Chapter Twelve: Rouge Soldier

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Harley's POV

I stand with Steve as he and Peggy share flirty looks as he explains the map that he thinks is still that the Hydra base and burnt to pieces

I watch as Cornel and Steve talk with respect while I'm left out of the plans, I helped out with the mission and did a lot of work with him yet I'm not recognized and he's promoted to Captain while I'm an agent now.....great

Luckily I got my own plan

I walk away from them all as I go to a different part of the quarters where all the guns and weapons are, i start looking through and taking some knifes as well as some small guns and big guns before sneaking out the back

I drive back to my quarters and get my other gear and map before walking out, as I do I look at the filing cabinet that has the file on my parents in it, debating on if I should grab it out not

I keep walking and get to my car before driving off and heading to the airship place, I park the car and get out before boarding the plane and seeing my father best friend flying the plane

"You ready to fly Ms.Creed" The flight attendant says and I smile at her

"More than ready" I say smirking, she smile and  winks before heading to the back

I stab the guard in the back as I head into the building, I sneak my way through the area without a trace before making it to the main quarters of the head of this hydra facility

I take out my lock picking kit and start to pick the lock with a paper clip and a sharp needle, I unlock the door causing the head to turn around

"Who are you" he says as he pulls his gun on me, I smile and walk toward him menacingly as I intimidate him, he starts to become cowardly and I take this chance to kick the gun out of his hands and karate kick him in his face causing him to knock out cold

I grab the needle in my hand and stab him in his Addams apple, he gasps and holds his neck as I set off the explosives, I take the needle out and wipe his blood on his jacket before walking out and leaving the place as it explodes

I walk into my quarters late at night, I put my stuff down and go into my drawers and put everything away before turning around and seeing my father standing there

" you scared me" I say as I put my hand on my chest

"I won't ask what your doing....but I brought something for you" He say before lifting up a black and silver Shield

"This...has special meaning Harley" He says as he comes towards me with the shield, I see an image I don't recognize in the middle as my father hands me the shield

"I made one for Steve due to the army's request was only fair you got your own..detached from this country and to you own" He says causing me to look up at him

"What are you talking about" I say causing my father to sigh, he sits down on my bed and I do the same with the shield firmly in hand

"Harley...I haven't told you much about your parents, in hopes that you stay safe from their you know they dropped you off at my house in the middle of the night" He starts, I nod and run my hands over the shield as he talks

"Your parents left me this metal...this scientific anomaly called vibrainum, the strongest metal I've ever payment to raise and keep you safe" He says causing me to look at him

"So this is what the shield is made out of" I say

"Yes and your family's crest.....the symbol of their day I hope I can tell you the full story but...I can not as I can see your straying away from the army" He says and I sigh and put my head down

I can not as I can see your straying away from the army" He says and I sigh and put my head down

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The family crest and how the shield looks including the scratches that look like a panther clawed it btw^^^^^^

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The family crest and how the shield looks including the scratches that look like a panther clawed it btw^^^^^^

"Just say I told you so and skip the lecture" I say sadly as I look at the shield fondly

"I don't blame you....but I will tell you to be carful....there's things they know and will do that will put you in harms way" My father say, I nod and he kisses my head before leaving

I stare at my shield in awe as I start to think about what I don't know...and who my parents are....who they were
———————-time transitions again

I rush into the hydra bases as Steve and his team rush in guns firing, we defeat the hydra men and I steal information while the team isn't looking

I smile as Peggy and I run through that woods before stopping at a tree and I smile at her lovingly as I kiss her causing her to wrap her arms around my neck

I rush the hydra soldiers hit them with my shield causing them to go flying and I turn and flip as I lock my legs around the man's neck and flip him causing us to fall to the ground and I shot the men coming towards us before and snap the man in between my legs neck


I watch as Peggy and Steve flirt while I do files and I look at see a file on my parents as well as my own personal file, I look around before looking through the papers yet I'm stopped when I'm pulled out of that ent for a mission


I walk behind a Hydra head General before grabbing his hair and cutting his throat in cold blood before setting the explosive off and running out as I see my "team" rush in just stop and sigh as I run through the woods undetected


I aim my gun at the head of a government official that I've see snooping around enemy lines before pulling the trigger and watch his friends start to duck in cover

I smirk in success before taking my gun and heading off


I feel my blood thirst rising and my pride growing as I do what I was supposed to do....I want to be a hero, I won't be Americas bitch

A/n ok well I may story, we'll see but idk maybe I won't lol idk but I'm at Bucky's death now and hopefully almost down so yea and


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