Chapter Thirty-Seven: Anti-Social Social club

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Harley's POV

I sit at the bar as I watch my girl talks to one of Tony's friends and just admire her, after our conversation we decided to halt all conversations about kids for now and pick it back up at a later time

I adjust my coat as I look out at the rest of the party with delight and wholeness, this whole thing is new to me and feeling like I'm on a team is not such a bad feeling

I adjust my coat as I look out at the rest of the party with delight and wholeness, this whole thing is new to me and feeling like I'm on a team is not such a bad feeling

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Harley's outift^^^

I sit and look around as my teammates mingle with people but a lot of theses guests are vets from different branches of the military which isn't really gonna go well if I talk to them

"You know.....actual talking to guests is what parties are for" I hear my brother says and I roll my eyes before turning to him

"Yes invited a lot of people that don't like I'll pass" I say causing Tony to scoff

"Or you could have a drink with me...and we can discuss how you managed to make my father...the softest man ever" He jokes and I chuckle a bit as I order a drink then look back at him

"I mean that man is the authoritarian type joined the army when he specifically told you not too" Tony adds as the bartender fixes my drink and sets it on the bar, I send him a gentle thank you before looking to my brother with an amused expression

"He kinda had no choice....I'm the type of person that can't be forced to do something I don't like...and you can't tell me what to do when my mind is set" I say as retrieve my drink and take a sip

" love when Nat makes you do stuff...remember when she made you learn how to do archery so you and Clint could bond" Tony points out and I sigh

"Or..when she made you and Steve wear matching shirts for a week when you guys were arguing..and recently...she's part of the reason your now wearing bullet proof vests on missions" He adds causing me to glare at him

"I get your point...God your such a little brother" I say as I turn towards the bar and Tony chuckles at me

"I aim to annoy you since I didn't get to see you much...your being an icicle and all" Tony says causing me to flick his ear

"Well if your here to annoy, I'm here to put you in your place" I say back and he rolls his eyes before huffing like a child

I smile at him before looking down at my drink with a question on the tip of my tongue

"What are you planning Tony" I say as I look down, I feel his arm brush against mine as he turns to face me

"I have no idea what your talking about" He says almost sarcastically causing me to roll my eyes and look at him

"You know exactly what I'm talking about...I didn't hear you guy talking but you and Banner are doing something and not telling the team...and Fury was worried about me doing stuff that's not team oriented" I say as I take a sip of some sort of whiskey

God I'm like my Dad

"It's....just trust me on this one please....I can't explain here because....oh look it's your wife Nat" Tony says causing me to sigh and turn around fully to see Natasha walking toward me

"Babe....wanna dance" She asks and I smile before downing the rest of my drink and putting the glass on the bar

"Sure doll.....we'll talk about this later" I say to Natasha before turning to Tony and whispering

Nat leads me to the main area and I take her hand as we sway back and forth

Nat leads me to the main area and I take her hand as we sway back and forth

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"What's with the antisocial behavior...our talk still on your mind" Natasha asks and I sigh

"A little we's for a later I don't want to make you feel pressured" I say as we dance together

I spin Natasha before pulling her back in by her waist and smile down at her slightly as she smiles back

"Harley....I don't want you thinking I don't want kids's just a lot to think about" She says as I nod

"I know...that's why I'm letting you think" I reply as I dip her before bringing her back up into my chest

"Yes but-

"Natalia" I say semi sternly causing Natasha sigh

"I just want you to know I'm keeping an open mind, that's all" She replies as she rubs my back

"And I want you to know that it's when your ready...if both of us aren't ready then neither of us are ready...we're a team remember" I say as I turn her around and pull her back to my front

"Look at you being a team player...I thought you liked solitude" She teases and I chuckle before kissing her shoulder

"I do but....I'll be in solitude with you and you only" I say as I turn Nat back around to face her

"Your very sweet..come on...let's go talk to Clint since your avoiding everyone else" Natasha says and I nod as I let her lead me over to our best friend

As we walk I see Bruce walking by, his eyes find Natasha's and I feel jealousy build up as he passes

His eyes not leaving Natasha's body as he walks away

"Harley.....stop" Natasha says as I watch Bruce carefully

"Hey Nat...Harley still jealous of Bruce" I hear Clint say as Natasha and I stop walking

"Yes and it's very unnecessary" Natasha replies as she cups my jaw and turns my face so my gaze is now on Clint and her

"He likes her...and he has no qualms on showing it when I'm around" I say irritatedly as Nat cuddles into me

"You get the same way with me Harley...and I have a wife and kids" Clint points out and I sigh

"Whatever....I'm human so I have issues" I say with a pout

"Where do the mommy and daddy issues come into play" Clint jokes and I laugh sarcastically

"Says the guy I can take out with a knife before he can draw his arrow" I say and Clint laugh back sarcastically

"Don't forget anger issues" He replies in a laughs

"Don't forget the growing hearing loss" I say, Clint and I playfully glare at each other before laughing together

"You two seriously worry me" Natasha says as she sips her drink that she got handed to her by a waitress, Clint and I just shrug as we start talking about random things

My eyes move across the room where my brother is, I watch him carefully as he talks to Thor

He's up to something and I need to know what

A/n Harley is starting to see through Tony...also Harley being jealous of Bruce lmao


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