Chapter 28 •part 1•

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"Wait, you mean literally?" Salem asked as she shifted her body to face Jisung.

"Yes. But to an extent. They know what we are thinking, for starters, and if they choose to, they can talk back to us, and let's just say, right when I passed out, I got scolded by Hope before I began dreaming about her life with Marcel." Jisung explained.

"Okay, this is news to me. I didn't think something like that was possible."

"It wouldn't be if me and Minho didn't activate our... abilities?"

"So, can they hear us talk?" Minho asked.

"It's interesting, actually. They can hear us when we talk about them, like, every time, and if they feel certain emotions, like sadness or anger for example, they can tap in and try to figure out the reason for themselves."

"Did Hope tell you all of this?" Salem wondered.

"Yes, before she turned the subject around and started yelling at me."

"Did she tell you anything else?"

"She told me she caused the centralized earthquake that made me see the book that told me about her and Marcel." Jisung explained with a smile.

"So she made this mess?"

"Yup! She told me that the best way for her to talk to me without draining both her being and mine was to find a true reason to have me, sleep? I suppose. So, she caused the shaking, made the book fall, along with other items so that I wasn't extra confused, and then while I was in shock from finding out, she used that opportunity to basically put a sleep spell on me, which she didn't teach me. Thanks a lot Hope."

"Sorry, but not really." Jisung heard in his mind.

"So can you talk to her whenever now? Or do you have to be sleeping?" Minho asked to clear up his own confusion, not knowing that Salem was seconds away from asking the same.

"Yes, but, no? I don't know."

"Tell them that we can see each other when your asleep." Jisung heard.

"She told me to tell you that we can see each other when I am asleep, but when I am awake, I can only hear her like a faint echo."

"So, can Marcel do the same with Minho?" Salem wondered.

"She said he can, but not as easily as she can. Due to him being a warlock, it takes more power to do it with Min. Hope can do it due to her witch abilities and the fact that she can cast spells, compared to Marcel who would need certain help for certain things."

"So, let's say I tried to talk to Marcel. Would he be able to at least hear me?" Minho asked.

"Hope says yes, but be careful because he can get annoyed if talked to to often. Especially when he cannot talk back. It may take more time for him to be able to talk back. Hope says that most likely, once you begin to gain more control of your abilities, it will become easier for him, since he'll be able to draw from you."

"Okay, I have a question. Well... two. One, can Hope show herself like she did earlier? Can she talk through you?" Salem questioned.

"Umm... So, she said yes, but there is a big but."

"Okay. What is it?" Asked Salem.

"My consciousness will be, unable, let's say. I'll be asleep, practically. But for it to work without me going fully unconscious afterwards, I'd need to also work on my abilities."

"Okay, next question."


"Will they be inside of you two till you die?"

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now