Chapter Twenty-Two: Haunting

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Harley's POV

I sit in the back as I listen to Natasha and Steve talk, I listen intently as Natasha talks about Steve and them being friends

We pull up to a fenced gate with a stop sign, I look around a bit before getting out with Steve and Natasha following suit

I walk up to the gate and see a sign that I recognize

Camp Lehigh

"Great to be back here" I say sarcastically causing Natasha to look at me

"You've been here" She asks and I look to Steve who looks away from us and around the facilities were at

"Yea....not really going to go into it" I say before kicking the gate in and walking through

"We were trained here" Steve says causing me to sigh as I try not to remember the memories, I look around till I spot the woods Peggy and I went to all the time

"Catch me if you can Harley" Young Peggy yells as she runs from Harley who's causing her in her army fatigues

"Oh I will dear, never doubt a soldier" Harley says before grabbing Peggy by her waist and swinging her into her arms bridal style causing the woman to scream and laugh

"I could never ask for someone better to catch me" Peggy says as she cups Harley's face

"And I couldn't ask for a better person to catch" I say with a wide smile before leaning in and kissing Peggy passionately............

"Going down memory lane Harley" Natasha says as she comes towards me, I turn towards her and see she's really close to me

"Something like first love was here....and in those woods is where she...tried to save me" I say sadly before moving out of Natasha's space and looking around

Natasha nods before pulling out a device and walking to a near by ramp

"This is a dead end, zero heat signatures , zero waves not even radio.....whoever wrote the file must have used router to throw people off" Natasha says and I nod

I look over to see a giant structure that strikes me as odd, I look to Steve who is looking at the same thing as me

"Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within 500 yards of the barracks" Steve says as we walk over to the structures spotted

"This building is in the wrong place" I say as I go to the door and rip it open, we walk in and turn the light on to see a Shield logo on the wall and many desks and chairs around

"This is Shield" Natasha says and I nod as I take my shield off my back and walk around the room

"This is where it started" I say as I scope the area for anything noteworthy

"Here...let's check this room out" I say before walking toward the door next to me and opening it to see a bunch of shelves going throughout the room

I look forward and my heart sinks as I see a picture of my father on the wall next to one of Peggy

"There Starks father....and yours Harley" Steve says and I nod as I stare at the picture

"Looking as smug as ever" I say as I let out a laugh

"Who's the girl"Natasha asks and I sigh

"The aforementioned first love....and the reason Steve and I fell apart...Mrs Peggy Carter" I say sadly causing both Steve and Natasha to look at me

"The most brilliant woman I knew" I say proudly, Steve walks away as Natasha looks from him to me

"You say she died" Natasha says curiously and I shake my head before looking to her

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