Chapter 27

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As Jisung sat on his bed, he pondered what was really happening between him and his "soulmate".

We're they really meant to be? Or was it just being pushed into their minds due to their past lives?

Did they really love one another? Or was that because of the same reason?

He didn't know the answer. And frankly, I'm that moment, he didn't wish to. All he felt like doing was crying. The confusion was all to much for him. More than he's ever had to handle.

As Jisung laid on his bed, hands locked together on his stomach, he felt a wetness run down his temple. Unfazed by it, he sat up, not bothering to wipe away the tears as he stood up and walked into his bathroom, turning on the light, his hands landing on the sink. Jisung closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before looking at himself in the mirror. He just stared, wishing to know the real face behind his mask, and as if the universe heard him, he saw a glimpse of something, but, not exactly what he was asking for.

In Jisung's mind, he wanted to see the girl he once was before. To see who he changed from, and why his consciousness couldn't have been hers, and hers, his. To his dismay, he got part of his asking. A glimpse of the girl, as fast as lightning. So fast, it stunned Jisung.

His eyes widened, unsure if his eyes were telling a fib, or if they, for once had chosen his side. He frowned his brows and squinted his eyes as he leaned in closer to the mirror, asking for definitive proof that his eyes didn't play a trick.

"Show me yourself. Show me who you are." Jisung asked aloud in a whisper, hoping for a response.

He stood for a moment, and before giving up, he saw the flash again, but this time, it was longer, as if the girl inside of his body wanted him to know the truth.

"I- I've seen you before. But- where?" Jisung asked once the girl disappeared. When Jisung took his gaze away from himself and removed his hands from the sink, it was as though a earthquake hit, causing items to fall off of shelves and dressers. Jisung huddled between the toilet and the sink, waiting for it to end. What felt like forever was only a couple seconds of earth rattling fear. Once the shaking subsided, Jisung stood, walking into his room to see items all over the place. Jisung wouldn't have been surprised if parts of his ceiling had fallen, but no, only books and decor had fallen. Jisung walked around slowly, picking up small items he walked past, setting them back in their proper places.

As Jisung cleaned the mess caused by what he believed to be the work of Mother Nature her self, he saw the blade Ophelia gave him and Minho laying atop a book. Jisung picked up the book and blade, looking at the gorgeous blade with a small smile on his face. Jisung scoffed, placing the blade on a tall dresser next to him, then he began to examine the book. The cover read, "old folk beings and what to know about them". Jisung opened the book to a random page, and at the top, it read, "the tale of Marcellus Dewmar and Hope Sinclair, the forbidden lovers." As Jisung flipped the page, he saw a photo of a man and woman, standing face to face, hand in hand with smiles lingering on their lips. Jisung flipped the page once more on the left page was the name Marcellus Dewmar, with a picture of a man. He had black hair, blue eyes, and a jawline that could cut. On the left, the name Hope Sinclair could be seen with a picture of a woman with honey brown hair, blue eyes, and the smile of a goddess. And that's when it clicked.

"Your Hope." Jisung said to himself, remembering the face he once saw before him. When the name was said aloud, the book fell from Jisung's hands as his eyes went heavy, his body limp. Before he knew it, he was out cold, laying on the floor, waiting for what came next.

*outside with Salem and Minho*

"What did you do Minho?" Salem asked in a playful yet stern manner.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang