Chapter Twenty: Under Attack

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Harley's POV

I walk out of the room with Steve as we both get into the elevator and look out at the city, I go to ask Steve something but suddenly the guys that escorted us here walk into the elevator and override Steve's request on the elevator

"Cap...American traitor" One of the men says

"Jersey shore wannabe" I say as I look out to the city as the elevator moves down, I feel the hairs on my neck stand up, I look to Steve who's looking at something causing me to do the same

I see one of the guys clutching his weapon, I immediately look back outside and start messing with my weapons belt and I get my dagger in hand

I turn around and swing my dagger in between my fingers and into position as I put my hands behind my back

I turn around and swing my dagger in between my fingers and into position as I put my hands behind my back

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Harley's weapons, the smaller ones are on her tool belt and her shield in on her back^^^

I look to the men then to Steve, the elevator opens back up and some suits walk in talking about something, as they do, Steve and I walk up next to the of the guards

"Sorry about what happened to him" The guy says and my hair sticks up again

"Thanks" Steve says and I remain quiet as I look beside me and see one of the guys sweating, it's not hot today at all

The elevator opens again to reveal more guys in the same attire, they glare at Steve and i before walking in

There's never this many people on an elevator at one time, especially everyone actions suspicious as hell

I notice some move behind us and I conceal my dagger in my sleeve and ready my hidden blade, I take a deep breath before looking forward

"Before we get started...does anyone wanna get out" Steve says

"Or do you all have a death wish" I ask flatly causing them all to look to us, I hear an electronic sound and the guy in front of Steve spins and starts attacking him

I feel one guy grab my arm and I elbow him in the head before turning my body and stabbing him with my hidden blade, another comes over to me and I extended the blade and it launches into his neck

I pull him forward and throw him into another guy before taking care of that one, I retract my blade and punch another guy as Steve makes his rounds behind me, I feel someone grab me from behind and I flip them on their back and step on their neck and twist my foot

I look to Steve who's about to be hit and I run up and put my wrist to the man's head as my finger prick him in the eyes, I move my wrist and my blade let's go and stabs him in the neck

I rip it out and the man falls to the floor, I look to Steve who nods to me before fixing the elevator, the doors open and a bunch of guards come over to us

Steve immediately uses his shield and knocks the cables loses causing us to fall down floors at a quick pace, I grab my shield from one of the douchebags and look to Steve who stops the elevator

"Only one way out" I say as he looks at me confused, I grab my shield and move back before running full force into the glass and out the elevator before putting my shield under me to brace my fall

Steve falls next to me and I help him up before dragging him to the garage, we grab put bikes before zooming out of the closing bridge

We race down the highway as the bridge is attempting to close and a chopper comes in front of us, I launch off my bike and fling my shield to the back of the chopper causing the jets to catch fire

I see Steve do the same to the front ones and we jump off onto the ground, I look to Steve and we both run off

Shield is going under

A/n okkkk that was some action but wasn't it kinda fun to see these two fight together again lol it was fun for me


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