Chapter Thrity-Five: Team Bonding

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Harley's POV

I listen to Tony as he's now inside the building, I run with Steve and kill one of the soldiers outside

"We're locked down out here" Nat says and I sigh

"Good..then get to Banner, time for a lullaby...and be safe baby" I say in it the ear piece, I smile a bit as I run with Steve

"It's so cool I get to give orders....this is really fun...can I order someone to get me some frozen yogurt" I say excitedly as Steve and I keep fighting guards outside

"You are obsessed with frozen yogurt" Steve says in a chuckle as he kicks a guy off the side of the building

"It's so good...just come with me one time" I beg as I dig my claws into one of the soliders

"Fine but only if you stop complaining about wearing a bulletproof vest" Steve asks as we stop causing me roll my eyes and groan in response

"Yea Harley you do realize that you were shot 15 times a year ago" Tony chimes in and I huff

"That was a year ago...I'm fine now plus...this shit is so bulky and it's not gonna stop me from dying" I complain

Just as Steve goes to speak, a solider shoots at us and Steve blocks himself with his shield and the bullet hits me in the stomach but it doesn't hurt as much thanks to my vest

I take one of my throwing knifes and flick it at the solider, catching him in between the eyes, he falls flat in his back and I look to Steve who's giving me a knowing look

"Not gonna stop you from dying huh" He says sarcastically and I roll my eyes before running ahead and taking my knife from the man's head on the way

Steve and I make it up and I claw a solider running towards us in the chest before tossing him in forwards and walking near some stairs where our big bad is running up

"Baron Strucker" Steve says intimidatingly

"You know...your name kinda rhymes with something...trucker....knucker...oh and fucker" I say causing Steve to flick my ear

"Your hydra's number one thug" Steve says as she walks around Strucker but I remain in my spot

"Technically, I'm a thug for Shield" Baron says and I roll my eyes

"Well technically you're unemployed...where's Loki's septar" I say sternly causing Baron to look between Steve and I

"Don't worry I know when I'm'll mention how I cooperated, I hope" Strucker says and I feel eyes on me from behind

I look behind me and see glowing red eyes in the dark

"Steve" I say worriedly but he ignores me

"I'll put it right under illegal human many are there" Steve says but just as he does

A short woman dressed in red approaches and before I can react she blast us with some sort of red force with her hands only

Sending Steve and I down the stairs nearby, I quickly catch myself and run up the stairs to see her shut the metal door in front of her

"We have a second enhanced, female, do not engage" I say as Steve walks up beside me

"You'll have to be faster than-

Steve cuts him off before stomping on his shield and kicking the middle as it flies up, Strucker groans in pain as the shield hits him hard in the face

"You need to teach me that move" I say before looking at an unconscious Strucker

"How you doin little brother" I say into the ear piece

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