Chapter 1

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Full warning
I've never wrote a book-like story before so sorry if this isn't the greatest. Once I get the hang of it, it should hopefully be better😅
This story contains adult language, violence, sexual activity, and more. If you do not think you can handle said content, you have been warned.
Thank you.


A startled, half awake Jisung sat up in his bed after hearing such loud bangs erupting from his bedroom door.

"HANNIE WAKE UPPP! FATHER WANTS TO SEE US IN HIS OFFICE!" A muffled, deep voice yelled from the other side of the door, causing Jisung to grown and tiredly remove his blankets from his body. Jisung sat up, taking a moment before standing up and walking towards the door. He opened the door to see a freckled boy standing in front of him.

"Felix, why couldn't you have just called me or something?" Jisung said, rubbing the remaining tiredness from his eyes.

"I did, but you didn't answer after me calling like five times, so I ran over here to wake you up and, well, here we are!" Felix said plastering a playful smile on his face.

"When does father want to see us?" Jisung stated with a raspy voice.

"He said as soon as you have washed up and dressed well. Apparently you are getting a new body guard." Felix said, gesturing his hands along with his words.

"One, why do I have to dress up nice, and two, remind me why I'm getting a new bodyguard again?" Han said as he walked into his bedroom, signaling for Felix to follow him inside.

"I think father thinks you'll like him and he'll like you so he wants you to dress your best to make an impression probably hoping that you guys will hit it off and get together. Also your getting a new bodyguard because father found out that your last one liked you but you didn't like him or something so he fired him because, I'm guessing, he wants you to be happy and have someone who you like and would want to spend the rest of your life with because father is one weird person." Felix rambled while smiling as he closed the bedroom door behind him, only letting his fast spoken words be caught partly by Jisung who was gathering his clothing and a towel to wash up.

"Felix you talk to fast." Jisung simply said.

"Did you catch any of that?" Felix said embarrassed, scratching his neck and looked toward the ground.

"Ummm... I caught, father thinks I'll like the new bodyguard, make an impression, hit it off, and father is a weird person." Jisung said, walking into his bathroom and turning on the shower.

"Good enough." Felix said while pouting lightly and sitting down onto Jisung's bed. "HEY! I have a question!" Felix said excitedly, immediately jumping up off of Jisung's bed and rushing over to lean on the bathroom door frame.

"Yes Lix?" Han sighed out.

"Do you think I could make Changbin Hyung like me? I mean like I don't know if he does already or not but I really like him and he's super sweet and strong and-" Felix was able to quickly get out those words before he was interrupted by a shirtless Jisung grabbing onto his shoulders and lightly pushing him out of the door frame.

"Lix, I think you are a little to hyper about Bin. And like you said, who knows if he likes you or not. It might just be difficult for him, IF HE LIKES YOU, because of the fact that your a Prince and he's just an archer." Han said, pushing Felix back toward his bed and pushing his shoulders down lightly to make Felix sit.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now