Dumbledores defeat

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Sunday – 14thof January – Ministry –10:15 AM

"The trial of Albus Dumbledore will now begin." I smirked and watched as a struggling Dumbledore was forced into the trial seat once again. "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you are accused of Murder, attempt murder, controlling minors and attacking an Heir to multiple Ancient and Noble Houses." A man said. "How do you plead?" The man continued. Dumbledore gave a quick glare to me before answering.

"Not guilty." Dumbledore said with a bit of anger. The people around on the stands looked confused and angry for and at Dumbledore.

"Alright." The man paused and signaled for someone to come in. Tonks walked towards Dumbledore but was quickly stopped by Moody who was at the end of the walkway of where Tonks had come from.

"I'm pretty sure where having proper Veritaserum, not very weak truth serum." Moody quickly stunned Tonks and Remus gasped with tears in his eyes. Sirius patted Remus's back and gave a sad and angry look at his stunned cousin.

"Good thing I have a bottle of Veritaserum on me then." Madam Bones said from in the Ministers Seat. She pulled out the bottle of Veritaserum and handed it to the man that was doing her job at the moment. "Continue with the trial." She said and leaned back with a smirk on her face. The man then forced Dumbledore's mouth open and dropped three drops of Veritaserum in his mouth.

"What is your full name?" The man asked. Dumbledore replied slowly and with blank eyes.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Dumbledore said emotionlessly. The man nodded his head.

"How many siblings do you have or has?" The man continued.

"I had two sibling and now have one." Dumbledore continued in the emotionless voice with a blank face.

"The Veritaserum seems to be working, let the questioning begin." The man said. Madam Bones nodded her head for the trial to begin. "Did you murder the Greengrass family and the Zabini family?" The man asked.

"Yes." Dumbledore said simply. The crowd gasped in shock and started shouting at Dumbledore in anger, sadness and shock.

"Did you have any help with murdering the two families?" The man asked, narrowing his eyes at Dumbledore.

"Yes. I had Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody help me with killing the two families." People gasped and started yelling, sobbing and struggling to get to Dumbledore to beat the shit out of him. The Aurors immediately surrounded Moody and Moody put up his hands in surrender. Moody glared at Dumbledore with suspicion and confusion.

"SILENCE!" Madam Bones yelled out. People quieted within seconds. "Please continue, Parker." Parker nodded his head and turned back to Dumbledore.

"Did these people do it willingly?" Parker asked with a glance to Moody.

"Kingsley and Tonks did it willingly. I had to trick Moody into taking a potion to get him to help me. Now whenever I say the trigger word, he will immediately be devoted to me and do whatever I say." People gasped in shock and looked at Moody with pity. Moody was glaring at Dumbledore with anger and betrayal.

"What is this potion called, who brewed it and have you given this potion to anyone else?" Parker asked. People waited in silence for what Dumbledore was about to say.

"It is called the draught of loyalty and devotion, it was brewed by Severus Snape and I have given it to Severus Snape, Alastor Moody, Vernon Dursley, Minerva McGonagall and Arabella Figg." Dumbledore said. People gasped in shock.

"Please have these people but Vernon Dursley rounded up and put into a cell until we have the antidote, if there is an antidote." Madam Bones said and nodded for Parker to continue.

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