Chapter Thirty-Two: Date?

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Harley's cemetery outfit ^^^
Harley's POV

I stand at Nick's grave with Steve and Sam, his grave sight is kinda sad's funny knowing he's not actually dead and that casket is empty

"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before" Nick says as he walks up to us, I wrap my arm around him but he gives me a look causing me to remove my arm slowly

"You know you love me" I say and I can feel the eye roll coming from him

"You get used to it" Steve says referring to the grave, I look up and see my father's not too far away causing me to sigh as I remember the information I still need for Fury

"We've been data mining Hydra's files...looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship....I'm heading to Europe tonight...wanted to ask if you'd come" Nick says as he looks to Steve and I

"There something I got to do first" Steve says

"Me too....I have a lot...of things to sort through before I travel anywhere...including the ten bullets in my back" I say turning towards Nick who nods

"How about you Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities" Fury asks as he looks to Sam, completely avoiding my harsh gaze

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy" Sam says confidently

"Alright then" Nick says as he shakes our hands, he goes to me last and gives me a look as we shake hands

I nod as does he before looking to Steve 

"Anybody asks for me...tell them they can find me, right here" Nick says before walking away

As he does I hear the most angelic voice, which leads me back to what I wanted to do

"You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you" Natasha says as she walks up to us

I smile and walk ahead of everyone till I'm face to face with her, I smile down at her as she gives me a slightly less neutral look

"How's your back Captain Stark" She says causing me to smile wider

"'s your head" I ask with a smirk forming on my face

"Screwed on straight" Natasha replies as she looks into my eyes a bit more than usual, I make a face at her as Steve puts his hand on my shoulder

"Not going with him" He asks Nat who smiles slightly at him

"No" She replies

"Not staying here" Steve asks causing my heart to drop

"Nah....I blew all my covers, I got to go figure out a new one" She says and I tighten up a bit as relax my shoulders

"Might take a while" Steve says

"Yea....more time than I'd like...because I was planning on seeing that beautiful face longer" I say causing Natasha to smile at me a bit

"Well Harley....I'll make you a deal on that....take me to dinner and show me who you are...then I'll consider you" She says and I am taken aback by this

"Wow...I didn't know it was possible to become more attracted to you...but yes...of course I'd go out with you...Natalia" I say playing coy a bit and Natasha rolls her eyes

"Don't push your luck Cap" She says and I smile and nod knowing that she isn't playing around

"But Steve...I'm counting on it taking a while...but that thing you asked for...called in a few favors from Kiev.....will you do me a favor" Natasha says to Steve as she hands him a file

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