Chapter Fifteen: Battle continues

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Harley's POV

I listen as we all talk about how to take down Schmidt, I watch Steve as he hasn't looked at me once since our last conversation which I can't blame him

Oddly enough he hasn't told anyone which I'm going to attribute to the military possibly thinking he's involved as well

He basically sees me as a cold blooded murder now....which isn't far off, I look over to Peggy who gives me a look and I smile a bit and look away

"How much time do we have" A member of our team asks

"According to my new best friend, under twenty four hours" Cornel Philips says as he looks through the papers

I listen as Cornel Philips tells us where hydra is currently and it matches up to the next location I was planing on going too

"What do we do, it's not like we can just knock on the front door" Another guy on our team says

"Why not....that's exactly what we are gonna do" I say, Cornel and the whole room looks at me, I walk forward towards the table as Cornel Philips looks at me

"And what authority do you have Agent Creed" Cornel Philips says

"Sir I respectfully say that backing down isn't an option, going head first is the way to go and any other option is the cowardly way out which Hydra will use to their advantage" I say, I look to my father and he smiles at me proudly causing me to smile too

"Say we go with your plan Agent Creed....then what" Cornel Philips rebuttals

"Then we fight till every last one of those men have met their end" I say

I ride my bike beside Steve as we ride toward the facility, as we do, some of the hydra soldiers try to fight us but we make easy work our them

I put my shield in from it me as we ride towards a tank, it fires at both of us as we approach and I fire an explosion at it causing it to explode, we ride up the side as we invade the base

I fight off men on one side making sure they can't get up and Steve gets the other side, I block blasts with my shield and run through making sure to grab blasters along with way

I see Steve caught in a ring of fire and I blast each guy away from him but soon we're surrounded but men causing me to sigh

They take our weapons and cuff us before walking us into the base, we walk in as Schmidt approaches us

I observe the room as he talks to Captain America, I see a bunch of maps and plans around the room and some case files when suddenly my face is grabbed and I'm faced with Schmidt who's smirking at me

"Pay attention when I'm talking little'll want to hear this" Schmidt says and I move my face away

"Abraham was are insane" I say and he smiles

"He resented how I saw this plan and thought of ways to diminish my work.....he was wrong about one thing...that you are not the perfect Angel he was looking for, for the serum....your as twisted as me....Agent 43" He says causing me to clench my jaw

"I only go by that when I make your operations crumble" I say menacingly causing Steve to look at me

" perfect Angel either" Schmidt says with a smile on his face

"I kill for the safety of others.....I do not kill people like you do" I say defending myself

"Ohhhh how do I kill cold blood" He says causing me to go silent, I put my head down but he raises it back up

"You are not too far from me.....but you are not Captain America" He says and I clench my jaw as I look at him with an evil look, I feel the anger consuming me and I start to gather a plan in my head

"But you Captain....what made you so special" Schmidt says as he walks over to Captain America

"Nothing....I'm just a kid from Brooklyn"Captain America says cockily, Schmidt glares at him before punching him in the face causing Captain America to fall, I watch Schmidt info him to the ground

"I could do this all day" Captain America says

"I know you could but unfortunately I'm running on a tight schedule" Schmidt says before pulling out a gun and pointing it at Captain America

As I go to strike, we all look over to see the team falling in, I smile and head-but the guards behind me before pushing Captain America over and kicking the gun out of Schmidt's hands

I grab the gun and aim to shoot Schmidt but he dodges it and kicks me in the chest causing me to fly across the room, I groan but shoot some guys heading towards me before

" might need this" One of the guys says as he passes me my shield

"Thanks" I say before sprinting out of the room with Captain America by my side as we run after Schmidt

I shoot guards heading our way before we finally catch up, Schmidt fires shots at us and we use our shields,  I shoot at him but my gun runs out of fuel

"Fuck" I say before running after him and dodging his shots, Captain America throws his shield as a hydra soldier comes at us with a flamethrower

We duck for cover before I throw my shield at him knocking him down, I grab my shield and run over just as Peggy puts a round in his head

"Your late" Captain America says and I just look at Peggy who looks at us both

"Do you have Umm" She says causing us both to jump

"Right" I say before kissing her cheek and running off, I grab Captain America's shield and hand it to him and he snatches it from me as we run

We run out to see the aircraft about to take off, I sprint towards it and knock men down and dodge blasts along the way as I try to catch up and Cap isn't too far behind, I grab a blaster and keep running with it tucked under my arm

I jump up on a crate and latch on to a hook and swing myself across and Cap uses a vague to do the same, we get closer  but it's no use

"Get in" We hear, we look over and jump into the car with Peggy and Cornel Philips, I squeeze in and hold on for dear life as we speed towards the aircraft

I get up and prepare myself  when I feel a hand on my leg

"What do you think your doing" Peggy says and I grab her hand and kiss it before looking forward at the aircraft

What I'm about to do is risky but it's worth it

A/n ok a bit of a cliffhanger my bad but ummm a lot I'd happening in this scene so bare with me


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