Chapter Twenty-Six: Your Alive?

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Harley's POV

I stare at the man I felt so guilty for not saving, the best friend I ever had....the man that believed I could be in the army

Bucky draws his gun and I push Steve out of the way but suddenly a missal races past our heads towards Bucky, I turn around and see Natasha standing wobbly near a car with a gun in hand

I turn away to see Bucky gone and sirens coming closer to us, till they park all around us

I sigh and drop my shield as the officers yell commands at us, one knocks me in my head causing me to fall to the ground hard and they aggressively hold my arms behind my back while I see Steve still on his knees with his hands up

He looks at me as a cop smushes my head into the pavement harder than needed, I see Steve eyes become sadder and guiltier as we maintain eye contact and guns are pressed into into my back

They get me off the ground and into the van, they cuff Steve and I then close the door, I stare at the ground trying to process the amount of things that just happened

"He's alive...I felt all that guilt..all that pain for years....I watched him die" I say

"How is this even possible...he died 70 years ago" Sam asks and I shudder at the memories back then

"I don't wanna remember any of this.....why can't shit stay in the past" I say and I feel Steve's eyes on me but I ignore them

"Bucky's whole unit was captured in 43..they experimented on him...maybe it helped him survive the fall" Steve suggests and I sigh

"Maybe.......they found him again and... brainwashed him...they had to of done that for him to not even recognize us or his own name" I say before looking up

"If I could have saved him I-

"None of that's your fault tried to save him...both of you did" Natasha says and I look at her thankfully

"Even when I had nothing..I had Bucky" Steve says as I just stares forward

"Bucky was the only one who looked out for me" I say causing Steve to look at me sadly

"But I-

"Don't only took you getting the serum for you to change...he never did, don't come to me on some bullshit just because you now can see that you were a shitty friend.....I'll never forgive you" I say coldly before moving away from Steve and looking at the floor

"You need to get a doctor here...we don't put pressure in that wound..she's gonna bleed out here in the truck" Sam says and the guy next to him puts out his electric gun causing Sam to back away

I go to get up but the man hits the guy next to me and kicks him in the head, knocking him out immediately

I blink rapidly for a bit till the person takes their helmet off to reveal Agent hill

"God that thing was squeezing my brain" She says and I smile

"You sexy..sly asshole" I say and she gives me a fake smile

"Who's this guy" Agent hill asks referring to Sam, I shrug and lean back against the seat

Agent hill takes out a laser gun and carves a hole into the bottoms before unlocking our cuffs, i look at everyone who's hesitant and roll my eyes before jumping out first

I turn on my stomach and lift up slowly as I watch everyone jump out as well, I go to Natasha and pick her up

She struggles in my arms but I tell her told calm down as Agent hill guides us to a parked van nearby

We get in and I put pressure on Nat's wound and hold her close to my chest, I feel her hand mess with my jacket as she tries to maintain consciousness

"Stay with me Natalia" I say teasingly and she sighs

"Shut up Creed" She says causing me to laugh and smile down at her, we arrive to the place Hill brought us too and I carry Natasha to the doors

Agent hill looks at me with a strange look but I ignore her and walk in first, she leads us further in as a guy runs up to his

"We have an open wound, lost about a pint of blood maybe two" Hill says

"Let me take her" The guy says but Hill shakes her head

"She'll wanna see him first" She says causing Nat and i to look at each other

Is she talking about....about no he died, right?

We make our way to a hospital like area and Agent hill pulls back the curtain to reveal none other than Nick Fury himself

"You've gotta be shitting me" I say slightly irritated

"About damn time" Nick says as he takes his oxygen mask off and I roll my eyes

Asshole as usual

I sigh and put Natasha down as the doctor comes over to us and I grab her hand and hold it

Nick starts listing off his injuries as I glare at him angrily, why is everyone I tried to save just appearing again...alive at that

"We watched your heart stop" Natasha says

"Toxin B...slows the pulse to one beat a minute..developed it for stress....didn't work for I found a use for it" Nick explains

"That's actually genius...and I'm supposed to be the skilled secret agent" I say and Nick rolls his eyes

"Why all the secrecy...why not just tell us" Steve asks and I sigh

"An attempt on the heads life has to look successful" Agent hill says and I nod

"Can't kill you if your already dead....besides I wasn't sure who to trust" Nick says and I chuckle

"Well we found that out today" I say in a whisper causing him to look at me

"I need to have a serious talk with you Agent 43" Nick says and I nod

"Yea...I need to have one with you too because just like Captain over there....I don't like secrecy especially when it comes to my family" I say and Nick sighs heavily

"I'll tell you everything....just not now" He says

A/n Welp.......haahahahaahahahahah Nicks alive and Harley is about to air his ass out about her family


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