Chapter Nine: Suspicious Activity

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Harley's POV

I sit in the the infirmary as they finish taking my blood, I look to Peggy who looks away from me and I look down and fix my sleeve

"You got enough" Steve says as he moves his sleeve back down

"Any hope of reproducing the program is locked both of your genetic codes, but without Dr. Abraham it'll take years" Peggy says as Steve and I walk next to her

"He deserved more than this" I say, I look to Peggy who looks through the files

"If it  could only work once...he be proud it was both of you" She says, Steve nods and walks away and I go to do the same but Peggy grabs my arm

"And do you mind telling me what your connection is to Mr.Stark and Dr.Abraham, don't think I didn't catch the emotional eye contact and glances" She says and I sigh as I look down to the lab, I see the Cornel talking things and I can't help but to be skeptical

"That is something I can't tell time I hope I can" I say, Peggy sighs and gives me a disappointed look

"I thought we never kept secrets" She says sadly

"I thought we were exclusive" I say, she scoffs and I just walk away with her behind me, I listen as they talk about Hydra

"We are taking the fight to Hydra, pack your bags Agent Carter, you two Stark" Cornel Philips says

"Sir if your going after Schmidt I want in" Steve says

"I follow that request" I say causing him to chuckle at me

"You both are an experiment, your going back to where you were" He says dismissively

"The serum worked Cornel...we are quipped for this mission" I say and he turns to me scoffs

"I asked for an army and I got a scrawny kid and......someone I thought was a man....but is just as unacceptable" he says before walking off

I clench my jaw as I look to Steve

"With all due respect to the Cornel Steve, I think we may be missing that point, I've seen you in action Steve and more importantly so has the country has seen it" The governor says to Steve as he asks for a paper

I frown in confusion as I look between Peggy and the governor

"Sir I was the one who took off after the man and saved the child" I say confused as I look at the news paper that has only Steve on it, the governor turns to me as Steve goes to speak and looks me up and down

"We need a symbol of this country...and you are not what this country needs" He says causing my heart to crack, I look to my father who's ready to cuss this man out but holds back

I see Steve look at me as the man pulls him to talk, I look to Peggy who looks at me with a sympathetic look but I just nod and swallow my pride as I feel my emotions changing

I look up and see the Governor looking at me up and down as he passes causing me to frown my eyebrows, was he...studying me

Maybe my father was right about the military.....but something seems fishy with this guy

I watch Steve do his propaganda show with fury in my eyes, suddenly the tv is shut off causing me to look up and see Peggy

"Watching this isn't going to make you feel better" She says causing me to sigh as I stand up and go to my drawer to look for a book to read

"Then what will...I'm sitting here not fighting for my country...a country I'm slowly figuring out hates me and Steve is parading around as America's puppet" I say

"I can think of ways to cheer you up" Peggy says in a sultry voice as she comes closer and wraps her arms around my waist from behind

"How" I say cluelessly as I turn around in her arms

"Just trust me" She says before pulling me to my bed and laying me on top of her, my eyes widen and I see what's happening here

"Peggy are you sure....we've only been on three dates" I say as she kisses my neck and I start to melt under her touch

"I'm sure......but I must be honest with you" She says as she pulls away from my neck

"What is it Peggy" I say confused, I watch as she sighs and sits us up while I do the same and wait for her to speak

"I fell things for you Harley that I have not felt before....but I have feelings toward Steve that I can not ignore" She says causing my face to fall...I knew it

"So your confused" I say sadly as I look away, I feel her grab my face and move it so I'm facing her again

"I am....but that doesn't mean that I won't see where this goes with you....I just can not give you my everything until I am sure...even then we have to be secretive for our safety" She says and I nod as I look into her eyes and detect no lies in them

"Do you still want to sleep together" Peggy asks, to answer question I cup her face and pull her into a passionate kiss, the kiss starts to get heated and I lay us back on my bed as we pour our feelings into our actions

~~~~~~~~~~~time transitions start now

I watch as Steve start to get along with the other men on base, I walk around alone and work out alone as well as practice some combat tricks I learn from the book I'm reading
I feel myself get pushed to the ground and I get up quickly and push them causing them to fall and spit racial slurs at me and I spit some back

I look to Steve who stands there and says nothing causing me to shake my head at him and walk away, I see Peggy who smiles at me and  I smile back before walking off before Cornel can see us

I turn around but I see Steve walking up to her and openly flirting with her, I look away  and walk away to my quarters and just do push ups and read for hours till I hear a knock

I see Peggy come in and I smile as she comes over and kisses me before taking her heels off and I massage her feet as we talk about our day

We carry on with our routine with a mix of love making
"I think I'm falling for you" I say causing Peggy to smile and kiss me passionately as she lays against my bare chest
I watch as Peggy laugh as she's on the phone and I just continue following orders as I do my push ups, we finish and I walk back to my quarters and see the tv with Steve doing that stupid punch thing they make him to hitler" on stage
I keep walking and as I keep walking i pass the Cornels tent, I hear him speaking and I decide to listen in

"I have a plan for the kid....she's not supposed to be here yet I have to accept it and she's close with our lead technician.....we'll get me that information about her background on Harley's parents by tomorrow Governor, she's already curious" He says before hanging up, I run to my quarters as I try not to be caught snooping

He's talking about my...birth parents....I knew that Governor was suspicious

A/n ok welll yeeeeeeeeee


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