Chapter Eight: Hydra?

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Harley's POV

I put on a shirt as I watch Peggy and Steve interact with jealousy brewing in my stomach, did that night mean nothing to her

I watch the government officials look at me with glares and annoyed looks but I ignore them as I see my fathers face as he looks at me proudly and I smile at him

I hear a click sound as I look over to Dr.Abraham but before I can react an explosion goes off on the top floor of the lab causing us all to take cover from the shattering glass

I fall over with a groan but so I look around for Dr.Abraham and my father, I get up and see the guy going for the serum

"Stop him" Dr Abraham yells as he goes in front of me, as if in slow motion I see man pull out a gun as he takes the serum and shoot two shots at Dr.Abraham who's standing in front of me

He falls in my arms and I panic immediately as my father looks at us in terror, i try to put pressure on his wounds as the man runs away

I feel Steve come over and I start to feel my tears building up in my eyes as I watch my uncle die in my arms

"Fight....for yourself Harley" Dr.Abraham says, I see him point to Steve's heart before his hand falls limp

I feel myself start to hyperventilate before I scream in agony, I feel my sadness get replaced with anger before running out of the lab and after my uncles killer

"Harley" I hear my father yell after me, I run out to see the guy shooting at the stores and I dodge the bullets before looking and seeing Peggy shooting the car

I see the car derail and crash, i watch the man quickly finds a new car and speeds off, I see him turn around and race towards Peggy at full speed causing me to jump and tackle her out of the way

The guy speeds off and I grab Peggy's gun before running after him, I hear her yell for me but I ignore her and keep running after the guy

I run through alleyways and streets ignoring all the cars that pass, I make it to where I'm behind him again and just as I'm about to jump on a car I see Steve hopping from car to car with me

I follow him and I jump on the back and punch the back window out before climbing in and grabbing the guy by the neck, he starts to swerve as he makes it to an alleyway

"Thought you could get away" I say when suddenly we crash and the car flips over and over again till coming to a stop

The guy punches me and gets out quickly, I kick the door out causing it to fly into the water before I sprint after this guy on foot again

As he runs he grabs a kid and keep going as I dodge the gun shots he fires along the way, Steve runs with me and I watch him turn to me and point the gun to the kids head

"Don't even think about it" I say, he point the gun at me and goes to shoot but the gun is out of ammo

He tosses the kid into the water and runs

"Go after him I got the kid" I say before jumping into the water, I grab the kid and we climb up the ladder

"Go run to your mom kid" I say and he hugs me before running off to where we were before, I see him reunite with his mother who gives me an appreciative smile and I give one back before running to where Steve is

See a submarine taking off causing me to jump in, I swim towards the sub and grab onto one of the posts before punching the glass, I open the hatch and rip him out of the submarine

I toss him on the docs before jumping up myself to see Steve holding the guy down, I move Steve and grab the guy by his neck

"Who the hell are you" I say angrily

"The first of many...cut off one head two more shall take its place, hail hydra" He says as he takes a fake tooth out and bites it, I let him go as he dies from the cyanide pill

I look to Steve who looks just as confused before looking at each other and at ourselves

What the fuck is hydra and what have we become

A/n alright not things are gonna get fucked up from here so be prepared and have fun lol

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A/n alright not things are gonna get fucked up from here so be prepared and have fun lol


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