Chapter 28

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Author's P.O.V.

Lisa was having a hard time because of Jungkook, his white shirt with a cap and his striking looks were getting unnecessary attention and she almost wanted to cover him up so no one would gawk at him.

But she didn't realize the attention she was getting, her short hair complimented her small face and her cap made them look like a couple.

Jungkook realized the attention she was getting and he wasn't shy to show his jealousy so he slipped his fingers between hers, catching her off guard.

"W-What are you doing?!" She asked, flustered at his gesture in public.

"Holding hands." He brought their hands up, waving at her.

"I know that, but why?"

"You talk too much." He pulled her hand and dragged her somewhere.

"What is this place?"

And just like that, he kept asking where they were and pulled her place which intrigued him.

After a tiring, they stopped at a restaurant to fill their hunger.

A waitress approached them and they ordered.

"Why are you glaring at the waitress?"  Jungkook asked which snapped Lisa out of her trance.

I didn't even realize that I was glaring.

"She was being unprofessional." She reasoned out which was kind of true and not.

"How so?" He asked, confused because he didn't feel like that.

"She was checking you out! She kept looking you over, she didn't pay me much attention. And you! You shouldn't wear white shirts when you are outside, it's too distrac—" She stopped herself when she realized that she blurted out everything that was frustrating her.

Jungkook's elbow was on the table with his head on his palm and enjoying her jealousy with a smile on his face.

"So what if the waitress didn't pay you attention, you have all of mine." She made excuses to explain while stuttering and he just smiled at her all the time.

Ahhh, she's so cute.

"Okay, okay, I understand, you didn't demand attention but you still have my attention."

"Ugh! Jeon Jungkook, you—" she cut herself off when the waitress came and folded her arms then puffed her bangs.

Jungkook chuckled at her actions and didn't pay any attention to the waitress who was waiting for single eye contact but didn't get it and left disappointed.

They ate and didn't talk much and when they were done, Lisa paid, and again Jungkook kept his eyes on her like a promise that he didn't want to break.


Lisa's P.O.V.

This is getting out of hand, I shouldn't have blurted that and he shouldn't be here in the first.

How am I supposed to take a break when he's always around me?


I whipped my head in his direction.

What did he just call me?

"What is it?" I asked while he took a seat on the couch beside me.

"Are you free?"

"What does it look like?" I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained, I'm literally in a school so no homework and I'm sitting in my cat pajamas with my legs sprawled out.

"Okay...uh....." The hesitation in his voice made me curious as to what he had to say, so I turned my attention toward him instead of my favorite show on the TV.

Is this going where I'm thinking it is?

"Listen, we need to talk. I know I've done some stupid things and now coming here might look ridiculous."

"It does." I didn't hold back because why should I?

"I—I know.....what I'm trying to tell you is, the day I rejected you, trust me I didn't feel good after that and when I met Jennie after that, I didn't feel those things as I used to before but I feel it when I'm with you."

There was a lump in my throat as his words registered in my mind, my heart was thumping loudly and the serotonin in my brain must have exploded.

He continued, "I realized that I was slowly losing feelings for Jennie and was starting to like you more, I looked forward to meeting you at school more than her, and I guess that's why I was losing my trust in her too."

"I feel like an asshole for doing this to both of you but....just know that it wasn't my intention. After our breakup, I felt guilty at how quickly I moved on and that's why I held on to that thought I was still in love with her."

I blinked as he spilled everything on my face, I didn't know how to react. He was looking down while modeling with his fingers as he does when he's nervous.

"I want to make things clear between us, I don't wanna hide anything anymore if I really wanna be with you. I know it's too much to take in but just consider my words, you don't have to forgive me quickly, I—"

I couldn't hold myself back so I placed my lips on his to shut him because if he didn't I would've burst into tears.

I could feel his body going rigid as I gave him a shock. I pulled back just a few inches away from his face, "shut up," my voice came out as a whisper and he nodded while being flustered and honestly, he was just too cute.

"I—I get what you mean but I still need time to think about myself and us. That's the main reason why I came here, I was going to come back eventually but then you came and—"

He cut me off by standing up, "I understand, I'll leave tomorrow morning, take as much time as you need then give me your answer. I'll be waiting for you." I gulped as he smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes.

He went to his room and I just sat here, staring at nothing in particular.

What just happened?!

What just happened?!

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Hello guys!

How have you all been?

Jungkook finally communicated this time and cleared everything, any thoughts on this?

Should Lisa forgive him or not?

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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