Chapter Twenty-Seven: Calm before the storm

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This is Harley everyone...well basically her^^^

Harley's POV

I walk over to Nat with a smile as I grab a chair nearby

"How you feelin....glad I gave you that wrap before you bled out in the street" I say and Natasha rolls her eyes

"I am too but I don't need you to brag" She says and I chuckle

"Just happy I did it, that's all.....can't lose you too" I say and she looks at me and I can see genuine emotion in her she feels something, I need that more often

"Thank you" She says and I just smile and kiss her forehead as I get up, she looks up at my tall stature and I look down at her

"No need to thank me.....I'd do it in a heartbeat" I say before walking over to Nick, Steve and Hill with Sam and Nat coming over soon after

"What y'all talkin about" I say as I sit in Nick desk, Nick looks at me like I've lost my mind but doesn't attempt to move me at all

"We're talking about this man" Nick says as he shows me a picture, I frown as I vaguely remember this guy

"Didn't he a Nobel peace prize of some shit and then declined it" I say and Nick nods

"He said that peace wasn't an was a responsibility....see it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues"Nick says and I nod

"We have to stop the launch" Natasha says and I nod

"Yea I mean....this whole thing could mean...devastation" I say as I look at Nick and Agent Hill

"I don't think the council is accepting my calls anymore" Nick says before opening a briefcase next to me, I move over so Sam and Nat can see it before frowning

"What's that' Sam asks

"Once the helicarriers reached 3000 feet...they'll try to triangulate with insight satellites becoming fully weaponized" Agent Hill says as she shows us a diagram on one of the laptops

"Well ain't that some shit" I say causing Sam to chuckle a little

"We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blade with our own" Nick explains and I nod

"Sounds easy enough...but uh...just has one monkey wrench in the mix" I say as I lean over as look at the laptop

"One or two won't cut it, we need to link all three carriers to work because if even one of those ships remains operational....a whole lot of people are gonna die" Agent hill explains and I sigh

"We have to assume anyone in those carriers is Hydra...but to get pass them and search these server blades then maybe just maybe we can salvage what's left-

"We're not salvaging anything....we're not just taking down the carriers..we're taking down Shield" Steve chimes in and I sigh

"Shield had nothing to do with thi-

"You gave me this mission...this is how it ends....Shields been compromised and you said so yourself...Hydra was right under your nose and nobody noticed" Steve says as I look between him and Nick

"Why do you think we're meeting in this cave...I noticed" Nick says and I nod

"How many payed the price before you did" Steve says and I scoff

"Steve you do realize that people, will die right....this is war zone shit and theirs will be causalities in this.....the price doesn't matter at this point...what matters is that we take them down and fix things later" I argue and he looks at me confused

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