Chapter Thirteen: The End of the Line

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Harley's POV

I stand at the top of the mountain with Steve and the rest of the crew as we scope the area and use the radio to track the hydra train

"The mad scientist is on the train, they must need him fast with how they are talking" One of the soldiers says

"Ok Harley, Bucky you man the inside the train, let's go" Steve says as we get in the zip-line and head down to the train one by one

We jump off and land on the train as planned and I start climbing the side and I enter in with Bucky, he keeps his gun drawn as as we engage further into the train

I keep my shield up as I guard him and I, as I walk the door closes behind me causing me to turn around and see Bucky on the other and he starts shouting behind him

I turn around and see a big robot heading my way, I shots at it and guard myself with my shield, I charge the machine and slam into it with my shield causing it to fall, I lift my leg and smash it's blaster causing it to shatter into pieces

I use the ray gun to shoot the door down and I head back to where Bucky is, I open thr door and take cover before kicking a giant crate at the man shooting at Bucky and the metal crate crushes him

"I had him on the ropes" Bucky says and I roll my eyes

"Sure you did" I say, I turn and see the robot again as it charges up to fire

"Get back" I say before shield Bucky and I, the blast shots off my shield and blows the side of the train out causing me to launch across the train

I look up to see Bucky grab my shield and shoot at the robot

"Bucky no" I say but before I can say anything, the bot blasts the shield and Bucky goes flying out the side

"Bucky!"I yell as I grab my shield and launch it at the bot which causes it to fly back

"Bucky" I yell again as I look out to see Bucky hanging on to the metal piece, I reach my hand out as I see Steve come over

"Oh god, Bucky grab my hand" Steve says as he reaches down to help Bucky, I try to climb the side as I see the bar that's ho,ding him is  breaking

"Grab my hand I can swinging you back in" I say

"No Bucky I got you" Steve yells and I just try to move over but just as I try to grab his hand the bar breaks

I feel my heart sink as I watch Bucky fall to his death,  I put my head down as I feel myself start to cry

I can't face Steve right now

I walk into my quarters feeling the guilt was over me, what could I have done better or right to make him not have fallen....he died right in front of me

"I can't believe this" I say as I sit on my bed and put my shield down before putting my hands over my eyes

"I can't let him die" Steve says causing me to lift my head up and look at him disgusted

"I didn't let him die, I was close to reaching for his hand and the bar broke....I just wish I have pushed him away before he could grab my shield" I say as I look back at my shield

"You were  responsible of keeping your man safe and you don't deserve that shield for the work you did today...I lost my best friend because of you" Steve says causing me to clench my jaw

"I deserve so much then I have gotten and you have the nerve to tell me that I don't deserve this birth right" I say seething with rage

"You have not been through what I have, I have so much pressure while you can stay in the background" Steve says stepping to me

"You get all the credit for everything that I did, you've become the country's darling and I have done more then you on the front have stolen all the attention that I deserve" I say angrily

"You mean Peggy" Steve says causing me to scoff

"You know she has been with me yet you decide to step in" I say bitterly

"She likes me Harley....she's can't even be with you in public" He says and I shake my head

"You remind me every time you guys flirt openly and in front of me, very purposeful might I add" I say as I step to him and he shakes his head

"You and I both know that she likes both of us....but just because your in the race for her heart doesn't mean I'm backing down" He says and now it's my turn to shake my head

"'s crazy how much  you've changed after this you've changed into this asshole with a big head I mean you can't be doing this to keep yourself safe" I say just gassed, I can't believe this guy right now

"You don't know what I've been through and had to go through" He says angrily

"And you don't know what I've been through either so stop acting like your the only one suffering" I yell

"Well you should have known that you'd suffer here" He yells back but I see his face instantly change, I go stone faced as i back up from him

"Harley I-I'm sorry" Steve says but I just wave him off before leaving the room, I walk out and into the woods

I walk through the facility that the jackass scientist is being held when suddenly I see Cornel Philips walk into a room with a guard carrying a tray of food

I frown my eyebrows as I walk into the next room where the one way glass is, I watch as Cornel talk to the man who should be dead, he has all the plans and the knowledge in the world but he's the reason Bucky is dead 

"Given the very brilliant formation provided in exchange for his cooperation, Dr. Zola being relocated to Switzerland" Dr Zola says causing me ball my fists in anger but I keep listening

"I sent that message to Washington this morning, of course it was coded,guys haven't broken those codes have you" Cornel Philips says

"This is a lie" Dr.Zola says with a smug smile

"Schmidt is gonna kill you anyway Doc, your  a liability and you know more about Schmidt than anyone...and the last guy you cost us was Captain Rogers closest friends I would get the very best protection" Cornel Philips says

Bucky was my friend too

"Because you or Schmidt, just the hand you've been dealt" He continues, I decide Ive heard enough and leave the room, ignore the concerned looks as I pass

He thinks he's been dealt a bad hand.....he'll see what he's been dealt

A/n ok well Harley's going insane and her and Steve are in a very bad place but that's to be expected with how I framed this whole thing lmao

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A/n ok well Harley's going insane and her and Steve are in a very bad place but that's to be expected with how I framed this whole thing lmao


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