chapter 15.

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015 — loyality

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015 — loyality.


Yeeun acted as if nothing had happened. She was still cuddled to Jungwon, and Jiwon together with Jungmi were boiling from rage. Poor Jake had to calm his girlfriend down as she was squeezing his hand tightly, pouring out all the regrets and anger out loud while resting her head on his shoulder.


Jay was giving me a reassuring smile, and I tried to ignore Yeeun with her gaze full of triumph and superiority. But I couldn't ignore Jungwon's piercing gaze. He observed me from head to foot. It made me feel embarrassed so I nervously fiddled with the sleeves of my hoodie.


The bonfire lasted until the very morning. As the first rays of sunlight appeared in the sky, everyone was already back from their huntings. Everyone was tired, but surely satisfied. I was glad that I could take part in something so important to the rest.


"I hate this bitch," Jiwon groaned while setting herself on her bed, "How can my brother not see that she is just using him!" after these words, her breathing immediately slowed down, and she plunged into a deep sleep.


Monday came really fast. Too fast. It started again a week full of studying, people screaming in the corridors, and teachers complaining that we are not prepared for classes and final exams. The only consolation was that it was already plesantly warm outside, so we could spend our breaks outside, and not in the crowded canteen.


People still weren't used to the fact that popular and handsome students were hanging out with Jiwon and me, so most of the time they stared at us with their intrusive eyes. It was very tiring, and already starting to exhaust me.


The sun was shining brightly and very pleasantly that day. I was sitting with Jiwon under a large tree in the school's garden. The girl (of course) bought us a huge mug of hot chocolate, into which (of course) she poured all the additives. It wasn't surprising except that I started to liking it a lot.


"See? You fit our family perfectly." she laughed when she saw with what appetite I drunk the contents of the cup.

✓  the second half. | 정원Where stories live. Discover now