't actually a question they all had a special surprise in store for Lucy, "oh well erm I don't know" said Audrey, flashing a quick look at her daughter who was looking through the book her grandparents had gotten her.

At half past twelve there was a knock at the front door, "I'll get it" said Audrey, her short brown hair blowing in the breeze as she opened the front door, "Hi!" she greeted, the four small faces looking up at her, "hello Mrs Weasley" said one of them with light hazel eyes and black curly hair, "oh hello Delilah its nice to see you, you look beautiful". All the girls entered the Burrow and ran up to Lucy, it made her jump, "what are you lot doing here?" she asked, shocked, "they're here for a tea party Lucy" smiled Percy. They took Lucy outside were a table was set up with plates full of pizza, sandwiches, cookies, buns and more of Lucy's favourite foods. "Are we late?" asked Ginny with Lily by her side ,who didn't look to happy that she was forced to be part of the tea party , "no ,no dear just in time, they're out back" smiled Mrs Weasley, "smile hunny" she added sarcastically, "it's your fault you know, probably shouldn't have been playing, what did Harry call it, golf, in the house", "I told you mummy, I was practising for school!". They worked out back, "hey Lily,", "hi Lucy", "whats wrong with you?", "grounded" Lily mumbled. They all ate with Lucy and her friends giggling and talking about the dance class they all went to (hence her love for all things ballerina) while Lily sat at the end of the table eating Pizza then ice-cream. "Happy Birthday to you..." they all sang when Percy brought out the cake, it was a chocolate cake covered in white icing with flowers on it and a dancing ballerina on it, as the song ended Lucy blew out the candles and smiled, "can we have some now?" she asked, Mr Weasley sorted out the pieces of cake and the girls ate, in the end most of the younger girls had chocolate and icing all over their faces.

Harry Potter: The Next Generation 2017Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora