Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm not going to lie to y'all...
I'm so confused bro!
I honestly had an idea of where this might go, but now my brain has writer's block really bad.
I don't know how I want to write this.
Ik my bbf (bad bitch friend) reads this so BITCH please help give me direction😭✋
Anygays! Love ya. Enjoy. 사랑해요!🥹💙

(P.S. for non-Korean speaking or reading readers, including me but I can at least read Korean lettering, 사랑해요 (saranghaeyo) is I love you!😅)

As Jisung and Minho walk through the halls to Jisung's room, is was eerily silent. Both boys kept a good distance and kept their eyes on the ground and in front of them. They both were thinking the same thing though. "I should break the silence..." And so they did.

"So wha-" both boys spoke at the same time, as if they would break the silence with the same question. Both boys giggled quietly and smiled to themselves as they looked at the ground.

"You can go first." Minho said once he caught his exposure.

"No no! You first!" Jisung said, looking up at Minho and gesturing for the older to speak.

"I um- I kind of forgot what I was going to ask. So please, you may go first."

"Okay. Well I was going to ask, what are you going to do once you settle in? Like, what's the first thing on your list?"

"Hmm... I don't know! Probably get acquainted with the other residents here. I've always tried to be a friendly person, even if I look a little mean on the outside."

"You don't look mean! You remind me of a bunny actually! Especially when you smile!"

"I- I do?"

"Mm-hm! It's cute! Trust me people will like you, especially the girls here. They all have interestingly creepy soft spots for men who remind them of animals. A lot of the girls say I remind them of a squirrel..."

"Why a squirrel?"

"Oh well, when I eat, I kinda have a habit of storing the food in my cheeks, and they say that when I do that, it reminds them of when a squirrel stores nuts in their cheeks."
(A/N: activate dirty mind song. Also true fact for baby stays who might not know that.)

"Ah okay! Well I have a question!"


"So since you brought up creepy soft spots, what is your type in a partner? I mean everyone has one, right?" Minho's silly remark about the soft spot received a cute laugh from Jisung, making Minho's heart flutter.

"I suppose your right about everyone having a type. Honestly Min, I've never really seen someone I've found great interest in, so I don't really know for sure." Jisung looks at Minho's features for a moment before speaking again.

"If I had to say what I'd like, it would probably be someone who is kind and not afraid to protect the ones they love, someone who is willing to risk it to be with the one they love and make that person happy, even if it might break their very own heart. I'd like someone who would take care of their partner when they're sick or hurt, someone who take the time to just sit and be patient. Even if that person was cold looking on the outside and to others, it wouldn't matter to me because I would know who they truly are." Jisung finished, stopping at a random door and turning towards Minho.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now