Chapter 16

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The walk to Salem's office was quiet, and full of small glances from both males.

Minho was utterly confused about what Salem needed to tell him and Jisung, while Jisung was nervous about how Minho would react to the new found information. He just arrived at the kingdom just a day ago, and so much has happened. Felix turned into a vampire, Jisung and Minho found out they were apparently past lovers, and now Minho is about to find out that he is a downworlder? It was so difficult for Jisung to process, and he wondered if it would be the same for Minho.

The way Jisung processed the information was to overthink and get extremely anxious. He wanted some form of comfort, but he was afraid of asking Minho, and he could just run off to him room to get the comfort from Moxxie.

Finally the boys arrived at Salem's office. Jisung knocked on the door, waiting about two seconds before the door flew open.

"Oh thank god. I started to panic." Salem said as she made way for the males to enter.

"I can tell. Salem please tell me you certain about this." Jisung stated.

"I am extremely certain. I know I'm right. You know I'm right." Salem said as she closed the door to her office.

"Okay, okay I trust you."

"Okay, come come."  Salem said, leading the boys to an open book on her desk.

"So I was read up on why Moxxie was reacting the way she was, and right here it says that a familiar will react towards warlocks, witches, and a specific group of downworlders as if they were a comfort beacon or support beam. They will show said being what they need most, and if that being is around another person, downworlder or not, they will show what type of connection they will, or do have. So basically, Moxxie rubbing up on Minho would signify that you two are meant to comfort one another and are met to protect each other. Does any of this make sense."

"No." Minho blurted out.

"Shh. Yes it does. You wanna know why?" Jisung said.

"Why!?" Salem exclaimed.

"Because Ophelia just told us we were lovers in our past life and we died in each other's arms and we loved each other like there was no fucking tomorrow!" Jisung yelled.

"SHE SAID WHAT!? WELL THAT CHANGES SO MUCH!" Salem yelled out. She grabbed the book and frantically turned to a different page.

"LOOK!" Salem yelled.

"OH HURRY UP!" Salem yelled again, unhappy with the slow speed of the two males.

"It says right here, a familiar will be able to connect with someone who was a warlock in their past life, especially if they feel the energy of a past lover nearby, but isn't necessary for the familiar to feel the energy, it is just stronger because a past lover shows the strength of a warlock. If that person is a warlock in their current lifespan, they will react to the energy and will rub itself onto the person as away of feeling how strong the warlocks magic is. If the warlocks magic is similar to that of a dying heart beat, it will try everything in its power to help that warlock gain more power. It will not stop until the warlock has full control and has gotten its mark."

"I'm sorry, did you say magic!?" Minho said with confusion in his voice.

"Yes I did Minho." Salem said calmly.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now