Chapter Sixteen: Sacrifice

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Harley's POV

I look at Captain America and he's getting up too as we pick up on speed

"Keep it steady" Captain America says

"Wait" Peggy yells, she grabs his arm and leans up before giving him a kiss, I look away as I try to ignore the feeling in my chest

I climb forward and jump as I latch onto the wheels, a latch opens and we make our way inside and see a missile aircraft with  New York written on the side, we see more Hydra troops coming over

"You get them, I'll head towards Schmidt" I say before running off, I climb onto the railing and pull myself up before taking off in the direction where Schmidt may be, I find the entrance and bust the door down as I walk in

"I see you've used your abilities for good....what a shame" Schmidt says and I chuckle

"What a shame it is" I say before I lift up the blaster to shoot him

"Too bad you were looking for another kill while your friend is probably plummeting down to the ground" He says, my eyes widen as I lower the blaster and he glances back at me

"You would have been great at would have made your parents proud.....your birth parents that is" He says, I glare at him but then I see an aircraft come in front of us

"That little shit" Schmidt says as he tries to fire at the aircraft but he misses, I walk over to Schmidt and put the gun to his head

"What do you know know about my parents" I say angrily as I grab his jaw and crane his neck and dig the gun in his head, I see him smirk as he ignore my question

"Tell me" I yell but he stays silent, I hear footsteps and causing me to look but when I do, Schmidt knocks me in the head causing me to fall

I look up and see Cap walking in, I go to warn him but Schmidt and his start going at it, I get up and try to control the aircraft but suddenly I'm knocked into the panel causing me to go forward

I feel the aircraft start to dive and I stir it back on course as Captain America and Schmidt fight

I get up and I see Cap throw his shield and it hits the panel in the middle of the room causing it to admit this blue electric light

"What have you done" Schmidt says as he grabs a blue glowing cube, suddenly it starts firing blue electric be as everywhere and starts to tear Schmidt apart

"Nooo" I yell as I go to take it but Cap holds me back

I watch as Schmidt starts to disintegrate, I shield my face from the light as he disappears into thin air

"Nooo....fuck" I say as I run over to the cube

"Why are you upset, he's the enemy" Cap says and I groan as I kick something across the aircraft

"He knew some information I needed to know" I say, Cap picks his shield up before taking control of the aircraft

I look down and see we're heading straight for New York and I connect us to the military base

"Captain Rogers, coming you hear me" Cap says

"Steve, Harley are you alright" Peggy says

"Schmidt's dead" Cap says as he tries to find a way to redirect us since there's missiles on the aircraft

"What about the aircraft" Peggy says, I sigh as Cap looks at me then back to the control panel

"That's..a little hard to explain" I say sadly, I try to find a way to get out of this situation but to no avail as I feel where this is going

It's a life or death mission....we die or the people of New York do

"Tell us your coordinate, we can find you a safe landing" Peggy says worriedly

"There's not going to be a safe landing but I can try and force it down" Cap says causing me to sigh as I feel feeling of incoming death wash over me

"I'll get Howard on the line...he'll know what to do" Peggy stutters, I feel a tear come down my face as I think of my father

"There not enough time, this thing is moving too fast and it's head straight for New York " Cap says sadly as he tries to keep his focus

"We're going to have to crash in the water" I say

"Pl-please don't do this w-we have time, we can work it out" Peggy says and I can tell she's about to cry, I feel tear coming up too as I watch us get closer to the water

"Right now we're in the middle of nowhere, if I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die" Cap says

"Peggy......this is my choice" Cap says

"And I stand by him......we have no other choice" I say sadly, I watch as Steve puts his picture of Peggy in the panel and i take out my locket

I open it to see a picture of Peggy and I as well as a picture of my father and I when I was a baby, Steve leads us down to the water and I tuck my locket tight to my chest

"Peggy" Cap and I say sadly as we stare ahead

"I'm here" She says sadly

"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance" Cap says

"Peggy......I will always have love for you in my heart....l..I'm sorry this time in the world couldn't accept us, I'll always dream of us in our special place" I say after a bit of silence and I can hear her crying in the other end of the call

"Tell my father.....Mr. Howard Stark.....I love him dearly" I say as I watch us come closer and closer to the ice approaching

"Steve....a week next Saturday at the stork club" Peggy replies to Steve

"Harley.........I love you dearly....and I will tell him you love him...he'd be so proud.....I want us to be at our spot" She says as I feel my tears coming down harder but I keep staring at the ice approaching us

"Don't you dare be late...either of you..understood" She says

"You know I still don't know how to dance" Cap says

"I'll be there my love but I don't want to interfere" I say, I look at Cap who looks at me sadly

"I'll show you how....just be there both of you" She says but Cap and I remain looking at each other with a stone cold look as we both crash and everything goes black

just be there both of you" She says but Cap and I remain looking at each other with a stone cold look as we both crash and everything goes black

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A/n well damn


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