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Ch 𝟹𝟺:Two Wrongs____

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Ch 𝟹𝟺:
Two Wrongs

Aijah's Doctor's Office

"Are we gonna keep sitting here or...?" Aijah waved her hand around irritably as she sat in the passenger's seat of Rell's Porsche. They were parked outside of Aijah's doctor's office for her first ultrasound and they'd been sitting in silence for five minutes now.

Rell sat staring ahead, clearly lost in thought. Aijah didn't wanna piss him off by urging him on, but sitting here like he was mute was starting to piss her off.

"I talked to my momma yesterday." He finally spoke.

Aijah's eyebrows shot up, "You told her about the... baby?"

So far, her pregnancy was still just between the two of them, no one else. Mainly because they were still trying to figure out how parenting was going to work out since they aren't even together. They didn't wanna go around telling everyone they were having a baby without having a plan. It was already bad enough they were having a baby without even being together.

Rell shook his head, his eyes still trained ahead of him. "Nah. I just asked her hypothetically, like if she and my pops weren't together when they had me, what she would've done." He glanced over at AJ to make sure she was listening before looking back. "Basically she said if she could go back in time, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place without having a ring on her finger first. But she summed it up with saying to make sure she and my dad knew their place as parents and to understand that when a child is invovled, your relationship gets put on a back burner."

Aijah fought the frown that threatened to form on her face. Having a child out of a relationship, let alone before marriage, wasn't part of her life plan at all. But shit happens. Rell's talk with his mother confirmed to Aijah what she was fearing all along — that their plans to build and "work" on their relationship would disappear as soon as there was a baby in the picture.

Aijah cleared her throat and swallowed down her tears, "So um, what— how do you feel about that?"

Rell twisted his mouth to the side before saying, "I don't think it's impossible for us to work on our relationship while we get ready to be parents. We have nine months to get ready for this baby, and forever to work on us. You know me, Aijah. I don't mind waiting however long it's gon' take for you to be ready to be in a relationship with me. It's about this baby for right now." That statement brought a smile to her lips. "I just hope this baby isn't gonna set us back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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