Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Party Crasher

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Harley's POV

I walk around the party more since Natasha insisted I meet new people which is Natasha talk for your a loser but whatever

I see a group of Korean War vets standing off to the side talking and laughing, I sigh and adjust my suit jacket before walking over to them

"Hello gentlemen...just wanted to show my appreciation for your service" I say as I walk up to the group nervously

"Thank you...did you serve" One of the older men asks nicely and I hold back my smart ass comment before nodding

"Yes I did...uh a long time ago though" I say as the men observe me, one in particular is staring at me with daggers as he shakes his head

"Oh that's great...uh..which branch" A blonde haired man asks causing me to smile

"Army" I say and they nod

"Thank you for your do you know Tony Stark-

"Your a disgrace" The man across from me says, interrupting his friend

"Henry what the hell...give some respect" The guy from before says as he taps his friends shoulder

"No..I won't give respect to a degenerate and US traitor" He replied as he stares at me with cold dead eyes, I breath in and out deeply as I try to calm myself and feel my grip on my drink tightening slowly

"What are you talking about Henry?...Sir what is he talking about?" The older man asks as he looks from his friend to me

I go to respond but Henry cuts me off

"You remember World War II...this traitor served with Captain America and betrayed the country....isn't that right...Agent 43" Henry says smugly with a smirk plastered on his face

I clench my jaw as my other fists balls up, the other men look at me in shock as they finally realize who they're talking too

"Y-Your Agent 43....I...-

"Yea...surprised Fury let you in...maybe he had pity on you" Henry continues to taunt

"Henry chill...this guy could kill you" The blonde man says and whispers the last part, I look at him angrily causing the man to shrink into himself

"I'm a woman by the way" I correct causing them to look to the floor and my eyes move back to Henry's smug face

"Your a traitor and an ugly smudge on world history...your only here because they can't kill you" He says arrogantly, my grip on my glass tightens more and I don't hold back my strength resulting in the glass breaking in my hand and shattering on the floor

I feel a hand on my shoulder but I don't look away from the now slightly frightened but still smug Henry

"I think you should leave" I hear Steve say next to me, I look at him curiously before looking back at Henry who looks like he's about to shit himself

"B-But Mr. Rogers I-

"You are currently disrespecting a Captain...and her name is no longer Agent 43...her rank and name are Captain! Harley Stark and if you'd like to keep your job...leave the party now" Steve says threateningly as he steps forward

"Yes sir...I'm sorry Captain-

"Shut the fuck up and leave before I slit your throat" I say calmly causing the man to nod furiously before walking out

The group of men disperse with fear evident in their faces, I sigh and unball my fist to see blood and a large cut in the middle of my hand

"I hate this party" I say as I walk off but Steve follows me

"You need to assert authority about you stick with me and Tony tonight or even Nat...I'm sorry you can't really make friends here like I can" Steve says as we stop in a more private area

I sigh as I use my other hand to grab my forehead as I pace around

"I just....I'm sick of having to be reminded every step of the way..what I did for this country! If it wasn't for me...we wouldn't have gotten out of that war! If it want for me...the US would have had snakes ready to stab everyone in the back yet I get ridiculous hate for WHAT!" I rant before letting out a big sigh

Steve stares at me with a helpless look before pulling me into a hug

"Your a Captain and have been for didn't deserve to stay at your old don't deserve any of this Harley..your...your parents did what they did but that doesn't mean your like them" Steve says and I sigh as I put my hand on the small of his back

"How do you know" I say softly

"Because you did it for your country...not for power...not for notoriety or to be noticed..but to protect people and that's the differences" Steve says as he pulls away as slightly

I nod and wipe my face with my uncut hand

"I guess your right" I say as I try to believe it myself

"I go find Nat or Tony...avoid all those veterans and just be around us ok....and uh...wrap your hand" He says while pointing to my still bleeding hand and I nod

He smiles a bit before wrapping his arm around me and leading us back to the party, we make it back to everyone and I see Nat at the bar serving drinks to people

I see Bruce sitting down at the bar talking to Nat and I can see she's a little uncomfortable causing me to increase my walking speed while Steve chuckles behind me before seemingly going to Thor

"Hey have a wrap back there I can use?" I say, not caring if I interrupted Bruce, he looks at me with an awkwardly smile before walking off

I look at Nat and she's smirking as she hands me a wrap and alcohol for my hand with our touch lingering a bit, I smirk back as I sit down where Bruce was sitting and start treating my wound

"You are something else" She says and I chuckle

"So is he....thinking he can flirt with you while I'm not around" I say and Natasha sighs

"Well you did decide to be with me...a black widow" She says and I shrug before pouring the alcohol on my wound without flinching, I put the pad side on my cut and wrap my hand before tearing the wrap with my teeth when I'm satisfied with the coverage

"How did talking to fellow Vets go? Werr any of them nice" Natasha asks as she continues making drinks for people and makes me my favorite

"They were only nice when they didn't know who I was....then I got outed by some douche...let's just say my glass exploded in my hand" I say sarcastically as I raise my hand a bit

"I'm sorry babe...they are just jealous I mean theses guys couldn't do half of what you could do" She says and I raise an eyebrow

"I literally have super serum in my veins and unidentified powers that Tony is helping me discover...I'm not human baby" I say and Natasha rolls her eyes

"Not the have more intelligence than any of those men judging I said before,  you deserve respect but you need to take have mine" Natasha says sincerely while looking into my eyes, I smile at this and feel my mood get better

"You....Natalia Romanoff...are the love of my life" I say sincerely while looking at her lovingly,  Natasha hides her blush and a small smile graces her lips

"And you Harley Akintola- Stark Jr....are my love for life" She says as she leans forwards on the bar while holding her personal drink

I roll my eyes and peck her lips

"Still not used to the name being real...but only you are allowed to say that" I say causing Natasha to chuckle as she gets back to work and I just watch her

I hope she means what she said...because I do

A/n awwwwe Harley and Natasha fluff, eel love to see it and y'all see Steve defending Harley, that's calls growth hunt don't be too happy lol


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