Chapter Fourteen: The truth

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Harley's POV

I pack up my gear up as I try and head to Switzerland, they probably sent Zola off by now and I need to catch up

I get up and look through my drawer for the maps and coordinates I have, I frown my eyebrows as I try to find where it is by rummage through my drawers and my bags

I move my shield and look under my bed but find nothing causing me to groan as I stand up and run my fingers through my hair and start to freak out

"Looking for something" I hear behind me, I turn around and see Steve holding my maps, coordinates and my check list

With all that men I've killed under the army's nose

"You went through my things" I say calmly but trust me in seething right now

"I knew you were up to something but I.....I didn't think it was backstabbing the army and killing without their've killed so many people that weren't even on the radar" Steve rants but I shake my head at snatch the papers from him

"You wanna say that I'm backstabbing the army.....when they've been backstabbing me, sending me on missions then when I do everything and tell them, you get the recognition and the praise and the glory.....while I wallow away in the back, seen as another nigger on the street while your the golden boy" I reply back as I shake my head at his naivety

"You could have just told them there were more threats and they would have listened since you have proof, you should have at least told me and..........Harley were involved with the suspicious deaths within the military" He says as he starts realizing things, I whip my head around and look at him with a flabbergasted look

Even though I know the truth

"It had to be done....Cornel Philips had dirty people involved with him...I had to do something....they knew about me before I entered the military and I had to shut them up or they could have done something to me or my father first" I say look at him darkly, Steve looks at me with a frightened if he doesn't recognize me

"You could have told could have told me" He says and I shake my head as rage fills me

"You really think Cornel Philips or you would have listen to me....or even Peggy....I'm seen as lower than everyone and you can't seem to get out of your own way to see haven't even been defending me anymore to people who call me out of my just stand there" I yell as I get progressively more upset and Steve stands there speechless

"I mean....Peggy has been actively avoiding me and I know it has everything to do with you.......I should have known but regarding the army...I'm nothing to them so....I did what Dr. Abraham would have wanted me to do...and that's fight" I say and Steve looks at me disappointedly

"Not like this....not against your country" He says still not understanding

"No Steve...your country" I say as I shake my head and throw my plans back in the drawer

"This is not right Harley...I thought you were better and smarter than this" He says as I look at my shield

"I am.....but you aren't...Captain America" I say before leaving our quarters, I walk out and see Peggy causing me to walk the other way but I hear my name being called

"Agent Creed.....can I have a moment" She yells causing me to stop, I turn around as she makes her way over to me

"Yes Agent Carter" I say causing her to sigh, Peggy looks around before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to our place

"I apologize for my absents.....but I had to think about everything privately" She starts, I lean against the tree that's near by and look at her emotionless

"And what did your thoughts lead you too" I say knowing where this is going

"I can with you Harley....I have more feelings for Steve then you" She says and I feel my heart crack as Peggy looks at her feet

"I saw this coming......and I respect your decision" I say before going to walk away but Peggy grabs me

"I know you are struggling and I may not be able to be with you the way you want...but I'll be damed if I'm not here for you with the loss of your friend" She says causing me to look away

"No one care how I feel...they only care about Steve" I say, Peggy cups my face forces me to look at her

"I care......I care about you more than you know and his death struck you and I saw it in your eyes when you came back" Peggy says, I feel my emotions heightening and tears coming up to the surface

"Come here darling" She say before pulling me into a hug causing me to break down immediately as she holds me and let's me let it out

No matter I've been treated....Peggy has stood by me no matter what

I was in love with Agent Peggy Carter

A/n ok well ummmm I hope I'm not confusing you and letting off bombshells and everything so yea, this story has me delirious rn but anyway I'm also trying done yaaaaayyyyy


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