Chapter Thirty-Six: Real Talk

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Long chapter

Harley's POV

I sigh as Natasha and I run out with Clint on a stretcher, I look over at her nervously as we lead him to the infirmary

"What has been done already Captain" A nurse asks as we get to a room and they start doing prep work

"No stitches yet but I stopped the bleeding and did minimal cleaning of his wound, but he has a 5th degree burn from hell, skin needs cream, ointment and to be bandaged up" I start as the nurses look at me curiously with some giving me flirty looks

"There's a cut in his stomach as well that isn't stitch up but cleaned, double check everything and patch him up as you see fit" I finish explaining

"Thank you Captain" The nurses say in unions in with some saying in a flirty way, I just nod and walk out with Natasha grabbing my arm as we do

"You know you didn't have to direct them" Natasha says with a slight laugh

"I'm a captain now...I wanna assert authority" I say with a cocky smirk as we stand outside the room

"So you telling me...that were gonna talk later was you asserting authority?" She says sarcastically and I smirk as I put my hands on her hips and pull her closer

"No our relationship..there is no authority..well...only in the bedroom there is" I say in a low voice causing Nat to giggle and pat my chest

"Stop we're at work" She says shyly as I run my hand up and down her back, the edge of my fingertips moving closer to her ass

"I know...and I don't care..they can't fire me...I'm a captain" I say causing us both to laugh as we embrace each other

"Love birds...I don't think Clint wants to watch you both make out outside of his room...someone get him and my sister some water....alright, look alive, JARVIS it's playtime" Tony says as he walks by with Bruce walking past him and us

I see him awkwardly look up at Natasha and i before quickly looking down, I glare towards him and watch him walk away but Natasha grabs my face and pulls my gaze back to her

"Stop.....I was just checking on him" She says and I roll my eyes

"I'm not glaring because of what you did....he just seems a little...too happy to be talking to you" I say as I look in the direction Bruce went too

"Oh? So I'm not enjoyable to be around" Natasha says jokingly and I chuckle

"You are...just don't like when other men think they can have what's mine" I say and Natasha smirks before kissing my cheek and getting out of my embrace

"We will talk later" I say as she walks back into Clint's room

"Yes we will" She says more seriously this time and I nod before walking over to where Tony is as he does his work

I look at everything briefly before walking out of the area

I keep walking around the floors of the tower just in awe, I work here...willingly and boss to make me feel like shit either

"You a Captain you need to do things that Captain's do" Steve says and I sigh

"I know but Agent Hill doesn't like when I tell her what to do" I say and Steve laughs a bit

"Well not many people like being told what to do...but that's the fun part about the kinda gotta force them too' He says causing us to laugh a bit

"You's nice working together again....but uh I haven't asked" Steve starts as he adjusts on the railing next to us

"How are you doing with....the information on your parents i mean I didn't know anything and.....I just.....what's going through your head" He asks and I sigh and lower my head causing Steve to put his hand on my shoulder

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