Chapter Seventeen: The War is over

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No One's POV

The people rejoice as the aircrafts pass and soldiers smiling gleefully as the war is over, the team that saved America do a toast in the bar they frequented

"To the captain....and to Agent Creed" One of the soldiers says sadly as they cheers and drink their drinks in morning for their friends and fellow soldiers
~~~~~~~~~~~time transitions

"Sir" a soldier says, Howard Stark looks over and walk to the man who's looking at something odd, Howard looks too as his eyes widen a bit at the strange glowing cube that lays underneath the water

"Take us to the next grit point" Howard says sadly

"But theirs not trace of wreckage....and the energy signal stops here" The man says

"I don't daughter is near so keep looking" Howard says as he looks beyond the water

my daughter is near so keep looking" Howard says as he looks beyond the water

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Cornel Philips walks over to Peggy with a file about the super soldier project, she looks at it sadly and opens it to a picture halfway showing

She takes it out sadly as she looks at a candid picture of Harley and Steve laughing at something with their arms around each other, Peggy looks away as guilt overtakes her for being the cause of the friendships her knowledge

She smiles as she looks at Harley...the real Harley Creed

the real Harley Creed

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Peggy walks through the quarters that used to be Harley and Steve's as she looks around, she sees all of Harley's old things as well as one of Steve's jackets, she grabs it and wraps it around herself as she walks over to Harley's drawer for a memento

"What the" Peggy says as she grabs a piece of folded papers, she opens it up to see the map of the nazi and Hydra locations as well as a piece of note paper with coordinates, codes and names

Peggy freezes as she looks through it and sees names of men that were killed and the dates attached as well as some government officials names, Peggy quickly takes a shirt of Harley's and walks out of the quarters as soldiers come in to empty it out

She walks further into the same woods she and Harley would spend their time in, she sighs sadly as she remembers running around like children, deep talks, talks about the future and the many nights of making love under the stars

Peggy grabs her lighter out of her pocket and lights the map and list of people killed on fire and let them burn to ash, Peggy sighs deeply before making her way out of the woods

Nick fury walks through the house of the fugitive they have currently being put in a jail cell, he walks through the house as he looks at the picture hanging up and neatly resting on the tables

"Look in every section of this house, I want any evidence you find" Nick fury says, Nick picks up a picture that catches his eye and see a little black boy smilin with a man who is clearly not his biological parent

"Grab every picture and every shred of evidence" Nick yells to his men roaming around the old Stark household

"Harley Creed....daughter of Howard Stark...adoptive daughter that is" Nick says as he takes the photo

Shield agents carefully take the unconscious body into a secured cell and sit the bed down in the middle before walking out and shutting the security doors

Harley let's put a breath as she opens her eyes, she looks around the cell she's in and notices her legs and wrists are chained together

Harley feels panic consume her as breaks through the chains and gets up, before she can react the doors open to reveal someone she does know

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty.....hello Agent Creed" Nick says as he enters through the doors and walks over to Harley

"Who are you...why am I in a am I alive" Harley says as she looks around paranoid

"Your in a prisoner for your crimes against the US..Agent 43" Nick fury says causing Harley's face to drop

"I didn't do it" Harley says immediately causing Nick to laugh

"Your a highly trained and skilled killer....with the super serum running through your well as other are an assassin and we have the proof" Nick says as he holds up pictures of Harley moving throughout Hydra bases

As well as a burnt and charred piece of paper that's in a case, Harley looks at it to see her list of people killed is staring back at her

"And as for who I am....I'm Nick fury....and I'll be seeing a lot of you Agent 43" Nick says before walking out as Harley starts to bang on the glass and yell but he ignores her and walks out with the doors closing behind him

"Sir are you sure that she is equip for this" An Agent says as she follows Nick to his office, Nick pulls out Harley's file and the project file he's planning for

"With her background....she's more than equip....she just needs to prover herself" Nick says, the agent nods and walks out feeling uneasy as Nick looks at both files as his head spins

"She'll be ready" Nick says to himself as he opens her file and looks at Harley's military files as well as a picture of Howard Stark and her as well as the prison photos of Harley's parents

"She'll be ready" Nick says to himself as he opens her file and looks at Harley's military files as well as a picture of Howard Stark and her as well as the prison photos of Harley's parents

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A/n ok awkward cut off but yayyyy I finhsed Captain America first avenger finally and the next chapter is going to be back in the present so yayyyyyyyyy lmao this was draining


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