Chapter Twenty-Five: Bucky?

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Harley's POV

I adjust my swords as I hold the man down and he pleads and hisses in pain from my boot digging into his spine

"Zolas algorithm was a program..for choosing...insides targets" The man says and I smile a bit

"What targets" Steve asks

"You and Agent 43...react and cargo...burry the friends.....anyone who's a threat to for the future " The man says and I frown a bit and release my foot from his back as the man stands up

"The future....mind explaining that...because how could it know" I say as I take out my larger sword causing the man to cower a bit as he laughs in Steve and i's faces

"How could it now...the 21st century is a digital book.....Zola taught hydra how to read it....your bank records, medical histories, voting history, emails, phone calls....your SAT scores, Zolas algorithm evaluates peoples predict there future" The man says before looking at me with a glare and I clench my jaw

"What then" I say and he smiles at me but then it drops dramatically

"Oh my god Pierce is gonna kill me" He says and I frown

"What then" Steve insists as I grabs him and stick my sword into his back slightly causing him to hiss in pain

"Then the inside helicarrier scratches people off the list....a few million at a time" The man says and look to Natasha and Sam before grabbing him and walk him out of the building while putting my swords away

We ride in the car as I contemplate what to ask him, he seems to know a lot and I need to know what I'm missing

"Hydra doesn't like leaks" The man says and I roll my eyes

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it" Sam says and I look at the man

"What do you know about Harley Sr and Imani" I ask and the man looks at me with a terrified face

"Oh uh...I know nothing really" He says nervously and I go to press him but suddenly he's taken out of the car and thrown across traffic

Well fuck

I immediately pull Natasha into me as gun shots ring in the car, Sam slams on the breaks causing the man to be thrown off the car, I look up and see a guy with long black hair and a silver arm with black armor looking at us

He rises up just as a jeep rams into us, pushing us to the man but he jumps and lands on the top of the car, Sam tires to break as hard as he can but it's no use

I push Natasha up front before taking my swords out and stabbing the roof but the man dodges it and rips the steering wheel out of the car, Natasha shoots at him but he jumps off and onto the car that's rams us into the side of the barriers

"Harley, jump out now" Steve says and I nod before ramming the door out and lunging out the side, I land into the barrier back first, i groan in pain before getting up quickly to see where Steve, Nat and Sam are

I look over to see the man from before get handed a large gun and I immediately whip out my shield and he shoots the missile at me causing me to fly down the street

I crash into a semi truck that swerves and hits two other cars

"Fuck...sorry man" I say to the now unconscious driver, I immediately untangle myself from the metal and sprint to the incoming gun shots

I see Nat and Sam ducking and dodging shots before Nat flies off the side of the bride, I pull out my gun and start shooting the men beside the man

I see the men jump off the bridge and start shooting at a bus near by, I jump off the bride and see Steve using his shield to keep the bullet from hitting him

I run up and toss my gun and replace it with my sword, I put my shield on my back and swing my sword overhead and slash and dice one of the men before stabbing and kicking the other to the side

I slit one of the mens throats before jumping and stabbing the other in the chest with my sword, I feel a shot hit my leg causing me to groan in pain, i tuck and roll before racing where Steve is running too

"You ok" Steve yells and I brush him off

"I'll be fine" I say and I look over to see Natasha holding her shoulder as she ducks for cover, I immediately sprint faster and jump onto a car before leaping off and kicking the metal man in his head causing him to fall off the car he was standing on

He jumps up and Steve goes to hit him with his shield but misses and the guy punches him, I jump in and start going hand to hand combat with him before he kicks me in the gut causing me to fly back into a car, I look over to see Natasha struggling and I race over to her

"Here...take my jacket and make a tourniquet out of it" I say as I take my swords off my back then my jacket

"What! You'll be exposed..I'll be fine" She argues and I sigh and wrap the jacket around her shoulder

"I don't care, you will bleed out soon if I don't do this....just lay low" I say besides putting my swords back on and jumping from behind the car to see Steve being chocked by the guy

I immediately kick him hard causing Steve to land on the ground, Steve manages to get up and hit the metal man with the shield in his super arm as I flip him over causing the mask to fall off as the man lands on his feet

His back faces us as he stares off but soon he turns his face towards us and my heart sinks

"Bucky" Steve and I say at the same time

"Who the hell is Bucky" Bucky says before going to shoot but suddenly Steve and I are knocked out of the way by Sam on his Falcon wings

I groan and look up at Bucky in shock as the flashbacks to his death come back in my head, the day I felt the most guilt over in my life

What happened to him

A/n Welp.....Bucky done gotten fucked up


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