Chapter 26

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"Jisung you can let go now, we found them." Minho said, tilting his head back, slightly angered.

"Sorry, but I wasn't going to let go till we found them because I have no fucking idea what's going on!" Jisung spoke out as fast as a roadrunner.

"What's happening?" Salem said as she turned around with her arms crossed, hearing Jisung's voice behind herself.

"Jisung shocked me." Minho said sarcastically, rubbing his wrists to relieve the pain Jisung caused him.

"Like, literally shocked you, or figuratively?" Salem questioned.

"Literally." Moxxie interrupted.

"Oh good, your speaking again after 20 minutes of trying to find everyone!" Jisung screeched.

"How did Sung shock you?" Felix questioned, appearing from behind Salem.

"He kissed me, and I got shocked." Minho explained with no emotion, going back to his slightly cold demeanor.

"YOU GUYS KISSED!?" Felix yelled out.

"SHUT UP FELIX! I don't need the whole kingdom knowing that!" Jisung yelled.

"Okay, hold on. Please, Jisung. Explain what happened." Salem said calmly.

"Okay so basically you all left, me and Min were talking about him remembering me kissing him before we lost out brain cells, how I sit on my ledge in my room when I'm not feeling good, and how Moxxie sits with me, then we started talking about how pretty the fireworks are, then I was staring at Min and I may or may not have said he was pretty like a prince, and then one thing lex to another and I kissed him, and then when I pulled away, he told me I shocked him." Jisung said, arms flaying, eyes wide.

"That's cute." Felix said with heart eyes.

"Shut up Felix." Salem and Jisung said in unison.

"Okay, so Sungie baby, remember when I told you I had to tell you something before we left?" Salem asked.

"Yeah." Jisung said quietly.

"Well I can't say a whole lot, but I can say, you past spirit was very powerful, and she had the abilities of a witch, and, others. She told me to help you figure out your abilities, since her coming forward had officially activated your power, along with you, Minho. That shock was very possibly the first sign of your abilities. Which means, now you have to attend the witch classes, and so does Minho, but if you both don't want to, we can do private lessons together, if you'd like."

"Okay, to much information at once, I need a second." Jisung said, walking away with Moxxie still in his arms.

"May I go down please sweetie?" Moxxie asked as she looks up at sweetly at Jisung.

"Yeah, sorry." Jisung said, setting her down softly.

"Should I go talk to him?" Minho said quietly to Salem.

"Probably." She simply responded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Moxxie asked softly.

"I mean, yes, but no at the same time. Honestly I just want to sit by a tree and let everything sink in while I watch the fireworks." Jisung responded.

"We'll no one we said you-" Moxxie got out seconds before she got interrupted.

"JISUNG!" Minho yelled out as he ran up to Moxxie and Jisung.

"You should talk to him." Moxxie spoke.

"I know." Jisung said. "But I don't know what to say."

"Don't worry about that. Just talk, and listen." Moxxie said before she began walking away with her tiny cat legs.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked when he reached Jisung.

"I hate that question."

"So do I, but I really want to make sure your okay."

"Well, right now, simply no. I'm not okay because what I thought would never happen to me is finally happening to me, and now that it is, my brain can process it properly, and all I want to do is drown in my sorrows."

"I would say something reassuring, but i honestly feel the same way as you. Yes, I've always wanted to know what it was like, but now that I do, I question so many more things than I ever did. I wonder why the universe chose me, and why it had to be this way. The only good part of it was meeting an amazing person like you. Ever since these damn spirits entered us, I've had this obnoxious ringing in my ears and it is starting to drive me crazy. If I would have known it would be like this, I don't think I'd ask for it."


"Yes, ringing. Like when you turn on an old TV and you hear that static sound."

"So, and this is so funny, it's happening to me too."

"Wh- okay, so we've both had many more thing than we can count happen since these people decided, hey let's go inside them, what could possibly happen."

"Our body's shutting down, that's what. Thanks spirits!"

The boys laugh together.

"Can we watch the fireworks and please stop talking about this for right now? Just- worry about it tomorrow?"

"Of course we can."

"Okay I know you wanted to watch the fireworks and not talk but I need to say something. I-"


"But Jisung I-"

"Please be quite."

"Jisung I can't just not tell you what I'm thinking!"

I know what your thinking and I don't want to talk about it!"

"So, you don't want to talk about the kiss? You don't want to talk about us and the shit we've been going through!?"

"I don't mind talking about the kiss but I sure as hell don't want to talk about the witch shit and the bitch inside me! She has made my life so much more confusing than it was!" Jisung yelled out as he stood up.

"DO YOU THINK I DONT KNOW THAT!?" Minho yelled back as he followed suit. "This damn fucker literally made me burn from the inside out because Salem told me him name! He's a dick! At least your person was kind enough to tell Salem about you! My person hasn't done shit! And you think that your the only one suffering with it!?"

Jisung scoffed, "Your right, your not the only one. But at least you wanted to live this life since you were little. I didn't." Jisung explained before he walked off.

"Jisung wait!"

"Forget it. It's done and over with." Jisung said as he continued to walk away.

"Fuck." Minho mumbled to himself.

[A/N]: hey y'all. So the ending of this took a different turn than I expected, BUT it was a turn that I had planned.

Don't be mad at me for making them fight. It's all part of my evil plan😈

Okay bye.😂

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