Chapter 6

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"I'M SORRY YOU WANT TO DO WHAT NOW!?" Jisung yelled out as he shot up from laying down.

Yes, he indeed was laying down the entire time Minho was talking.

"What's so wrong with that!? And who ever said it had to be long!?"

"No matter how long it is, Minho, it's still a kiss! You do realize that, don't you?"

"Of course I realize it! But don't you want the relationship to be as believable as possible?"

"I guess but come onnnn!" Jisung said as he plopped back down, crossing his arms and pouting like a child once again.

"Oh stop that! It's not a big deal!"

"Yeah it is hyungggg!"

"Oh really!? Why though!?"

"Cuz it would be my first kiss."

"It would be my second, so what?"

"So what? SO WHAT!? ITS MY FIRST KISS BRO!" Jisung screamed out as he "angrily" shot up off of the bed.

"Okay okay I'm sorry! Forgive me?" Minho said as he stood up, walked over to Jisung, placed his hands onto Jisung's waist, looked him in the eyes, and smiled.

"Oooo your aggravating and I just met you! Fine I forgive you. Now let go."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Fine then don't. I don't care. What else do you have planned for of fake relationship?"

"Currently that's it. To be honest, after a kiss I have to take a moment to mentally process and make sure I don't regret anything."


"Ow don't yell like that! I'm literally right here!" Minho said as he slapped one of Jisung's sides.

"Ow don't slap me! That's against protocol."

"Oh it is?" Minho said not knowing if Jisung was joking.

"Yeah it is. Actually, when it comes to guards, they aren't aloud to touch the princes unless they are shielding them from danger or taking them away from danger."

"So what I'm doing is again guard protocol?" Minho said as he slid his hands further back.

"Yup. And so is teasing, which you are also doing."

"How am I teasing?"

"Are you an idiot?"

"Is being rude to your guards against protocol?"

"Nope. We can say whatever, and no one can get butt hurt, unless it's sexist or racist. That is 100% not aloud anywhere at all. If you do that, then your get kicked out of the kingdom, Prince or not."

"You talk about protocol yet you still let me hold you."

"I shall consider you an exception. I bet my father would too."

"Said reason why a kiss is exceptional, right? Because your father would probably be ecstatic?"

"I- I was going to say probably not ecstatic, but let's be honest, that would be a lie. He'd probably be out of this universe."

"Okay then. Do we agree to play it off with 100% will power, kisses included?" Minho said as he finally let go of Jisung and began to walk over to the door.

"Ughhh fine! I guess it wouldn't hurt." Jisung whined before following Minho, who was just about to open the door.

"WAIT A SECOND! Before we leave this room, you have to promise me something!" Jisung said, stopping Minho from opening the door.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦'𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥 || Minsung FFWhere stories live. Discover now