Chapter Seven: Tension on D-Day

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Harley's POV

I get dressed next to Steve as he and I prepare for our procedure today

"Aren't you a little skeptical to see what they'll do" I say to Steve

"Yea I guess" He says unamused causing me to look at him weirdly

"What's going on Steve....this could change the course of history" I say, he looks at me and sighs before looking back at his shoes, I just shrug and walk out and as I do I see Gilmore standing there with a smirk

"Where you goin boy" He says and I ignore him and go to go past him but he blocks my way

"I'm talking to you scum, where you goin" He says but I push him away from me causing him to laugh a bit

"Leave me alone Gilmore" I say but before I can walk away he grabs me

"Listen you little worthless nigger, I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it" He says threateningly, I go to say something but suddenly I feel him let go of me

"Leave her alone Gilmore....come on Harley let's go" Steve says, I glare at Gilmore before walking away with Steve

I sit in the car with Steve and Peggy as he and Peggy talk, I move my hand off my lap as they talk and I grab her hand that's closest to me

I feel her flinch and move it away causing me to look up and see her looking at me with a stern look, I sigh as I look back out the window as they keep talking

She's been doing that ever since our date which I get but it sucks that I can't just hold her hand out in public, I listen to them talk and I feel jealousy boil in my stomach and I watch Peggy smile at she wants to be his right one

We arrive to the place and I let out a breath as I feel this feeling of uncertainty, I open the door for Peggy before walking to the store with her

"Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it" An older women says as she walks out from the back, she looks to me and I look down as I can feel the glare coming

"Yes but I always carry an umbrella" Peggy says, I watch as the women walks next to me and gives me a look before moving her hand under the bar like area

I walk with Peggy as she leads us to a book case

"What's going on" I say, she looks at me and winks before the book case opens and we see a large hallway with other military soldiers in it, I look to Steve who looks just as shocked as me

We walk through the hallway with Peggy in front and pass through a door leading to a lab, I look then to Peggy who leads us down the stairs and over to Dr Abraham

"Good morning" He says as he shakes Steve and i's hands, the camera guy takes two pictures of us causing Dr. Abraham to fuss at him

I look over and see two giant oval shaped machine, I start to feel nervous and I let out a shaky breath

I feel a hand grab mine and I look to see Peggy holding it close to her but out of view to anyone looking

"You ready" Dr.Abraham says causing me to look at him, I look around then back to him

"Where's my father" I whisper to Dr.Abraham causing Peggy and Steve to look at me

"He's coming soon Harley" Dr.Abraham says causing me to let out a breath, I feel stares from Peggy and Steve and look away before looking to Dr.Abraham and nodding

"Good, take off your shirt and your hat" He says and I let go of Peggy's hand and take my hat off then my shirt, I hear Peggy's breath hitch in her throat as she looks at me, I smile and wink at her before looking back at the machine in front of me

I look up and see a lot of government officials in one room, I see them stare at me with distasteful looks but I look away and walk up the stairs and get into the machine

I let out a shaky breath, I feel a hand on mine causing me to look over and see my father

"I knew you'd go to that fair" He says making me laugh a bit

"Well I am your daughter....I don't back down" I say and he smiles and kisses my cheek before walking off to his area, I look to Dr. Abraham who smiles at me kindly

"You've got this my niece" He says and I smile and give him a thumbs up

"Love you Uncle" i say, I look to Steve who's giving a look

"I have a lot to explain don't I" I say causing him to nod and look away, I do the same as they strap me in and I watch Peggy walk off to the roof

I feel all the noice cancel out of my ears as I try to relax my body, Dr.Abraham's voices in a mumble as they prepare me, I watch them put some tubes on my sides and give me a shot

"Damn that was a long needle" I say painfully causing my father to laugh

"That was penicillin" Dr.Abraham says and I roll my eyes

"Still a long needle" I say and he just chucked and pats my shoulder before walking away and continues to talk

He starts counting down as the machine gets ready, I feel Dr. Abraham's hand on my shoulder, he finishes counting before speaking again

"This test will test our serum in both a male and a female" He says, I look up to see the government officials looking at me and I can tell they are talking

I see Peggy look around as she begins to get nervous, the machine starts to inject me with the serum causing me to groan as I feel my muscles start to burn

"Now Mr.Stark" Dr.Abraham says, I watch my father nod to me before pulling a lever and the machine raises up so that we're upright and it closes on me and Steve

"Steven...Harley can you hear me" Dr.Abraham says

"I'm good.....wonder if my dick gets bigger" I say causing Dr.Abraham to laugh

"We will proceed" He says, I start to feel the effects kicking in and I feel the pain increase, I let out a yell as it start to become painful and I can hear it's painful for Steve too

"Shut it down" I hear yelled multiple times by Peggy and my father

"No, I can do it..keep going" I yell

"I can to it too" Steve yells, I feel my muscles growing and my veins feel ready to burst, suddenly everything stops and I feel a feeling of relief as I start to pant like ran laps 3 miles

I feel the doors open and the wind hit my chest, I feel hands pulling me out gently and I open my eyes to see my father

"Harley are you ok" He says and I nod

"How do you feel" Peggy says running over to me

"Stronger.....a bit taller too" I say, I see her go over to Steve and he's jacked now

"Holy crap" I say as I look at him, I see Peggy getting flustered over him causing my eye brows to frown a bit as she accidentally touches his chest

"We did it" I say as I look at Steve and he looks at me

We did it

A/n ok well that's that chapter now it's gonna get sad...yayyyyyy


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