Update to current readers about TPATBG

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~•Author update•~
Don't get made...
Current readers, please give me a moment of you time and read this well needed update.

I am going to re-write this story.
Y'all remember the confusing story line, things not making sense, and information being thrown in your face all at once, one after another after another?

Well, in the new, basically 2.0 version of The Prince and The Bodyguard (now going to be named 'The Prince's Bodyguard), the story line will come slower. Your won't get hit in the face with soulmate things, falling in love right away, because in reality, things just don't happen that way. I want this story to be realistically told.

I apologize a great deal for this, but I promise, this one will be better. If we're being honest, this story wasn't tickling the right happy nerves in my brain, hence why it has been put on a hiatus, and now will be remade.

A writer should ALWAYS feel confident in their stories, and should feel like their readers will actually LOVE the story, but with this one, ESPECIALLY compared to my story, 'Bayton Hills Academy', it just isn't doing as well and isn't giving me the satisfaction that I think as a writer I deserve.

To everyone who has been reading a liking this story and voting for it, even if it's confusing you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the bits and pieces of love you've given it. I hope and prey that you'll stick around and follow me into 'The Prince's Bodyguard', and give it just as much love as you've given this one.

For those who would like to continue reading into the 2.0 version of this story, just- give me a little comment on this section, it can be a heart, a smile emoji, one of those sticker things, or even just a "me" or "hey" so that I know if I should actually go through with making the 2.0 version instead of "wasting" my time on a story that no one will read. I really want to keep writing for y'all because at the end of the day, writing is my passion and I want to share my love for it with you. The stories I create a just a sliver of what goes on in my mind everyday. Just a sliver of the worlds I create, the people I make, and the creatures that evolve.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your time

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