Chapter Twenty-Eight: Acknowledgment

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Harley's POV

"You sure it's here........why here of all places" I say as I talk to Natasha off of my burner phone

"Nick says it's in the place of the check" She says before hanging up, I sigh and close the phone before walking to my fathers grave stone and seeing a box on the ground in front of his tombstone

I've always noticed it but never knew what it was

I look to see a number code lock on it, I sigh and think of what my father would think of for the code...or what even would it be

"One......nine.....four.....three" I say code in and the lock immediately unlocks, that was easy

I smile as the pitch black stealth suit I used to wear is perfectly folded in the box with a note attached and a picture of Peggy and I holding each other as well as a picture of my father, mother and I

I frown and pick up the note and open it, I immediately recognize the handwriting

Your suit was kept by me and your father, he never knew if you were really alive or dead but he wanted something of you...your mask is buried with him as was requested in his will and your fatigues will be buried with you have new ones as well as new weapons made by your father, I love you what you do best~ Peggy Carter

"That's my girl" I say before closing the box and bring it and the suit with me

Time skip

I walk with Steve, Sam and Agent Hill in the woods as we look around for any threats, I hold my shield tightly with my swords and knifes being in my tool belt secured in place

I fiddle with one of my knifes as we walk through the woods, i glance at Steve as I take in his old uniform from the museum

I'm in mine too since we agreed to wear our old uniforms to jog Bucky's memory, I just hope it works

I'm in mine too since we agreed to wear our old uniforms to jog Bucky's memory, I just hope it works

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(All of Harley's equipment^^^)

I adjust my clawed gloves and swords along with my guns, I sigh as I look into the woods feeling adrenaline running through my body

I look on at the tall buildings of the city before making my way through the woods with the team, I can't help but think of my dad and Peggy during this fight...but also Natasha

She hasn't left my mind all day

We arrive to the building and Steve stands in front of me as Sam and Agent Hill pull their guns

A man opens the door and before Steve can react I move in front of him as the Shield Guard looks at us terrified 

"Excuse us" Steve says from behind me, I look at him and roll my eyes before pushing the guard out of the way

Agent Hill and Sam grab me and drag me with them down the hallway with Steve in front, I sigh and shrug them off while muttering to myself

I wanna kick ass not have manners

We get to the intercom room and I punch out the guard as well the intercom guy, I smile to myself like a kid before looking to my team

"Happy now Harley" Sam says and I nod my head rapidly causing him to chuckle as well as Agent hill

Steve just shakes his head before going to the intercom mic and turning it on

"Attention all Shield agents, this is Steve've heard a lot about me over these few days...some of you were even ordered to hunt me...and my..friend down...but I think it's time you know the truth" Steve starts, he turns to me and his face shows his hesitation for calling me his friend

I give him a neutral expression only before he turns away from me and back to the soundboard

"Shield is not what you thought it's been taken over by Hydra...Alexzander Pierce is their leader...the strike and insight crew are in as well...we don't know how many more, but I know their in the building.....they could be standing right next to you...they almost have what they want..absolute control...he shot Nick Fury and it won't end there" Steve says and I adjust my footing

I look up from the floor as I remember my file is somewhere in this building, and I need to go get it

"If you launch those heli-Carriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way...not if we stop them" Steve says and I sigh before moving him out of that way and leaning down to the mic

"This is Agent Harley Stark.....more I known to you all as Agent 43, the worlds most deathly assassin next to Black Widow....known as America's traitor....all of you may look down on me as some double agent...but little do you all know that I was fighting for my country...and if you want to look at a do the same for the Hydra agents that were let into Shield and those who are protecting them...I helped defeat Hydra from the inside once...I sure as hell will do it again" I say before leaning up and looking at Steve who has a slight smile

I smile back before stepping back with Agent hill putting her hand on my shoulder and Sam doing the same, Steve walks back to the mic as I feel a weight on my chest be lifted

"I know I'm asking a lot....and Agent right...price of freedom is high, especially for those who..don't look like always has's a price I'm willing to pay..for myself and for those who don't get it automatically....and if I'm the only one then so be it...I'm willing to bet I'm not" Steve says while looking to me and Sam

I smirk a bit as he stands up straight and Sam walks over to him

"You write that down first..or was it off the top of your head" Sam says with a proud smile

"Just something I should have learned before" Steve says with a smile, i walks up to him slowly with my arms crossed causing him and Sam to look my way as well as Agent Hill

"You mean those words.....all of them" I ask and Steve nods

"Verbal answer Captain" I say in stern voice

"Every word" He says and I nod as I look down to the floor

"Captain" Steve finishes causing me to look at him shocked, he smiles at me proudly before looking to Agent Hill

I look down with a smile creeping up in my face and my heart warming up, I don't want to forgive him too quickly but I may loosen up a bit

"Captain Stark...sounds good on you" Sam says and I just smirk

"It has a good ring to it" I say smugly causing Sam to playfully shove me

A/n awwwwwwwwwweee look at Steve and Harley making amends a bit, btw btw they are not going to be besties just yet I mens they got a lot of stuff to talk about and they gon beef a bit more later on, iykyk


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